# -*- mode: conf-space; -*- IMAPAccount mail Host mail.gandi.net User mail@ambrevar.xyz PassCmd "pass mail@ambrevar.xyz@mail.gandi.net" SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore mail-remote Account mail MaildirStore mail-local # The trailing "/" is important Path ~/.cache/mail/mail/ Inbox ~/.cache/mail/mail/inbox Channel mail-all Far :mail-remote: Near :mail-local: Patterns * "!Sent" Create Both Expunge Both SyncState * Channel mail-sent Far :mail-remote: Near :mail-local: Patterns !* "Sent" Create Both Expunge Both SyncState * ################################################################################ IMAPAccount atlas Host mail.gandi.net User pierre@atlas.engineer PassCmd "pass pierre@atlas.engineer@mail.gandi.net" SSLType IMAPS IMAPStore atlas-remote Account atlas MaildirStore atlas-local # The trailing "/" is important Path ~/.cache/mail/atlas/ Inbox ~/.cache/mail/atlas/inbox Channel atlas-all Far :atlas-remote: Near :atlas-local: Patterns * "!Sent" Create Both Expunge Both SyncState * Channel atlas-sent Far :atlas-remote: Near :atlas-local: Patterns !* "Sent" Create Both Expunge Both SyncState *