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(require 'patch-sly)
(defun pure-env (&rest preserve-vars)
"Return a pure `env' command as a list of string."
(append '("env" "-i")
(mapcar (lambda (var) (concat var "=" (getenv var)))
(defun ambrevar/delete-lisp-image-dump ()
"Delete SLY current connection image dump.
This dump is expected to be generated by `lisp-repl-core-dumper'."
(let* ((pid (process-id (sly-inferior-process (sly-current-connection))))
(args (alist-get 'args (process-attributes pid)))
(command (car (split-string (alist-get 'args (process-attributes pid))))))
(if (and (string= "image"
(file-name-extension command))
(string= (file-name-directory command)
(expand-file-name "~/.cache/lisp-repl-core-directory/")))
(when (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s?" command))
(let ((delete-by-moving-to-trash nil))
(delete-file command)
(message "%S deleted." command)))
(message "%S is not a Lisp image dump." command))))
(defun ambrevar/sbcl-for-nyxt (&optional refresh) ;; TODO: Run it in a container?
"Fast, pure Guix environment for Nyxt development.
If REFRESH is non-nil, rebuild the environment."
(cl-flet ((mtime (file)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(file-attribute-modification-time (file-attributes file)))))
(let* ((root (expand-file-name "~/.guix-temp-profiles/nyxt/nyxt"))
(guix-def (expand-file-name "~/common-lisp/nyxt/build-scripts/guix.scm"))
(guix-sbcl-def (expand-file-name "~/common-lisp/nyxt/build-scripts/guix-sbcl-for-nyxt.scm"))
(guix-checkout (format "/var/guix/profiles/per-user/%s/current-guix" (user-login-name))))
(when (or refresh
(not (file-exists-p root))
(time-less-p (mtime root) (mtime guix-def))
(time-less-p (mtime root) (mtime guix-sbcl-def))
(time-less-p (mtime root) (mtime guix-checkout)))
(make-directory (file-name-directory root) :parents)
(call-process "guix" nil nil nil "package"
;; May be needed to avoid having to rebuild some packages
;; after the REPL has started.
(concat "--profile=" root)
(concat "--install-from-file=" guix-sbcl-def))
;; Update root mtime in case it's not changed.
;; Can't use `set-file-times' on links.
(call-process "touch" nil nil nil "-h" root))
`((,@(pure-env "PERSONAL")
,(executable-find "bash") "--norc" "--noprofile" "-c"
,(concat (format "source '%s/etc/profile'" root)
" && sbcl"))))))
;; Warning: ,restart-lisp does not take changes into account, the buffer must be re-created.
(setq sly-lisp-implementations
(let ((maybe-core-dumper (when-let ((exec (executable-find "lisp-repl-core-dumper")))
(list exec))))
`((sbcl-ambrevar ("lisp-repl-core-dumper" "-p" "ambrevar" "sbcl"
2021-01-16 01:10:08 +01:00
"--eval" "(in-package :ambrevar/all)"
"--eval" "(named-readtables:in-readtable ambrevar/all:syntax)"))
(sbcl (,@maybe-core-dumper "sbcl"))
(sbcl-failsafe ("sbcl"))
(sbcl-nyxt (lambda () (ambrevar/sbcl-for-nyxt)))
(sbcl-nyxt-refresh (lambda () (ambrevar/sbcl-for-nyxt :refresh)))
;; Simple REPL environment for Nyxt, in case sbcl-nyxt does not work.
(sbcl-nyxt-failsafe ("guix" "environment" "--pure"
"--preserve=^PERSONAL$" ; To find personal config, like engines and bookmarks.
"-l" ,(expand-file-name "~/common-lisp/nyxt/build-scripts/guix.scm")
;; glib is needed to export GIO_EXTRA_MODULES.
