(uiop:define-package ambrevar/storage (:documentation "Snapshots, backup, file listing and sync.") (:use #:common-lisp) (:use #:trivia) (:import-from #:cmd) (:import-from #:fof) (:import-from #:log4cl) (:import-from #:ambrevar/gpg) (:import-from #:serapeum #:export-always)) (in-package ambrevar/storage) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (trivial-package-local-nicknames:add-package-local-nickname :alex :alexandria) (trivial-package-local-nicknames:add-package-local-nickname :sera :serapeum) (trivial-package-local-nicknames:add-package-local-nickname :path :pathname-utils)) (defun roots (&optional (prefix "/media/")) (sera:filter (sera:op (str:starts-with? prefix _)) (mapcar (alex:compose #'rest #'first) (rest (first (json:decode-json-from-string (cmd:$cmd "findmnt -n --fstab --output TARGET --json"))))))) (defun subpath (root &rest subdirs) "Return merged paths as a string. SUBDIRS can be either a single path or a list of paths." (str:join (fof:separator) (cons root (alex:flatten subdirs)))) (defun personal (&rest subdirs) (subpath (uiop:getenv "PERSONAL") subdirs)) (defun home (&rest subdirs) (subpath (uiop:getenv "HOME") subdirs)) (defun basename (pathname) (first (last (pathname-directory (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname pathname))))) (defun index (&optional (directory (fof:current-directory))) "Return the list of files (not directories) in DIRECTORIES. Without DIRECTORIES, work over the current directory. EncFS encrypted directories are skipped. .git folders are skipped." ;; We don't use `fof:finder*' because we it's too slow and we only need file names. (let ((result '()) (recursep (alex:conjoin (sera:op (not (str:starts-with? ".Trash" (basename _)))) (sera:op (string/= ".git" (basename _1))) (complement (lambda (dir) (find-if (sera:op (let ((name (basename _))) (and (str:starts-with? ".encfs" name) (str:ends-with? ".xml" name)))) (uiop:directory-files dir))))))) (when (funcall recursep (fof:path directory)) (uiop:collect-sub*directories (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (fof:path directory)) (constantly t) recursep (lambda (subdirectory) (setf result (nconc result (uiop:directory-files subdirectory)))))) result)) (defun write-index (directory destination) "Write sorted index of DIRECTORY to DESTINATION. Return a pair of (DESTINATION index). See `index'. If DESTINATION ends with '.gpg', it gets GPG-encrypted." (let* ((relative-index (mapcar (alex:rcurry #'fof:relative-path (fof:file directory)) (index directory))) (sorted-index (sort relative-index #'string<))) (when sorted-index (format t "~a~&" destination) (ambrevar/gpg:with-maybe-gpg-file (f destination :if-does-not-exist :create :direction :output ;; TODO: Overwrite by default? Customizable? :if-exists :supersede) (dolist (entry sorted-index) (format f "~a~&" entry)))) (list destination sorted-index))) (export-always 'write-roots-index) (defun write-roots-index (&optional (destination (personal "index"))) "Write indexes of `roots' sub-directories to DESTINATION." (labels ((write-simple-index (target &rest destination-subdir) (write-index target (subpath destination (append destination-subdir (list (str:concat (fof:basename target) ".index")))))) (index1 (root) (ambrevar/shell:make-directory destination) (alex:mappend (lambda (entry) (str:string-case (fof:basename entry) ("public" (alex:mappend (lambda (subentry) (match (fof:basename subentry) ((or "gaming" "videos") (ambrevar/shell:make-directory (subpath destination (fof:basename subentry))) (mapcar (lambda (entry) (write-simple-index entry (fof:basename subentry))) (fof:list-directory subentry))) (otherwise (list (write-simple-index subentry))))) (fof:list-directory entry))) ("private" (mapcar (lambda (subentry) (write-index subentry (subpath destination "private" (str:concat (fof:basename subentry) ".index.gpg")))) (fof:list-directory entry))) ("big-games" (list (write-simple-index entry))))) (fof:list-directory root)))) (delete-if-not #'second (alex:mappend #'index1 (roots))))) (export-always 'notmuch-tags) (defun notmuch-tags () (let ((dump (personal "mail" "notmuch.dump"))) (format t "~a~&" dump) (cmd:cmd "notmuch restore --accumulate" (str:concat "--input=" dump)) (cmd:cmd "emacs --quick --batch" (str:concat "--load=" (home ".emacs.d" "lisp" "init-notmuch-sync.el")) "-f notmuch-dump-important-tags"))) (export-always 'stow-saves) (defun stow-saves () (mapcar (lambda (gamesave) (uiop:run-program `("stow" "-t" ,(home) "-d" ,(fof:path (fof:parent gamesave)) ,(fof:path (fof:basename gamesave))) :output t :error-output t) (fof:path (fof:basename gamesave))) (fof:list-directory (personal "games" "stowed-saves")))) (defun git-repository? (dir) (find ".git" (uiop:subdirectories (if (stringp dir) (uiop:parse-native-namestring dir) dir)) :test #'string= :key #'basename)) (defun depth (file parent) (if (uiop:pathname-equal file parent) 0 (unless (uiop:pathname-equal (path:parent file) file) (or (when (uiop:pathname-equal (path:parent file) parent) 1) (alex:when-let ((level (depth (path:parent file) parent))) (1+ level)))))) (export-always 'list-projects) (defun list-projects () (let ((repository-directories (read-from-string (nth-value 1 (uiop:run-program `("emacs" "--batch" "--quick" ,(str:concat "--load=" (home ".emacs.d" "lisp" "init-magit.el")) "--eval" "(message \"%S\" (mapcar (lambda (entry) (setcar entry (expand-file-name (car entry))) entry) magit-repository-directories)))") :output t :error-output :string))))) (alex:mappend (lambda (entry) (if (or (not (rest entry)) (= 0 (rest entry))) (list (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (first entry))) (let ((max-depth (rest entry)) (result '()) (root (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname (first entry)))) (uiop:collect-sub*directories root (constantly t) (alex:conjoin (lambda (dir) (< (depth dir root) max-depth)) (complement #'git-repository?)) (lambda (subdirectory) (setf result (nconc result (sera:filter #'git-repository? (uiop:subdirectories subdirectory)))))) result))) repository-directories))) (export-always 'project-status) (defun project-status (project) "PROJECT is a git directory." ;; TODO: Parsing Git's output is clunky. Can `legit' do better? (let* ((repository (make-instance 'legit:repository :location project)) (push-commit (ignore-errors (legit:git-value repository `(push) (legit:git-rev-parse "@{push}" :abbrev-ref t :symbolic-full-name t))))) `(("Project" ,project) ("Unpushed commits" ,(if (uiop:emptyp push-commit) :no-push-remote (let ((unmerged-commits (legit:git-value repository '(commits) (legit:git-log :pretty "oneline" :revision-range (str:concat push-commit ".."))))) (sera:lines unmerged-commits)))) ("Unstaged files" ,(sera:lines (legit:git-value repository '(unstaged) (legit:git-diff :name-only t)))) ("Staged files" ,(sera:lines (legit:git-value repository '(staged) (legit:git-diff :name-only t :cached t))))))) (export-always 'project-statuses) (defun project-statuses () (delete-if (sera:op (and (null (second (second _1))) (null (second (third _1))) (null (second (fourth _1))))) (mapcar #'project-status (list-projects)))) (defparameter +fs-time-format+ '((:year 4) #\- (:month 2) #\- (:day 2) #\_ (:hour 2) #\: (:min 2) #\: (:sec 2))) (export-always 'sync-gpg-key) (defun sync-gpg-key (device &key (mount-point "/mnt")) "Device (e.g. /dev/sda1) where to sync ~/.gnupg." (format t "Enter passphrase for ~a:~&" device) (let ((mapper-name "gpg_backup") (passphrase (uiop:run-program `(,(uiop:getenv "SUDO_ASKPASS")) :output '(:string :stripped t)))) (with-input-from-string (input passphrase) (uiop:run-program `("sudo" "cryptsetup" "open" ,device ,mapper-name) :input input)) (cmd:cmd "sudo mount -o compress=zstd" (str:concat "/dev/mapper/" mapper-name) mount-point) (cmd:cmd "gpg --import" (str:concat mount-point "/public/.gnupg/pubring.gpg")) (cmd:cmd "sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot -r" (str:concat mount-point "/public") (str:concat mount-point "/.snapshots/public." (local-time:format-timestring t (local-time:now) :format +fs-time-format+))) (uiop:delete-directory-tree (str:concat mount-point "/public/.gnupg/") :validate t) ;; TODO: How to copy directory trees in pure CL? (cmd:cmd "cp -av" (home ".gnupg") (str:concat mount-point "/public")) (cmd:cmd "sudo umount" mount-point) (cmd:cmd "sudo cryptsetup close" mapper-name))) (export-always 'sync-all) (defun sync-all () ; REVIEW: Optionally call `sync-gpg-key'? (dolist (op '(write-roots-index notmuch-tags stowed-saves project-status)) (log:info "~a" op) (funcall op)))