#!/bin/sh exec ~/.guix-extra-profiles/main/main/bin/nyxt "$@" # exec ~/common-lisp/nyxt/nyxt "$@" ## Symlinks are not followed, so we must make sure to expose them directly and ## not just the parent directory. ## TODO: Because SBCL does not store its strings in UTF-8, grafting fails. ## Workaround: enable --no-grafts or share the store. ## TODO: Share download folder. ## TODO: Set --no-cwd. usage () { cat <&2 Usage: ${0##*/} [NYXT-ARGS] Start Nyxt in a container. Options: -s MANIFEST: Start Nyxt from source using the provided manifest. EOF } executable=nyxt opt_from="nyxt" while getopts ":s:" opt; do case $opt in s) executable=sbcl opt_from_source="-l '$OPTARG'" ;; h) usage exit 0;; \?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done guix environment --no-grafts --container --network \ --preserve='^PERSONAL$' --preserve='^DISPLAY$' \ --expose=/etc/ssl/certs \ --expose="$HOME/.config/nyxt/" \ --expose="$HOME/common-lisp/" \ --expose="$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el" \ --expose="$HOME/.emacs.d/lisp/" \ --expose="$PERSONAL/bookmarks/engines.el" \ --expose="$HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf" \ --expose="$HOME/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf" \ --expose="$HOME/.gnupg/" \ --share="$(gpgconf --list-dirs | grep socketdir | cut -f2 -d:)" \ --share="$HOME/.local/share/nyxt/" \ --share="$PERSONAL/bookmarks/bookmarks.lisp.gpg" \ --share="$PERSONAL/bookmarks/auto-mode-rules.lisp.gpg" \ --ad-hoc gnupg nss-certs $opt_from -- $executable "$@" ## TODO: Fix fonts. # --expose="$HOME/.guix-profile/" \ # fontconfig font-dejavu --ad-hoc fontconfig font-dejavu nss-certs nyxt coreutils -- nyxt "$@" # Try using --link-profile