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(uiop:define-package #:ambrevar/shell
(:documentation "Shell-like utilities.")
(:nicknames #:$)
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:use #:trivia)
(:import-from #:serapeum #:export-always))
(in-package #:ambrevar/shell)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(trivial-package-local-nicknames:add-package-local-nickname :alex :alexandria)
(trivial-package-local-nicknames:add-package-local-nickname :sera :serapeum))
2021-01-12 12:36:09 +01:00
(export-always 'date)
(defun date ()
(local-time:format-rfc1123-timestring nil (local-time:now)))
2021-01-12 12:40:57 +01:00
(export-always 'env)
(defun env ()
"Return the environment variables as an alist."
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(str:split "=" line :limit 2))
(str:split (string #\newline) (run* "env"))))
(defun assert-program (program &rest more-programs) ; TODO: Is this useful for a REPL?
(sera:and-let* ((missing-programs
(delete-if #'sera:resolve-executable (cons program more-programs))))
(error "Missing programs: ~{~a~,^, ~}" missing-programs)))
(defvar %magic-cookie-mime-type (magicffi:magic-open '(:symlink :mime-type))
"Internal, persistent cookie for `magicffi' calls.
Benchmark on thousands of files shows that
keeping the same cookie saves about 15% of time.")
(magicffi:magic-load %magic-cookie-mime-type)
(defvar %magic-cookie-mime (magicffi:magic-open '(:symlink :mime))
"See `%magic-cookie-mime-type'. ")
(magicffi:magic-load %magic-cookie-mime)
(defvar %magic-cookie-description (magicffi:magic-open '(:symlink))
"See `%magic-cookie-mime-type'. ")
(magicffi:magic-load %magic-cookie-description)
(export-always 'file-mime-type)
(defun file-mime-type (file)
"Return the FILE MIME type."
(magicffi:magic-file %magic-cookie-mime-type file))
(export-always 'file-mime)
(defun file-mime (file)
"Return a pair of MIME type and MIME encoding for FILE."
(str:split "; "
(magicffi:magic-file %magic-cookie-mime file)))
(export-always 'file-description)
(defun file-description (file)
"Return the FILE description as per the `file' UNIX command."
(magicffi:magic-file %magic-cookie-description file))
(export-always 'file-extension)
(defun file-extension (file)
"Return the file extension.
If none, return the empty string unlike `pathname-type'."
(or (pathname-type file)
(export-always 'file-basename)
(defun file-basename (file)
"Return the file basename (including the extension)."
(apply #'str:concat (pathname-name file)
(sera:and-let* ((ext (file-extension file)))
`("." ,ext))))
(export-always 'match-extensions)
(defun match-extensions (extension &rest more-extensions)
"Return a predicate for files that match on of the provided extensions.
Useful for `finder'."
(lambda (file)
(some (lambda (ext)
(string= ext (pathname-type file)))
(cons extension more-extensions))))
2020-12-11 21:54:47 +01:00
(export-always 'match-name)
(defun match-name (name &rest more-names)
"Return a predicate that matches when one of the names is contained in the
file basename.
Basename includes the extension. Useful for `finder'."
(lambda (file)
(some (lambda (name)
(str:contains? name (file-basename file)))
(cons name more-names))))
(export-always 'match-directory)
(defun match-directory (&key (empty? t) (non-empty? t) (files? t))
"Return a predicate that matches on directories.
If target is a file, return FILES?.
Useful for `walk'."
(lambda (directory)
(if (uiop:directory-exists-p directory)
2020-11-30 12:43:18 +01:00
(let ((files-or-dirs? (or (uiop:directory-files directory)
(uiop:subdirectories directory))))
(or (and empty?
(not files-or-dirs?))
(and non-empty?