"--ad-hoc" "glib" "glib-networking" "gsettings-desktop-schemas"
"gnupg" "--" "sbcl"))
(sbcl-nyxt-site ("guix" "environment" "--pure"
"-m" ,(expand-file-name "~/common-lisp/nyxt-site/guix-manifest.scm")
"--" "sbcl"))
(ccl (,@maybe-core-dumper "ccl"))
(clisp (,@maybe-core-dumper "clisp"))
(ecl ("ecl")))))
(setq sly-connection-update-interval 0.1)
(when (require 'helm nil :noerror)
(with-eval-after-load 'sly-mrepl
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'helm-comint-input-ring)
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "M-s f") 'helm-comint-prompts-all)
(define-key sly-autodoc-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d C-a") 'helm-sly-apropos)
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x c") 'helm-sly-list-connections)))
(when (require 'helm-sly nil :noerror)
(when (require 'evil-collection nil :noerror)
(evil-define-key '(normal insert) helm-sly-connections-map
(kbd "S-<return>") 'helm-sly-run-go-to-repl-other-window))
(defun ambrevar/helm-sly-format-connection (connection buffer)
(let ((fstring "%s%2s %s"))
(format fstring
(if (eq sly-default-connection connection)
" ")
(helm-sly-connection-number connection)
"*$" ""
(replace-regexp-in-string "*sly-mrepl for " "" (buffer-name buffer))))))
(setq helm-sly-connection-formatter #'ambrevar/helm-sly-format-connection)
(add-to-list 'helm-source-names-using-follow "Lisp xrefs"))
(defun ambrevar/sly-insert-double-quotes ()
"Convenient to write list of string, e.g. when writing a shell command line."
(while (sly-inside-string-p)
(insert "\"\"")
(when (and (boundp 'evil-state)
(not (eq evil-state 'insert)))
(call-interactively #'evil-insert)))
2021-01-16 01:10:19 +01:00
(defun ambrevar/sly-insert-pipe ()
"Convenient to write a `:-' pipe."
2021-01-16 01:10:19 +01:00
(while (sly-inside-string-p)
(insert ":-")
2021-01-16 01:10:19 +01:00
(with-eval-after-load 'sly-mrepl
(set-face-attribute 'sly-mrepl-output-face nil :inherit 'default :foreground)
(setq sly-mrepl-history-file-name (expand-file-name "sly-mrepl-history" user-emacs-directory))
;; While `,i RET` is short enough, it's one more key away in Evil insert state:
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "C-c M-p") 'sly-mrepl-set-package)
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "C-c M-o") 'sly-mrepl-clear-repl)
2021-01-16 01:10:19 +01:00
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "S-SPC") 'ambrevar/sly-insert-double-quotes)
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "C-S-SPC") 'ambrevar/sly-insert-pipe))
(defun ambrevar/sly-load-reload-system ()
(if (sly-eval `(slynk-asdf:asdf-system-loaded-p ,(intern (sly-current-package))))
(intern (sly-current-package))))
(define-key lisp-mode-map (kbd "<f6>") 'ambrevar/sly-load-reload-system)
(defun ambrevar/sly-colorize-buffer (str)
"Useful for colorized output like the tests of Prove."
(ansi-color-apply str))
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-output-filter-functions 'ambrevar/sly-colorize-buffer)
(defun ambrevar/indent-and-helm-company (arg)
"Indent then call `helm-company'.
Good substitute for `sly-mrepl-indent-and-complete-symbol'."
(interactive "P")
(indent-for-tab-command arg)
(setq sly-command-switch-to-existing-lisp 'always)
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'ambrevar/init-lispy)
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
(defun ambrevar/do-not-append-space-after-file-completion ()
"This setting is buffer local."
(set (make-local-variable 'comint-completion-addsuffix) '("/" . "")))
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'ambrevar/do-not-append-space-after-file-completion)
;; REVIEW: With Emacs 27 we can:
;; (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style 'emacs)
;; (add-to-list 'completion-styles 'backend)
(when (require 'helm-sly nil 'noerror)
;; (add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'helm-sly-disable-internal-completion)
;; REVIEW: Company completion has the benefit of having annotations.
(when (require 'helm-company nil :noerror)
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook #'company-mode)
(define-key lisp-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'ambrevar/indent-and-helm-company)
(define-key lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-<tab>") 'ambrevar/indent-and-helm-company)
(defun ambrevar/sly-set-keys ()
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "<tab>") 'ambrevar/indent-and-helm-company)
(define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map (kbd "M-<tab>") 'ambrevar/indent-and-helm-company))
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'ambrevar/sly-set-keys)
(add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'company-mode)))
2021-01-13 11:52:46 +01:00
(when (require 'helm-selector nil :noerror)
(require 'init-sly-selector))
;; Prompt customization
;; TODO: Upstream!
