
32 lines
956 B

## Shell Config -- Master File
## Note that 'ps -o command= $$' gives the same result with parameters.
readonly SHELL_CURRENT="$(ps -o comm= $$)"
readonly SHELL_DIR="$HOME/.shell.d"
## .profile is sourced automatically by most login managers, but we need to
## source it manually to TTY.
[ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -f "$HOME/.profile" ] && . "$HOME/.profile"
for i; do
[ -f "${SHELL_DIR}/$i" ] && . "${SHELL_DIR}/$i"
## main and options should be sourced first.
loadrc main_rc options_zsh
## Source order should not matter.
loadrc keys_zsh
loadrc alias_rc colors_rc completion_rc funs_rc
## Shell hook: should be sourced last.
loadrc hook
## Browser autostart. See .scripts/browser-autostart
[ -n "$BROWSER_AUTOSTART" ] && unset BROWSER_AUTOSTART && browse