(export-always 'match-executable)
(defun match-executable ()
(lambda (file)
(osicat:file-permissions file)
'(:user-exec :group-exec :other-exec))))
(export-always 'match-elf-binary)
(defun match-elf-binary ()
(lambda (file)
(string= "application/x-executable" (file-mime-type file))))
(export-always 'match-elf-library)
(defun match-elf-library ()
(lambda (file)
(ppcre:scan "application/x-sharedlib" (first (file-type file)))))
(export-always '*finder-include-directories*)
(defvar *finder-include-directories* t
"When non-nil `walk' include directories.")
2020-12-26 16:18:38 +01:00
(export-always 'directory-listing) ; TODO: Rename list-directory?
(defun directory-listing (path &key sort?)
"Return entries in PATH.
If SORT?, sort them alphabetically."
;; TODO: Use locale to sort?
(let ((result
(append (uiop:subdirectories path)
(uiop:directory-files path))))
(if sort?
(sort result #'string< :key #'namestring)
(export-always 'walk)
(defun walk (root &rest predicates)
"List files and directories that satisfy all PREDICATES.
Without PREDICATES, list all files."
(let ((result '()))
(uiop:ensure-directory-pathname root)
(constantly t) (constantly t)
(lambda (subdirectory)
(setf result (nconc result
(let ((subfiles (append (if *finder-include-directories* (list subdirectory) nil)
(uiop:directory-files subdirectory))))
(if predicates
(delete-if (lambda (file)
(notany (lambda (pred) (funcall pred file))
(export-always 'finder)
(defun finder (root &rest predicates)
"List files in ROOT that satisfy all PREDICATES.
Without PREDICATES, list all files."
(let ((*finder-include-directories* nil))
(apply #'walk root predicates)))
(export-always 'delete-empty-directory-upward)
(defun delete-empty-directory-upward (directory)
"Delete directory and its parents until non-empty.
Return the first non-deleted directory."
(or (and (ignore-errors (uiop:delete-empty-directory directory))
2020-11-30 12:43:18 +01:00
(uiop:ensure-directory-pathname directory))))
(export-always 'make-directory)
(defun make-directory (path)
"Including parents."
(uiop:ensure-all-directories-exist (list (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname path)))
(defun kill (pids &key (signal 'term) options)
"OPTIONS are PKILL options."
;; TODO: Is it possible to kill a group without pkill, maybe with osicat?
(list (if options "pkill" "kill") (format nil "-~a" signal))
(mapcar #'princ-to-string pids))))
(defun terminate-process-with-group (process-info)
(when (uiop:process-alive-p process-info)
(kill (list (format nil "~a" (osicat-posix:getpgid (uiop:process-info-pid process-info))))
:signal 'term ;TODO: -KILL instead?
:options '("-g"))
(uiop:terminate-process process-info)))
(defvar *process-list* '()
"List of processes started from `run'.")
(export-always 'terminate-dangling-processes)
(defun terminate-dangling-processes ()
(mapc #'terminate-process-with-group *process-list*)
;; TODO: Maybe don't flush the list in case some processes failed to be terminated.
;; Use -KILL to fix this?
(setf *process-list* nil))
(defun %run (command &key (output :stream) (error-output *error-output*))
(assert-program "pkill") ; For `terminate-process-with-group'.
(flet ((cleanup (process-info)
(push process-info *process-list*)
(uiop:wait-process process-info)))
(setf command (if (listp command)
(mapcar #'princ-to-string (alex:flatten command))
;; TODO: Use :stream directly in launch-program and get stream from
;; process-info to avoid repeating the launch-program call.
(match output
(with-output-to-string (out)
(let ((process-info (uiop:launch-program command
:output out
:error-output error-output)))
(cleanup process-info))))))
(let ((process-info (uiop:launch-program command
:output (match out
(t *standard-output*)
(o o))
:error-output error-output)))
(cleanup process-info))))))
(export-always 'run)
(defun run (command &rest args)
"Run arguments in a safe manner.
If on interrupt process gets forked to the background, call
Output is sent to `*standard-output*'.
Arguments are automatically converted to strings with `format'.
Lists are automatically flattened."
(%run (cons command args) :output t))
(export-always 'run*)
(defun run* (command &rest args)
"Same as `run' but return output as a string."
