Luakit: back to default bindings.

Homeinit: Luakit quickmarks.
Ambrevar 2012-10-16 01:11:24 +02:00
parent 1f050abb04
commit 9b48da2968
6 changed files with 7 additions and 649 deletions

View File

@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-- Keybindings --
-- Binding aliases
local key, buf, but = lousy.bind.key, lousy.bind.buf, lousy.bind.but
local cmd, any = lousy.bind.cmd, lousy.bind.any
-- Util aliases
local match, join = string.match, lousy.util.table.join
local strip, split = lousy.util.string.strip, lousy.util.string.split
-- Globals or defaults that are used in binds
local scroll_step = globals.scroll_step or 20
local zoom_step = globals.zoom_step or 0.1
-- Add binds to a mode
function add_binds(mode, binds, before)
assert(binds and type(binds) == "table", "invalid binds table type: " .. type(binds))
mode = type(mode) ~= "table" and {mode} or mode
for _, m in ipairs(mode) do
local mdata = get_mode(m)
if mdata and before then
mdata.binds = join(binds, mdata.binds or {})
elseif mdata then
mdata.binds = mdata.binds or {}
for _, b in ipairs(binds) do table.insert(mdata.binds, b) end
new_mode(m, { binds = binds })
-- Add commands to command mode
function add_cmds(cmds, before)
add_binds("command", cmds, before)
-- Adds the default menu widget bindings to a mode
menu_binds = {
-- Navigate items
key({}, "j", function (w) end),
key({}, "k", function (w) end),
key({}, "Down", function (w) end),
key({}, "Up", function (w) end),
key({}, "Tab", function (w) end),
key({"Shift"}, "Tab", function (w) end),
-- Add binds to special mode "all" which adds its binds to all modes.
add_binds("all", {
key({}, "Escape", "Return to `normal` mode.",
function (w) w:set_mode() end),
key({"Control"}, "[", "Return to `normal` mode.",
function (w) w:set_mode() end),
-- Mouse bindings
but({}, 8, "Go back.",
function (w) w:back() end),
but({}, 9, "Go forward.",
function (w) w:forward() end),
-- Open link in new tab or navigate to selection
but({}, 2, [[Open link under mouse cursor in new tab or navigate to the
contents of `luakit.selection.primary`.]],
function (w, m)
-- Ignore button 2 clicks in form fields
if not m.context.editable then
-- Open hovered uri in new tab
local uri = w.view.hovered_uri
if uri then
w:new_tab(uri, false)
else -- Open selection in current tab
uri = luakit.selection.primary
if uri then w:navigate(w:search_open(uri)) end
-- Open link in new tab when Ctrl-clicked.
but({"Control"}, 1, "Open link under mouse cursor in new tab.",
function (w, m)
local uri = w.view.hovered_uri
if uri then
w:new_tab(uri, false)
-- Zoom binds
but({"Control"}, 4, "Increase text zoom level.",
function (w, m) w:zoom_in() end),
but({"Control"}, 5, "Reduce text zoom level.",
function (w, m) w:zoom_out() end),
-- Horizontal mouse scroll binds
but({"Shift"}, 4, "Scroll left.",
function (w, m) w:scroll{ xrel = -scroll_step } end),
but({"Shift"}, 5, "Scroll right.",
function (w, m) w:scroll{ xrel = scroll_step } end),
add_binds("normal", {
-- Autoparse the `[count]` before a binding and re-call the hit function
-- with the count removed and added to the opts table.
any([[Meta-binding to detect the `^[count]` syntax. The `[count]` is parsed
and stripped from the internal buffer string and the value assigned to
`state.count`. Then `lousy.bind.hit()` is re-called with the modified
buffer string & original modifier state.
#### Example binding
lousy.bind.key({}, "%", function (w, state)
w:scroll{ ypct = state.count }
end, { count = 0 })
This binding demonstrates several concepts. Firstly that you are able to
specify per-binding default values of `count`. In this case if the user
types `"%"` the document will be scrolled vertically to `0%` (the top).
If the user types `"100%"` then the document will be scrolled to `100%`
(the bottom). All without the need to use `lousy.bind.buf` bindings
everywhere and or using a `^(%d*)` pattern prefix on every binding which
would like to make use of the `[count]` syntax.]],
function (w, m)
local count, buf
if m.buffer then
count = string.match(m.buffer, "^(%d+)")
if count then
buf = string.sub(m.buffer, #count + 1, (m.updated_buf and -2) or -1)
local opts = join(m, {count = tonumber(count)})
opts.buffer = (#buf > 0 and buf) or nil
if lousy.bind.hit(w, m.binds, m.mods, m.key, opts) then
return true
return false
key({}, "i", "Enter `insert` mode.",
function (w) w:set_mode("insert") end),
key({}, ":", "Enter `command` mode.",
function (w) w:set_mode("command") end),
-- Scrolling
key({}, "j", "Scroll document down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = scroll_step } end),
