## -*- mode:sh -*- # ################################################################################ ## Shell Config -- Alias Definitions. ## Warning: if this does not work if you change shell without relogging, use ## 'source .rc' instead. if [ "zsh" = "$SHELL_CURRENT" ]; then alias ssrc='source ~/.zshrc' fi ##============================================================================== ## General ## 'ls' redefinition alias ls='ls -F' ## GNU extras. if [ "$OSTYPE" = "linux-gnu" ]; then alias ls='ls --color=auto -v --group-directories-first' else alias ls='ls -G' fi ## Listing aliases. alias l='ls -1' alias la='ls -lAh' # Hidden files alias lc='ls -ltcrh' # Sort by change time alias lk='ls -lSrh' # Sort by size alias ll='ls -lh' # Detailed view with human readable values. alias lx='ls -lXh' # Sort by extension ## Misc alias xlx='xrdb -load ~/.Xresources' alias grep='grep --color=auto' ## Bad idea because you cannot toggle '-f' option anymore. # alias cp="cp -i" # List desktop applications. [ -d /usr/share/applications ] && XDG_APPS=($XDG_APPS /usr/share/applications) [ -d /usr/local/share/applications ] && XDG_APPS=($XDG_APPS /usr/local/share/applications) [ ${#XDG_APPS} -ne 0 ] && alias applist='grep -R "^Name=" $XDG_APPS | cut -d'=' -f2 | sort' ## Remove executable attribute. alias nox='find . -type f -exec chmod a-x {} +' ## Get your external IP. command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias myip='curl ifconfig.me' ## Prevents accidentally clobbering files. alias mkdir='mkdir -p' ## Reset terminal -- Faster alternative of 'reset'. alias cls='printf "\ec"' ## Start X and lock current terminal (press ENTER when back in terminal to ## prompt for password). Useless if X is running on the same TTY. command -v vlock >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias sx='startx & vlock' ## Xrandr alias xmorphnone='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\" | cut -f1 -d" ") --transform none' alias xmorphsw='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\" | cut -f1 -d" ") --transform 1.24,0.16,-124,0,1.24,0,0,0.000316,1' alias xmorphzo='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\" | cut -f1 -d" ") --scale 1.2x1.2' alias xmorphzi='xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep "\" | cut -f1 -d" ") --scale 0.8x0.8' alias xres='xrandr --output $(xrandr | awk '"'"'NR==2 {print $1;exit}'"'"') --auto && xrandr -s $(xrandr | awk '"'"'/^ / {print $1;exit}'"'"')' ## Udiskie command -v udiskie-umount >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias uua='udiskie-umount -a' ## Emacs command -v emacsclient >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias emacs-kill="emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' >/dev/null 2>&1" ##============================================================================== ## Zsh power aliases #if [ "zsh" = "$SHELL_CURRENT" ]; then ## Inline aliases, zsh -g aliases can be anywhere in command line #alias -g G='| grep -' #alias -g L='| less' ## Now just type the image name to launch your image preview #alias -s jpg='/usr/bin/sxiv' # fi ##============================================================================== ## Pacman aliases if command -v "pacman" >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias pc='sudo pacman -Sc' alias pi='sudo pacman -S --needed' alias pqi='pacman -Qi' alias pqo='pacman -Qo' alias pqs='pacman -Qs' alias pr='sudo pacman -Rs' alias psi='pacman -Si' alias pss='pacman -Ss' alias pu='sudo pacman -Syu' fi ##============================================================================== ## FreeBSD aliases if [ "$(uname)" = "FreeBSD" ]; then alias pa='sudo pkg_add -r' # alias pd='sudo pkg_delete' alias pd='sudo pkg_deinstall -cd' alias pi='pkg_info -RrcdsD -l "::"' alias pil='pkg_info -L' ## Origin of file alias piw='pkg_info -W' ## Search alias pis='pkg_info -Qox' # alias pvs='pkg_version -Is' alias psr='pkg_search -r' ## Out-of-date packages. alias pv='pkg_version -Il "<"' ## Port tree alias mi='sudo make install' alias mid='sudo make install distclean' alias mc='sudo make config' fi ##============================================================================== ## TeXlive aliases ## TeXlive if [ -d "/usr/local/texlive" ]; then alias tlu="sudo sh -c 'umask 022 && tlmgr update --self'" alias tls="tlmgr search --global" alias tlsf="tlmgr search --global --file" # alias tll="tlmgr info --only-installed" alias tll="comm -3 <(tlmgr info --only-installed | grep -v 'x86_64\|amd64' | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -f1 -d':' | sort) \ <(tlmgr info collection-basic --list | sed -n '/^ /{s/ //g;p;}' | sort) \ | sed 's/ //g' | grep -vi 'collection-basic\|scheme-minimal\|texlive-common\|texlive-docindex\|texlive-en'" alias tlf="tlmgr info --list" fi