#!/bin/sh ################################################################################ ## XPROFILE ################################################################################ ## This file is sourced by some DM and should not contain any desktop execution. ## X config (for URxvt, etc.) [ -f "${HOME}/.Xresources" ] && xrdb -merge "${HOME}/.Xresources" ## Numlock numlockx on ## Keymap xkbcomp -I"$HOME/.xkb" "$HOME/.xkb/usim.xkb" $DISPLAY if [ "$OSTYPE" = "linux-gnu" ] ; then ## Set sound volume. [ -n "$(amixer 2>/dev/null | grep PCM)" ] && amixer set PCM 80% ## External device auto-mounting. command -v udiskie >/dev/null 2>&1 && udiskie & fi ## This env variable is used by some programs (like ranger and awesome) to get ## terminal executable name. export TERMCMD="urxvt" ## Hook. Should be sourced last [ -f ~/.xprofile_hook ] && . ~/.xprofile_hook