key({}, "k", "Scroll document up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = -scroll_step } end),
key({}, "h", "Scroll document left.",
function (w) w:scroll{ xrel = -scroll_step } end),
key({}, "l", "Scroll document right.",
function (w) w:scroll{ xrel = scroll_step } end),
key({}, "Down", "Scroll document down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = scroll_step } end),
key({}, "Up", "Scroll document up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = -scroll_step } end),
key({}, "Left", "Scroll document left.",
function (w) w:scroll{ xrel = -scroll_step } end),
key({}, "Right", "Scroll document right.",
function (w) w:scroll{ xrel = scroll_step } end),
key({}, "^", "Scroll to the absolute left of the document.",
function (w) w:scroll{ x = 0 } end),
key({}, "$", "Scroll to the absolute right of the document.",
function (w) w:scroll{ x = -1 } end),
key({}, "0", "Scroll to the absolute left of the document.",
function (w, m)
if not m.count then w:scroll{ y = 0 } else return false end
key({"Control"}, "e", "Scroll document down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = scroll_step } end),
key({"Control"}, "y", "Scroll document up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ yrel = -scroll_step } end),
key({"Control"}, "d", "Scroll half page down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = 0.5 } end),
key({"Control"}, "u", "Scroll half page up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = -0.5 } end),
key({"Control"}, "f", "Scroll page down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = 1.0 } end),
key({"Control"}, "b", "Scroll page up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = -1.0 } end),
key({}, "space", "Scroll page down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = 1.0 } end),
key({"Shift"}, "space", "Scroll page up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = -1.0 } end),
key({}, "BackSpace", "Scroll page up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = -1.0 } end),
key({}, "Page_Down", "Scroll page down.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = 1.0 } end),
key({}, "Page_Up", "Scroll page up.",
function (w) w:scroll{ ypagerel = -1.0 } end),
key({}, "Home", "Go to the end of the document.",
function (w) w:scroll{ y = 0 } end),
key({}, "End", "Go to the top of the document.",
function (w) w:scroll{ y = -1 } end),
-- Specific scroll
buf("^gg$", "Go to the top of the document.",
function (w, b, m) w:scroll{ ypct = m.count } end, {count=0}),
buf("^G$", "Go to the bottom of the document.",
function (w, b, m) w:scroll{ ypct = m.count } end, {count=100}),
buf("^%%$", "Go to `[count]` percent of the document.",
function (w, b, m) w:scroll{ ypct = m.count } end),
-- Zooming
key({}, "+", "Enlarge text zoom of the current page.",
function (w, m) w:zoom_in(zoom_step * m.count) end, {count=1}),
key({}, "-", "Reduce text zom of the current page.",
function (w, m) w:zoom_out(zoom_step * m.count) end, {count=1}),
key({}, "=", "Reset zoom level.",
function (w, m) w:zoom_set() end),
buf("^z[iI]$", [[Enlarge text zoom of current page with `zi` or `zI` to
reduce full zoom.]],
function (w, b, m)
w:zoom_in(zoom_step * m.count, b == "zI")
end, {count=1}),
buf("^z[oO]$", [[Reduce text zoom of current page with `zo` or `zO` to
reduce full zoom.]],
function (w, b, m)
w:zoom_out(zoom_step * m.count, b == "zO")
end, {count=1}),
-- Zoom reset or specific zoom ([count]zZ for full content zoom)
buf("^z[zZ]$", [[Set current page zoom to `[count]` percent with
`[count]zz`, use `[count]zZ` to set full zoom percent.]],
function (w, b, m)
w:zoom_set(m.count/100, b == "zZ")
end, {count=100}),
-- Fullscreen
key({}, "F11", "Toggle fullscreen mode.",
function (w) = not end),
-- Clipboard
key({}, "p", [[Open a URL based on the current primary selection contents
in the current tab.]],
function (w)
local uri = luakit.selection.primary
if not uri then w:notify("No primary selection...") return end
key({}, "P", [[Open a URL based on the current primary selection contents
in `[count=1]` new tab(s).]],
function (w, m)
local uri = luakit.selection.primary
if not uri then w:notify("No primary selection...") return end
for i = 1, m.count do w:new_tab(w:search_open(uri)) end
end, {count = 1}),
-- Yanking
key({}, "y", "Yank current URI to primary selection.",
function (w)
local uri = string.gsub(w.view.uri or "", " ", "%%20")
luakit.selection.primary = uri
w:notify("Yanked uri: " .. uri)
-- Commands
key({"Control"}, "a", "Increment last number in URL.",
function (w) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(1)) end),
