----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- luakit configuration file, more information at http://luakit.org/ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- require "lfs" if unique then unique.new("org.luakit") -- Check for a running luakit instance if unique.is_running() then if uris[1] then for _, uri in ipairs(uris) do if lfs.attributes(uri) then uri = os.abspath(uri) end unique.send_message("tabopen " .. uri) end else unique.send_message("winopen") end luakit.quit() end end -- Load library of useful functions for luakit require "lousy" -- Small util functions to print output (info prints only when luakit.verbose is true) function warn(...) io.stderr:write(string.format(...) .. "\n") end function info(...) if luakit.verbose then io.stdout:write(string.format(...) .. "\n") end end -- Load users global config -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/globals.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/globals.lua") require "globals" -- Load users theme -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/theme.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/theme.lua") lousy.theme.init(lousy.util.find_config("theme.lua")) theme = assert(lousy.theme.get(), "failed to load theme") -- Load users window class -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/window.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/window.lua") require "window" -- Load users webview class -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/webview.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/webview.lua") require "webview" -- Load users mode configuration -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/modes.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/modes.lua") require "modes" -- Load users keybindings -- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/binds.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/binds.lua") require "binds" ---------------------------------- -- Optional user script loading -- ---------------------------------- require "webinspector" -- Add sqlite3 cookiejar require "cookies" -- Cookie blocking by domain (extends cookies module) -- Add domains to the whitelist at "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/cookie.whitelist" -- and blacklist at "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/cookie.blacklist". -- Each domain must be on it's own line and you may use "*" as a -- wildcard character (I.e. "*google.com") --require "cookie_blocking" -- Block all cookies by default (unless whitelisted) --cookies.default_allow = false -- Add uzbl-like form filling require "formfiller" -- Add proxy support & manager require "proxy" -- Add quickmarks support & manager require "quickmarks" -- Add session saving/loading support require "session" -- Add command to list closed tabs & bind to open closed tabs require "undoclose" -- Add command to list tab history items require "tabhistory" -- Add greasemonkey-like javascript userscript support require "userscripts" -- Add bookmarks support require "bookmarks" require "bookmarks_chrome" -- Add download support require "downloads" require "downloads_chrome" -- Example using xdg-open for opening downloads / showing download folders --downloads.add_signal("open-file", function (file, mime) -- luakit.spawn(string.format("xdg-open %q", file)) -- return true --end) -- Add vimperator-like link hinting & following require "follow" -- Use a custom charater set for hint labels --local s = follow.label_styles --follow.label_maker = s.sort(s.reverse(s.charset("asdfqwerzxcv"))) -- Match only hint labels --follow.pattern_maker = follow.pattern_styles.match_label -- Add command history require "cmdhist" -- Add search mode & binds require "search" -- Add ordering of new tabs require "taborder" -- Save web history require "history" require "history_chrome" require "introspector" -- Add command completion require "completion" -- NoScript plugin, toggle scripts and or plugins on a per-domain basis. -- `,ts` to toggle scripts, `,tp` to toggle plugins, `,tr` to reset. -- Remove all "enable_scripts" & "enable_plugins" lines from your -- domain_props table (in config/globals.lua) as this module will conflict. require "noscript" require "follow_selected" require "go_input" require "go_next_prev" require "go_up" ----------------------------- -- End user script loading -- ----------------------------- -- Restore last saved session local w = (session and session.restore()) if w then for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do w:new_tab(uri, i == 1) end else -- Or open new window window.new(uris) end ------------------------------------------- -- Open URIs from other luakit instances -- ------------------------------------------- if unique then unique.add_signal("message", function (msg, screen) local cmd, arg = string.match(msg, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)") local w = lousy.util.table.values(window.bywidget)[1] if cmd == "tabopen" then w:new_tab(arg) elseif cmd == "winopen" then w = window.new((arg ~= "") and { arg } or {}) end w.win.screen = screen w.win.urgency_hint = true end) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CUSTOM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Always save tabs before closing local close_win = window.methods.close_win window.methods.close_win = function (w, ...) session.save{w} close_win(w, ...) end -- Always open in a new tab in current instance. webview.init_funcs.window_decision = function (view, w) view:add_signal("new-window-decision", function (v, uri, reason) w:new_tab(uri) return true end) end -- Download folder. downloads.default_dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/temp" -- if downloads.default_dir == nil then -- downloads.default_dir = os.getenv("HOME") -- end downloads.add_signal("download-location", function (uri, file) if not file or file == "" then file = (string.match(uri, "/([^/]+)$") or string.match(uri, "^%w+://(.+)") or string.gsub(uri, "/", "_") or "untitled") end return downloads.default_dir .. "/" .. file end) -- Adblock require("adblock") require("adblock_chrome") -- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80