(%run (cons command args)))
(export-always 'sh)
(defun sh (shell-command)
"Like `run' but for shell commands."
(%run shell-command :output t))
(export-always 'sh*)
(defun sh* (shell-command)
"Like `sh' but return output as a string."
(%run shell-command))
2020-11-07 18:27:51 +01:00
(export-always 'disk-usage)
(defun disk-usage (files)
"Return disk usage of FILES in octets.
As a second value, return a list of (FILE SIZE) pairs, biggest file first."
(let ((pairs (mapcar (lambda (f)
(list f (or (trivial-file-size:file-size-in-octets f)
(reduce #'+ (mapcar #'second pairs))
#'> :key #'second))))
(export-always 'tokenize)
(defun tokenize (string)
"Return list of STRING lines, where each line is a list of each word."
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(delete "" (ppcre:split "\\s+" line) :test #'string=))
(str:split (string #\newline) string)))
(export-always 'port-process)
(defun port-process (port)
"Return process PID using PORT, NIL is none.
Return process name as second value."
(sera:and-let* ((ss-line (first
(run* "ss"
(format nil "( dport = :~a or sport = :~a )" port port)))))
(process-desc (first (last ss-line)))
(process-desc-no-prefix (second (str:split ":" process-desc)))
(process-props (first
(str:replace-all "," " " process-desc-no-prefix))))
(process-name (first process-props))
(process-pid-prop (find-if (lambda (prop) (str:starts-with? "PID=" (string prop))) process-props))
(process-pid-string (second (str:split "=" (string process-pid-prop))))
(process-pid (parse-integer process-pid-string)))
(export-always 'checksum)
(defun checksum (file) ; TODO: Use pure CL version.
"Return checksum of FILE."
(first (first (tokenize (run* "sha1sum" file)))))
(export-always 'relative-path)
(defun relative-path (path &optional (parent-directory *default-pathname-defaults*))
"Return PATH relative to PARENT-DIRECTORY.
If PARENT-DIRECTORY is not a parent of PATH, return PATH."
(or (uiop:subpathp (uiop:merge-pathnames* path) ; The `merge-pathnames*' ensure PATH is absolute.
(uiop:ensure-directory-pathname parent-directory))
(export-always 'toggle-interpol-readtable)
(defun toggle-interpol-readtable ()
(if (eq *readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable :interpol-syntax))
(named-readtables:in-readtable :standard)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)))
2020-12-11 20:14:41 +01:00
(export-always 'move-file)
(defun move-file (source destination)
"`rename-file' does not work cross-device, in particular it does not work on
different Btrfs subvolumes."
(uiop:run-program (list "mv"
;; Use native-namestring in case path contains escaped
;; character, like "\\[".
(uiop:native-namestring source)
(uiop:native-namestring destination))))
(defun loopback? (interface)
(or (string= "link/loopback" (first (second interface)))
(string= "lo:" (second (first interface)))))
(defun ipv4 (interface)
(when (string= "inet" (first (third interface)))
(ppcre:regex-replace "/.*" (second (third interface)) "")))
;; TODO: Make class for interfaces? Can iolib / usocket be helpful here?
(defun interfaces (&optional interface)
"Return IP of current INTERFACE.
INTERFACE is a string in the form of `wlp2s0'."
(let* ((raw-list (tokenize (run* "ip" "address" interface))))
(sera:do-splits ((l r) (raw-list (lambda (line)
(ppcre:scan "[0-9]+:" (first line)))))
(sera:and-let* ((split (subseq raw-list (max 0 (1- l)) r)))
(collect split))))))
(defun interfaces-with-ipv4 ()
"Return list of interfaces with ipv4, excluding the loopback."
(remove-if (complement #'ipv4)
(remove-if #'loopback? (interfaces))))
(defun current-interface ()
(first (interfaces-with-ipv4)))
(export-always 'current-ip)
(defun current-ip ()
(ipv4 (current-interface)))