key({"Control"}, "x", "Decrement last number in URL.",
function (w) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(-1)) end),
key({}, "o", "Open one or more URLs.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":open ") end),
key({}, "t", "Open one or more URLs in a new tab.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":tabopen ") end),
key({}, "w", "Open one or more URLs in a new window.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":winopen ") end),
key({}, "O", "Open one or more URLs based on current location.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":open " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
key({}, "T",
"Open one or more URLs based on current location in a new tab.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":tabopen " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
key({}, "W",
"Open one or more URLs based on current locaton in a new window.",
function (w) w:enter_cmd(":winopen " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
-- History
key({}, "H", "Go back in the browser history `[count=1]` items.",
function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
key({}, "L", "Go forward in the browser history `[count=1]` times.",
function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
key({}, "XF86Back", "Go back in the browser history.",
function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
key({}, "XF86Forward", "Go forward in the browser history.",
function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
key({"Control"}, "o", "Go back in the browser history.",
function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end),
key({"Control"}, "i", "Go forward in the browser history.",
function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end),
-- Tab
key({"Control"}, "Page_Up", "Go to previous tab.",
function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
key({"Control"}, "Page_Down", "Go to next tab.",
function (w) w:next_tab() end),
key({"Control"}, "Tab", "Go to next tab.",
function (w) w:next_tab() end),
key({"Shift","Control"}, "Tab", "Go to previous tab.",
function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
buf("^gT$", "Go to previous tab.",
function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
buf("^gt$", "Go to next tab (or `[count]` nth tab).",
function (w, b, m)
if not w:goto_tab(m.count) then w:next_tab() end
end, {count=0}),
buf("^g0$", "Go to first tab.",
function (w) w:goto_tab(1) end),
buf("^g$$", "Go to last tab.",
function (w) w:goto_tab(-1) end),
key({"Control"}, "t", "Open a new tab.",
function (w) w:new_tab(globals.homepage) end),
key({"Control"}, "w", "Close current tab.",
function (w) w:close_tab() end),
key({}, "d", "Close current tab (or `[count]` tabs).",
function (w, m) for i=1,m.count do w:close_tab() end end, {count=1}),
key({}, "<", "Reorder tab left `[count=1]` positions.",
function (w, m)
w.tabs:reorder(w.view, w.tabs:current() - m.count)
end, {count=1}),
key({}, ">", "Reorder tab right `[count=1]` positions.",
function (w, m)
(w.tabs:current() + m.count) % w.tabs:count())
end, {count=1}),
buf("^gH$", "Open homepage in new tab.",
function (w) w:new_tab(globals.homepage) end),
buf("^gh$", "Open homepage.",
function (w) w:navigate(globals.homepage) end),
buf("^gy$", "Duplicate current tab.",
function (w) w:new_tab(w.view.history or "") end),
key({}, "r", "Reload current tab.",
function (w) w:reload() end),
key({}, "R", "Reload current tab (skipping cache).",
function (w) w:reload(true) end),
key({"Control"}, "c", "Stop loading the current tab.",
function (w) w.view:stop() end),
key({"Control", "Shift"}, "R", "Restart luakit (reloading configs).",
function (w) w:restart() end),
-- Window
buf("^ZZ$", "Quit and save the session.",
function (w) w:save_session() w:close_win() end),
buf("^ZQ$", "Quit and don't save the session.",
function (w) w:close_win() end),
-- buf("^D$", "Quit and don't save the session.",
-- function (w) w:close_win() end),
-- Download page.
buf("^D$", function (w, c) w:enter_cmd(":download " .. (w.view.uri or "")) end),
-- Enter passthrough mode
key({"Control"}, "z",
"Enter `passthrough` mode, ignores all luakit keybindings.",
function (w) w:set_mode("passthrough") end),
add_binds("insert", {
key({"Control"}, "z",
"Enter `passthrough` mode, ignores all luakit keybindings.",
function (w) w:set_mode("passthrough") end),
readline_bindings = {
key({"Shift"}, "Insert",
"Insert contents of primary selection at cursor position.",
function (w) w:insert_cmd(luakit.selection.primary) end),
key({"Control"}, "w", "Delete previous word.",
