-- -*- mode: lua; -*- conky.config = { out_to_x = false, background = false, cpu_avg_samples = 2, net_avg_samples = 2, no_buffers = true, out_to_console = true, out_to_stderr = false, extra_newline = false, update_interval = 1.0, uppercase = false, use_spacer = left, times_in_seconds = true, }; -- Colors are in dzen2 format. conky.text = [[^fg(grey)${time %a %d %b %R} \ \ ^fg(grey)CPU:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)$cpu% \ ^fg(grey)RAM:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${if_match ${to_bytes $memeasyfree} < 536870912}^fg(Red)${endif}$memperc% \ ^fg(grey)↓^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${eval $${downspeedf ${gw_iface}}} \ ^fg(grey)↑^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${upspeedf wlp2s0} \ ${if_match "${exec pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tMute:/ {print $2;exit}'}" == "no"}^fg(grey)♪^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${exec pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tVolume:/ {print $5;exit}'}${endif} \ ${if_match $battery_percent != 0}^fg(grey)⚡^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${if_match ${battery_time} <= 600}^fg(Red)${endif}${battery_short}: ${format_time ${battery_time} "(\dd )(\hh )\mmin"} ${endif}\ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${diskio nvme0n1}} > 1048576}^fg(grey)nvme0n1:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${diskio nvme0n1}${endif} \ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${diskio sda}} > 1048576}^fg(grey)sda:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${diskio sda}${endif} \ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${diskio sdb}} > 1048576}^fg(grey)sdb:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${diskio sdb}${endif} \ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${diskio sdc}} > 1048576}^fg(grey)sdc:^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${diskio sdc}${endif} \ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${fs_free /}} < 1073741824}^fg(grey)/:^fg(Red)${fs_free /}${endif} \ ${if_match ${to_bytes ${fs_free /home}} < 1073741824}^fg(grey)/home:^fg(Red)${fs_free /home}${endif} \ ]] -- mu unread emails: This is treacherously distracting... -- ${if_existing .mu/}^fg(grey)✉^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${execi 30 mu find --nocolor --sortfield=d --maxnum=500 flag:unread AND NOT flag:trashed 2>/dev/null | wc -l} ${endif}\ -- Unread mail with native 'new_mails' does not seem to support totals. -- Change color when e-mails are not 0? -- TODO: Emms current track: -- ${if_match "${execi 5 emacsclient -e '(and (fboundp (quote emms-playlist-current-selected-track)) (emms-playlist-current-selected-track) (emms-track-description (emms-playlist-current-selected-track)))'}" != "nil"}^fg(grey)♪^fg(DeepSkyBlue)${execi 5 emacsclient -e '(emms-track-description (emms-playlist-current-selected-track))' | tr -d '"'}${endif} \ -- Above line works but polling interferes with bindings (Emacs echoes '' on keypresses). -- TODO: Conditional display of network, sound. -- Probably need $lua+$eval for most of the TODOs. -- TODO: Calling pactl when pulseaudio is not running will fire it up, which can -- lead to a race condition when relogging: 4 pulseaudio processes will end up -- running.