Shell: xinf function.

Emacs: minor fixes.
Ambrevar 2013-01-08 16:58:05 +01:00
parent 965d59c3d8
commit dd0af41191
3 changed files with 104 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -125,14 +125,11 @@
;; I find the default tex-mode and AucTeX quiet disappointing. I'm using custom
;; functions for everything.
;; To use GnuPlot we need to allow external application to be called from TeX.
;; WARNING: the "--shell-escape" option is a potential security issue.
(defvar tex-my-compiler "pdftex"
"This is the name of the executable called upon TeX compilations.
Examples: pdftex, pdflatex, xetex, xelatex, luatex, lualatex...")
(defvar tex-my-compiler-options "-file-line-error-style -halt-on-error"
(defvar tex-my-compiler-options "-file-line-error-style -halt-on-error"
"The options to the tex compiler. Options are set between the
compiler name and the file name.
@ -141,13 +138,14 @@ Interresting options:
* -file-line-error-style: change the style of error report to
display file name and line first.
* -halt-on-error will disable interactive mode.
* -halt-on-error: will disable interactive mode.
* -interaction <mode>: like -halt-on-error, you can set the way
the compilers behave on errors. Possible values for <mode> are
'batchmode', 'errorstopmode', 'nonstopmode' and 'scrollmode'.
* -shell
* -shell-escape: allow the use of \write18{<external command>}
from within TeX documents. This is a potential security issue.
You may use file local variable for convenience:
@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ You may use file local variable for convenience:
Note that -shell-escape can also be toggled with universal
(defvar tex-my-startcommands ""
(defvar tex-my-startcommands ""
"You can call a TeX compiler upon a string instead of a file.
This is actually useful if you want to customize your
@ -181,7 +179,16 @@ variable, e.g. on the first line:
(defun tex-my-compile ()
"Use compile to process your TeX-based document."
"Use compile to process your TeX-based document. Use a prefix
argument to call the compiler along the '-shell-escape'
option. This will enable the use of '\write18{<external
command>}' from within TeX documents, which need to
allow external application to be called from TeX.
This may be useful for some features like GnuPlot support with TikZ.
WARNING: the -shell-escape option is a potential security issue."
((string= "latex-mode" major-mode) (setq tex-my-compiler "pdflatex"))

View File

@ -48,27 +48,6 @@ alias grep='grep --color=auto'
## Bad idea because you cannot toggle '-f' option anymore.
# alias cp="cp -i"
## Emacs
## For the systemd unit, write the following file:
## /etc/systemd/system/emacs@.service
# [Unit]
# Description=Emacs: the extensible, self-documenting text editor
# [Service]
# Type=forking
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/emacs --daemon
# ExecStop=/usr/bin/emacsclient --eval "(progn (setq kill-emacs-hook 'nil) (kill-emacs))"
# Restart=always
# User=%i
# [Install]
if [ -n "$(command -v emacs)" ]; then
alias em='emacsclient -a "" -t'
alias emacs-reload="emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' >/dev/null 2>&1; emacs --daemon"
# alias emacs-reload="sudo systemctl restart emacs@$USER"
# List desktop applications.
[ -d /usr/share/applications ] && XDG_APPS=($XDG_APPS /usr/share/applications)
[ -d /usr/local/share/applications ] && XDG_APPS=($XDG_APPS /usr/local/share/applications)
@ -113,6 +92,29 @@ alias xmorphsw='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\<connected\>" | cut -f1 -d" ")
alias xmorphzo='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\<connected\>" | cut -f1 -d" ") --scale 1.2x1.2'
alias xmorphzi='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\<connected\>" | cut -f1 -d" ") --scale 0.8x0.8'
## Emacs
## For the systemd unit, write the following file:
## /etc/systemd/system/emacs@.service
# [Unit]
# Description=Emacs: the extensible, self-documenting text editor
# [Service]
# Type=forking
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/emacs --daemon
# ExecStop=/usr/bin/emacsclient --eval "(progn (setq kill-emacs-hook 'nil) (kill-emacs))"
# Restart=always
# User=%i
# [Install]
if [ -n "$(command -v emacs)" ]; then
alias em='emacsclient -a "" -t'
alias emacs-reload="emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' >/dev/null 2>&1; emacs --daemon"
# alias emacs-reload="sudo systemctl restart emacs@$USER"
## Zsh power aliases

View File

@ -755,6 +755,71 @@ lsofstat()
## Executable info
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Give an executable in PATH as parameter."
local xpath="$(type $1 | cut -d' ' -f3)"
ls -l "$xpath"
file "$xpath" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -b 2-
## This function will try to find an input binary file in the content of binary
## files in current folder.
if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Please provide a valid single file as argument."
## Must be a folder.
if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ -d "$2" ]; then
## The awk command suppresses first column, spaces and line breaks.
local SOURCE=$(od -tx8 "$1" | awk '($1="")1 gsub ( /\s/,"") { printf ("%s", $0) }')
## This special, not well-known syntax allows us to execute a set of
## functions upon the result of find. Since everything MUST be between
## simple quotes, we cannot use external variables directly. So we pass the
## $SOURCE variable as argument. The underscore at the end allows the use of
## arguments.
find "$WORKDIR" -type f -exec bash -c '
FILEDUMP=$(od -tx8 "$1" | awk '"'"'($1="")1 gsub ( /\s/,"") { printf ("%s", $0) }'"'"')
grep -q "$2" <(echo $FILEDUMP)
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$1"
' _ {} "$SOURCE" \;
## Xrandr
xmulti ()
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Wrong number of argument."
xrandr --output "$1" --auto --right-of $(xrandr | sed -n "/current/{n;p;q}" | cut -f1 -d" ")
xmultioff ()
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Wrong number of argument."
xrandr --output "$1" --off
## Format C using 'indent'. Alternative to indent: astyle, uncrustify.
@ -837,63 +902,11 @@ formatc()
# sed -i 's:\(//.*[^\.]\)$:\1\.:g' "$FILE"
## This function will try to find an input binary file in the content of binary
## files in current folder.
if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Please provide a valid single file as argument."
## Must be a folder.
if [ $# -eq 2 ] && [ -d "$2" ]; then
## The awk command suppresses first column, spaces and line breaks.
local SOURCE=$(od -tx8 "$1" | awk '($1="")1 gsub ( /\s/,"") { printf ("%s", $0) }')
## This special, not well-known syntax allows us to execute a set of
## functions upon the result of find. Since everything MUST be between
## simple quotes, we cannot use external variables directly. So we pass the
## $SOURCE variable as argument. The underscore at the end allows the use of
## arguments.
find "$WORKDIR" -type f -exec bash -c '
FILEDUMP=$(od -tx8 "$1" | awk '"'"'($1="")1 gsub ( /\s/,"") { printf ("%s", $0) }'"'"')
grep -q "$2" <(echo $FILEDUMP)
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$1"
' _ {} "$SOURCE" \;
## Xrandr
xmulti ()
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Wrong number of argument."
xrandr --output "$1" --auto --right-of $(xrandr | sed -n "/current/{n;p;q}" | cut -f1 -d" ")
xmultioff ()
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Wrong number of argument."
xrandr --output "$1" --off
## Pacman Functions
[ -n "$(command -v pacman)" ] && . "${SHELL_DIR}/funs_pacman"
[ -n "$(command -v pacman)" ] && . "${SHELL_DIR}/funs_pacman"
## FreeBSD Functions