function (w) w:del_word() end),
key({"Control"}, "u", "Delete until beginning of current line.",
function (w) w:del_line() end),
key({"Control"}, "h", "Delete character to the left.",
function (w) w:del_backward_char() end),
key({"Control"}, "d", "Delete character to the right.",
function (w) w:del_forward_char() end),
key({"Control"}, "a", "Move cursor to beginning of current line.",
function (w) w:beg_line() end),
key({"Control"}, "e", "Move cursor to end of current line.",
function (w) w:end_line() end),
key({"Control"}, "f", "Move cursor forward one character.",
function (w) w:forward_char() end),
key({"Control"}, "b", "Move cursor backward one character.",
function (w) w:backward_char() end),
key({"Mod1"}, "f", "Move cursor forward one word.",
function (w) w:forward_word() end),
key({"Mod1"}, "b", "Move cursor backward one word.",
function (w) w:backward_word() end),
add_binds({"command", "search"}, readline_bindings)
-- Switching tabs with Mod1+{1,2,3,...}
mod1binds = {}
for i=1,10 do
key({"Mod1"}, tostring(i % 10), "Jump to tab at index "..i..".",
function (w) w.tabs:switch(i) end))
add_binds("normal", mod1binds)
-- Command bindings which are matched in the "command" mode from text
-- entered into the input bar.
[[Detect bang syntax in `:command!` and recursively calls
`lousy.bind.match_cmd(..)` removing the bang from the command string
and setting `bang = true` in the bind opts table.]],
function (w, cmd, opts)
local cmd, args = string.match(cmd, "^(%S+)!+(.*)")
if cmd then
opts = join(opts, { bang = true })
return lousy.bind.match_cmd(w, opts.binds, cmd .. args, opts)
cmd("c[lose]", "Close current tab.",
function (w) w:close_tab() end),
cmd("print", "Print current page.",
function (w) w.view:eval_js("print()") end),
cmd("stop", "Stop loading.",
function (w) w.view:stop() end),
cmd("reload", "Reload page",
function (w) w:reload() end),
cmd("restart", "Restart browser (reload config files).",
function (w) w:restart() end),
cmd("write", "Save current session.",
function (w) w:save_session() end),
cmd("noh[lsearch]", "Clear search highlighting.",
function (w) w:clear_search() end),
cmd("back", "Go back in the browser history `[count=1]` items.",
function (w, a) w:back(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
cmd("f[orward]", "Go forward in the browser history `[count=1]` items.",
function (w, a) w:forward(tonumber(a) or 1) end),
cmd("inc[rease]", "Increment last number in URL.",
function (w, a) w:navigate(w:inc_uri(tonumber(a) or 1)) end),
cmd("o[pen]", "Open one or more URLs.",
function (w, a) w:navigate(w:search_open(a)) end),
cmd("t[abopen]", "Open one or more URLs in a new tab.",
function (w, a) w:new_tab(w:search_open(a)) end),
cmd("w[inopen]", "Open one or more URLs in a new window.",
function (w, a){w:search_open(a)} end),
cmd({"javascript", "js"}, "Evaluate JavaScript snippet.",
function (w, a) w.view:eval_js(a) end),
-- Tab manipulation commands
cmd("tab", "Execute command and open result in new tab.",
function (w, a) w:new_tab() w:run_cmd(":" .. a) end),
cmd("tabd[o]", "Execute command in each tab.",
function (w, a) w:each_tab(function (v) w:run_cmd(":" .. a) end) end),
cmd("tabdu[plicate]", "Duplicate current tab.",
function (w) w:new_tab(w.view.history) end),
cmd("tabfir[st]", "Switch to first tab.",
function (w) w:goto_tab(1) end),
cmd("tabl[ast]", "Switch to last tab.",
function (w) w:goto_tab(-1) end),
cmd("tabn[ext]", "Switch to the next tab.",
function (w) w:next_tab() end),
cmd("tabp[revious]", "Switch to the previous tab.",
function (w) w:prev_tab() end),
cmd("q[uit]", "Close the current window.",
function (w, a, o) w:close_win(o.bang) end),
cmd({"viewsource", "vs"}, "View the source code of the current document.",
function (w, a, o) w:toggle_source(not o.bang and true or nil) end),
cmd({"wqall", "wq"}, "Save the session and quit.",
function (w, a, o) w:save_session() w:close_win(o.bang) end),
cmd("lua", "Evaluate Lua snippet.", function (w, a)
if a then
local ret = assert(
loadstring("return function(w) return "..a.." end"))()(w)
if ret then print(ret) end
cmd("dump", "Dump current tabs html to file.",
function (w, a)
local fname = string.gsub(, '[^%w%.%-]', '_')..'.html' -- sanitize filename
local file = a or luakit.save_file("Save file",, xdg.download_dir or '.', fname)
if file then
local fd = assert(, "w"), "failed to open: " .. file)
local html = assert(w.view:eval_js("document.documentElement.outerHTML"), "Unable to get HTML")
assert(fd:write(html), "unable to save html")
w:notify("Dumped HTML to: " .. file)
-- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80

