#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$(command -v ffmpeg)" ]; then echo "ffmpeg required." exit fi if [ ! -f "${0%/*}/titlecase.awk" ]; then echo "AWK titlecase script required." exit fi if [ ! -f "${0%/*}/tc-audio-transcode" ]; then echo "tc-audio-transcode script required." exit fi if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then cat<$(tput sgr0) $i" "${0%/*}/tc-audio-transcode" "$@" "$i" done unset IFS ## Alternative. ## ## TODO: Big mystery here. The combination of while, find, and a script ## containing a ffmpeg call seems to mess eveything up. ## This will convert all tracks in current folder and subfolders. # while read -r i; do # "${0%/*}/tc-audio-transcode" "$@" "$i" # done <