;;; EXWM ;; TODO: Athena+Xaw3d confuses xcape when binding Caps-lock to both L_Ctrl ;; escape, in which case it will procude in Emacs. In practice, it ;; means that `C-` keys will works but `` will need a fast double tap on ;; Caps Lock. ;; See https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm/issues/285. ;; A system monitor within Emacs is only useful if not using an external tool, ;; as is the case when using another WM. ;; TODO: Would it be possible to have permanenet right-aligned display? ;; https://github.com/zk-phi/symon/issues/32 ;; TODO: Sometimes dots are not printed: ;; https://github.com/zk-phi/symon/issues/33 (when (require 'symon nil t) (symon-mode)) ;;; Rename buffer to window title. (defun exwm-rename-buffer-to-title () (exwm-workspace-rename-buffer exwm-title)) (add-hook 'exwm-update-title-hook 'exwm-rename-buffer-to-title) (add-hook 'exwm-floating-setup-hook 'exwm-layout-hide-mode-line) (add-hook 'exwm-floating-exit-hook 'exwm-layout-show-mode-line) ;;; Allow non-floating resizing with mouse. (setq window-divider-default-bottom-width 2 window-divider-default-right-width 2) (window-divider-mode) ;; TODO: Add support for status bar (dzen2, xmobar, i3bar). ;; TODO: Resizing floating windows with mouse does not work on Ubuntu Trusty. ;; TODO: How to prevent sending keys to window? ":" is always passed to Qutebrowser. Issue with evil? ;; Maybe not. Just switch between char-mode and line-mode. Or check `exwm-input-line-mode-passthrough'. ;; https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/33326/how-do-i-cut-and-paste-effectively-between-applications-while-using-exwm ;; TODO: Spawn select programs in floating mode. (E.g. mpv, mupen64plus, mplayer, qemu, steam, .exe (wine).) ;;; System tray ;; TODO: Test and see if status bar is not a better solution. ;; (require 'exwm-systemtray) ;; (exwm-systemtray-enable) ;;; Those cannot be set globally: if Emacs would be run in another WM, the "s-" ;;; prefix will conflict with the WM bindings. (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-R") #'exwm-reset) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-x") #'exwm-input-toggle-keyboard) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-h") #'windmove-left) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-j") #'windmove-down) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-k") #'windmove-up) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-l") #'windmove-right) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-C") #'kill-this-buffer) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-|") #'swap-windows) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-b") #'list-buffers) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-f") #'find-file) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-SPC") #'exwm-floating-toggle-floating) (defun exwm-layout-toggle-fullscreen-or-single-window () (interactive) (if (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode) ;; REVIEW:`exwm-layout-toggle-fullscreen' needs to be called interactively. ;; See https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm/issues/282. (call-interactively 'exwm-layout-toggle-fullscreen) (require 'functions) (toggle-single-window))) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-o") #'exwm-layout-toggle-fullscreen-or-single-window) (require 'functions) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-\\") #'toggle-window-split) (when (require 'helm-config nil t) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-c") #'helm-resume) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-b") #'helm-mini) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-f") #'helm-find-files) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-g") #'helm-grep-git-or-ag) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-G") #'helm-grep-git-all-or-ag)) (require 'functions) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'switch-to-last-buffer) (when (require 'evil nil t) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'evil-switch-to-windows-last-buffer) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "C-6") #'evil-switch-to-windows-last-buffer)) ;;; Emacs mode shortcuts. (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-t") #'org-find-first-agenda) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'eshell-or-new-session) (when (fboundp 'magit-status) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-v") #'magit-status)) (when (fboundp 'emms) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-a") #'emms-smart-browse) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-A") #'emms)) (when (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (path) (string-match "/mu4e/\\|/mu4e$" path)) load-path)) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-m") #'mu4e-headers-unread)) ;;; External application shortcuts. (defun exwm-start-browser () (interactive) (start-process-shell-command browse-url-generic-program nil browse-url-generic-program)) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-w") #'exwm-start-browser) (defvar exwm-lock-program "slock" "Shell command used to lock the screen.") (defun exwm-start-lock () (interactive) (start-process-shell-command exwm-lock-program nil exwm-lock-program)) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-z") #'exwm-start-lock) (defun exwm-start-screenshot () (interactive) (start-process-shell-command "scrot" nil "scrot ~/temp/screen-%F-%T.png")) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "") #'exwm-start-screenshot) ;; TODO: Check out the 'volume' package. (defun exwm-volume (&optional up-or-down) (let ((controllers '(("amixer" "set Master" "5%-" "5%+" "toggle") ("mixer" "vol" "-5" "+5" "^")))) (while (not (executable-find (caar controllers))) (setq controllers (cdr controllers))) (when controllers (setq controllers (car controllers)) (start-process-shell-command "volume control" nil (format "%s %s %s >/dev/null" (car controllers) (cadr controllers) (nth (pcase up-or-down ('down 2) ('up 3) (_ 4)) controllers)))))) (defun exwm-start-volume-down () (interactive) (exwm-volume 'down)) (defun exwm-start-volume-up () (interactive) (exwm-volume 'up)) (defun exwm-start-volume-toggle () (interactive) (exwm-volume)) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'exwm-start-volume-down) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'exwm-start-volume-up) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-") #'exwm-start-volume-toggle) (defun exwm-start (command) (interactive (list (read-shell-command "$ "))) (start-process-shell-command command nil command)) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-&") #'exwm-start) (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-r") #'exwm-start) (provide 'init-exwm)