View File

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ wget \
## Bookmarks ## Bookmarks
ln -s "${SOURCEDIR}/BOOKMARKS/bookmarks.db" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/luakit/bookmarks.db" ln -s "${SOURCEDIR}/BOOKMARKS/bookmarks.db" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/luakit/bookmarks.db"
ln -s "${SOURCEDIR}/BOOKMARKS/quickmarks" "$XDG_DATA_HOME/luakit/quickmarks"
echo echo

View File

@ -5,12 +5,9 @@ emacs-mediawiki-bzr
emacs-yasnippet emacs-yasnippet
firefox-extension-video-downloadhelper firefox-extension-video-downloadhelper
fortune-mod-tbbt fortune-mod-tbbt
google-talkplugin google-talkplugin
libpng12 libpng12
movgrab movgrab
mutt-android-patch mutt-android-patch
package-query package-query
pacman-color pacman-color

View File

@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ fbv
feh feh
file file
filesystem filesystem
findutils findutils
firefox firefox
firefox-extension-video-downloadhelper firefox-extension-video-downloadhelper
@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ flashplugin
flex flex
fortune-mod fortune-mod
fortune-mod-tbbt fortune-mod-tbbt
gaupol gaupol
gawk gawk
gcc-multilib gcc-multilib
@ -125,13 +123,11 @@ man-db
man-pages man-pages
mdadm mdadm
mediainfo mediainfo
mkvtoolnix-cli mkvtoolnix-cli
mkvtoolnix-gtk mkvtoolnix-gtk
movgrab movgrab
mpg123 mpg123
mplayer2 mplayer2
mtools mtools
mutt-android-patch mutt-android-patch
namcap namcap
@ -141,7 +137,6 @@ ncdu
netcfg netcfg
net-tools net-tools
ngrep ngrep
ntfs-3g ntfs-3g
ntfsprogs ntfsprogs
numlockx numlockx
@ -215,7 +210,6 @@ util-linux
valgrind valgrind
vi vi
vicious vicious
vlock vlock
w3m w3m
wget wget

