
44 lines
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using Weave
using Test
s1= """
using NonExisting
x =
y = 10
p1 = Weave.parse_doc(s1, "markdown")
doc = Weave.WeaveDoc("dummy1.jmd", p1, Dict())
doc1 = Weave.run(doc, doctype = "pandoc")
@test doc1.chunks[1].output == "Error: ArgumentError: Package Weave does not have NonExisting in its dependencies:\n - If you have Weave checked out for development and have\n added NonExisting as a dependency but haven't updated your primary\n environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.\n - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with Weave.\n\n"
@test doc1.chunks[2].output == "Error: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n"
@test doc1.chunks[3].output == "\njulia> plot(x)\nError: UndefVarError: plot not defined\n\njulia> y = 10\n10\n\njulia> print(y\nError: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n"
doc2 = Weave.run(doc, doctype = "pandoc", throw_errors = true)
catch E
@test typeof(E) == ArgumentError
@test E.msg == "Package Weave does not have NonExisting in its dependencies:\n - If you have Weave checked out for development and have\n added NonExisting as a dependency but haven't updated your primary\n environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.\n - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with Weave.\n"
doc = Weave.WeaveDoc("dummy1.jmd", p1, Dict())
doc3 = Weave.run(doc, doctype = "md2html")
@test doc3.chunks[1].rich_output == "<pre class=\"julia-error\">\nERROR: ArgumentError: Package Weave does not have NonExisting in its dependencies:\n - If you have Weave checked out for development and have\n added NonExisting as a dependency but haven&#39;t updated your primary\n environment&#39;s manifest file, try &#96;Pkg.resolve&#40;&#41;&#96;.\n - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with Weave.\n\n</pre>\n"
@test doc3.chunks[2].rich_output == "<pre class=\"julia-error\">\nERROR: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n</pre>\n"
@test doc3.chunks[3].output == "\njulia> plot(x)\nError: UndefVarError: plot not defined\n\njulia> y = 10\n10\n\njulia> print(y\nError: syntax: incomplete: premature end of input\n"
@test doc3.chunks[3].rich_output == ""