% name: plot generator \newcommand{\\${1}}[7]{ \begin{figure}[h!] \caption{#1} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,x=1cm,y=0.15cm] %% User parameters. \def\xmin{0} \def\xmax{10} \def\ymin{0} \def\ymax{60} \def\xstep{1} \def\ystep{10} %% Grid \draw[style=help lines, ystep=\ystep, xstep=\xstep] (\xmin,\ymin) grid (\xmax,\ymax); %% Axes \draw[->] (\xmin,\ymin) -- (\xmax+0.5*\xstep,\ymin) node[below,yshift=-1em] {#2}; \draw[->] (\xmin,\ymin) -- (\xmin,\ymax+0.5*\ystep) node[above] {#3}; %% xticks and yticks \foreach \x in {\xmin,\xstep,...,\xmax} \node at (\x, \ymin) [below] {\x}; \foreach \y in {\ymin,\ystep,...,\ymax} \node at (\xmin,\y) [left] {\y}; %% DATA %% Example from file. %% Smooth the curve and mark the data point with a dot. %% Data should be stored as %% x1 y1 %% x2 y2 % \draw[color=blue] % plot[smooth,mark=*,mark size=1pt, id=iter_sorted] % file {#5} % node [right] {#4}; %% Example trendline %% \draw[color=orange,domain=\xmin+\xstep:\xmax] %% plot[smooth, raw gnuplot, id=trend3] %% function{f(x)=a*x*log(x)+b; fit f(x) '#5' via a,b; plot f(x)} %% node [right,yshift=1em] {$\alpha_1 \cdot n\cdot \log(n) + \beta_1$}; $0 \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{figure} }