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ apr
apr-util apr-util
archlinux-keyring archlinux-keyring
arch-wiki-lite arch-wiki-lite
aspell aspell
aspell-en aspell-en
aspell-fr aspell-fr
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ ccrypt
cdparanoia cdparanoia
cdrtools cdrtools
chrpath chrpath
cloog cloog
cmus cmus
colord colord
@ -71,10 +69,7 @@ diffutils
dirmngr dirmngr
djvulibre djvulibre
dnssec-anchors dnssec-anchors
dosfstools dosfstools
e2fsprogs e2fsprogs
elfutils elfutils
emacs-lua-mode emacs-lua-mode
@ -83,17 +78,13 @@ enca
enchant enchant
eventlog eventlog
expat expat
faad2 faad2
fakeroot fakeroot
fbv fbv
feh feh
ffmpeg ffmpeg
file file
filesystem filesystem
findutils findutils
firefox firefox
fixesproto fixesproto
@ -136,12 +127,13 @@ glib2
glibc glibc
glibmm glibmm
glib-networking glib-networking
glproto glu
gmp gmp
gnumeric gnumeric
gnupg gnupg
gnuplot gnuplot
gnutls gnutls
goffice goffice
gpgme gpgme
gpm gpm
@ -152,11 +144,7 @@ gsfonts
gsl gsl
gsm gsm
gstreamer0.10 gstreamer0.10
gstreamer0.10-base gstreamer0.10-base
gstreamer0.10-ugly gstreamer0.10-ugly
gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins
gtk2 gtk2
@ -169,7 +157,6 @@ gzip
handbrake handbrake
hdparm hdparm
heirloom-mailx heirloom-mailx
hicolor-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme
highlight highlight
hplip hplip
@ -194,6 +181,7 @@ iproute2
iptables iptables
iputils iputils
isl isl
jack jack
jasper jasper
jfsutils jfsutils
@ -221,18 +209,14 @@ libatasmart
libbluray libbluray
libcaca libcaca
libcap libcap
libcddb libcddb
libcdio libcdio
libcroco libcroco
libcups libcups
libdaemon libdaemon
libdatrie libdatrie
libdca libdca
libdrm libdrm
libdvdcss libdvdcss
libdvdnav libdvdnav
libdvdread libdvdread
@ -251,7 +235,6 @@ libgee
libgl libgl
libglade libglade
libglapi libglapi
libgpg-error libgpg-error
libgphoto2 libgphoto2
libgsf libgsf
@ -266,22 +249,16 @@ libjpeg-turbo
libksba libksba
libldap libldap
liblqr liblqr
libltdl libltdl
libmad libmad
libmatroska libmatroska
libmediainfo libmediainfo
libmms libmms
libmng libmng
libmpc libmpc
libmpeg2 libmpeg2
libnl libnl
libnotify libnotify
libogg libogg
libpcap libpcap
libpciaccess libpciaccess
@ -289,8 +266,6 @@ libpipeline
libpng libpng
libproxy libproxy
libpulse libpulse
librsvg librsvg
libsamplerate libsamplerate
libsasl libsasl
@ -315,7 +290,6 @@ libva
libvdpau libvdpau
libvorbis libvorbis
libvpx libvpx
libwebkit libwebkit
libwmf libwmf
libx11 libx11
@ -374,10 +348,7 @@ man-pages
mcpp mcpp
mdadm mdadm
mediainfo mediainfo
mime-types mime-types
mkinitcpio mkinitcpio
mkinitcpio-busybox mkinitcpio-busybox
mkvtoolnix-cli mkvtoolnix-cli
@ -388,7 +359,6 @@ mpg123
mplayer2 mplayer2
mtdev mtdev
mtools mtools
namcap namcap
nano nano
nawk nawk
@ -400,7 +370,6 @@ net-snmp
nettle nettle
net-tools net-tools
ngrep ngrep
nspr nspr
nss nss
ntfs-3g ntfs-3g
@ -410,7 +379,6 @@ opencore-amr
openjpeg openjpeg
openssh openssh
openssl openssl
orc orc
oss oss
p11-kit p11-kit
@ -430,9 +398,6 @@ pcre
perl perl
perl-digest-sha1 perl-digest-sha1
perl-error perl-error
pinentry pinentry
pixman pixman
pkg-config pkg-config
@ -453,6 +418,7 @@ pth
pwgen pwgen
pyalpm pyalpm
pygobject2-devel pygobject2-devel
pygtk pygtk
python python
python2 python2
@ -460,13 +426,14 @@ python2-cairo
python2-dbus python2-dbus
python2-distribute python2-distribute
python2-gobject2 python2-gobject2
python-dbus-common python-dbus-common
python-notify python-notify
python-pyelftools python-pyelftools
qpdf qpdf
randrproto randrproto
ranger ranger
readline readline
recode recode
recordproto recordproto
@ -487,8 +454,6 @@ shadow
shared-color-profiles shared-color-profiles
shared-mime-info shared-mime-info
slock slock
speex speex
splint splint
sqlite sqlite
@ -505,12 +470,10 @@ systemd
sysvbanner sysvbanner
sysvinit sysvinit
sysvinit-tools sysvinit-tools
tar tar
task task
tcc tcc
tcsh tcsh
texi2html texi2html
texinfo texinfo
tig tig
@ -536,13 +499,10 @@ valgrind
vi vi
vicious vicious
videoproto videoproto
vlock vlock
w3m w3m
wget wget
which which
wipe wipe
wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant
wv wv
@ -566,7 +526,6 @@ xfsprogs
xineramaproto xineramaproto
xkeyboard-config xkeyboard-config
xmlrpc-c xmlrpc-c
xorg-bdftopcf xorg-bdftopcf
xorg-fonts-alias xorg-fonts-alias
xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-encodings

View File

@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".homeinit")
## Luakit ## Luakit
FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".config/luakit/rc.lua") FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".config/luakit/rc.lua")
FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".config/luakit/binds.lua")
FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".config/luakit/globals.lua") FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".config/luakit/globals.lua")
FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".luakit_bookmarks_converter.lua") FILELIST=(${FILELIST[*]} ".luakit_bookmarks_converter.lua")