(defvar ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time)
(defun ambrevar/sly-status--record ()
(setq ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time (current-time)))
(defun ambrevar/sly-status-formatter (timestamp duration)
"Return the status display for `ambrevar/sly-status'.
TIMESTAMP is the value returned by `current-time' and DURATION is the floating
time the command took to complete in seconds."
(format "#[STATUS] End time %s, duration %.3fs\n"
(format-time-string "%F %T" timestamp)
(defcustom ambrevar/sly-status-min-duration 1
"If a command takes more time than this, display its status with `ambrevar/sly-status'."
:group 'sly
:type 'number)
(defun ambrevar/sly-status (&optional formatter min-duration)
"Termination timestamp and duration of command.
Status is only returned if command duration was longer than
MIN-DURATION \(defaults to `ambrevar/sly-status-min-duration'). FORMATTER
is a function of two arguments, TIMESTAMP and DURATION, that
returns a string."
(if ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time
(let ((duration (time-to-seconds
(time-subtract (current-time) ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time))))
(setq ambrevar/sly-status--last-command-time nil)
(if (> duration (or min-duration
(funcall (or formatter
(advice-add 'sly-mrepl--send-input-sexp :after #'ambrevar/sly-status--record)
(defun ambrevar/sly-prepare-prompt (old-func &rest args) ; TODO: Remove when upstream have merged `sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter'.
(let ((package (nth 0 args))
(new-prompt (format "%s%s\n%s"
(abbreviate-file-name default-directory)
(nth 1 args)))
(error-level (nth 2 args))
(condition (nth 3 args)))
(funcall old-func package new-prompt error-level condition)))
(cl-defun ambrevar/sly-new-prompt (_package
(propertize (ambrevar/sly-status) 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(propertize (abbreviate-file-name default-directory) 'font-lock-face 'diff-added)
2021-01-14 16:59:35 +01:00
(propertize "<" 'font-lock-face 'sly-mrepl-prompt-face)
(propertize (number-to-string entry-idx) 'font-lock-face 'sly-mode-line)
(propertize ":" 'font-lock-face 'sly-mrepl-prompt-face)
(propertize package-nickname 'font-lock-face 'sly-mode-line)
(when (cl-plusp error-level)
(concat (sly-make-action-button
(format "[%d]" error-level)
" "))
(propertize "> " 'font-lock-face 'sly-mrepl-prompt-face)))
(with-eval-after-load 'sly-mrepl
(if (boundp 'sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter)
(setq sly-mrepl-prompt-formatter
(advice-add 'sly-mrepl--insert-prompt :around #'ambrevar/sly-prepare-prompt)))
2021-01-22 21:16:03 +01:00
(defun ambrevar/sly-end-of-prompt-p ()
(and (not (= (point) (point-min)))
(not (get-text-property (point) 'sly-mrepl--prompt))
(get-text-property (1- (point)) 'sly-mrepl--prompt)))
(defun ambrevar/sly-prompt-line-p ()
(or (ambrevar/sly-end-of-prompt-p)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(defun ambrevar/sly-mrepl-previous-prompt ()
"Go to the beginning of the previous REPL prompt."
2021-01-22 21:16:03 +01:00
(cl-flet ((go-back ()
(point) 'sly-mrepl--prompt))))
(if (ambrevar/sly-prompt-line-p)
(unless (ambrevar/sly-end-of-prompt-p)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position)))
(unless (ambrevar/sly-prompt-line-p)
;; We did not end up on a prompt, means we are above the first prompt.
;; Return back.
(defun ambrevar/sly-mrepl-next-prompt ()
"Go to the beginning of the next REPL prompt."
(let ((pos (next-single-char-property-change (line-beginning-position 2)
(goto-char pos)
(if (get-text-property (point) 'sly-mrepl--prompt)
(goto-char (next-single-char-property-change (point)
(advice-add 'sly-mrepl-next-prompt :override #'ambrevar/sly-mrepl-next-prompt)
(advice-add 'sly-mrepl-previous-prompt :override #'ambrevar/sly-mrepl-previous-prompt)
2021-01-22 21:16:22 +01:00
(require 'init-sly-narrow)
(provide 'init-sly)