
354 lines
13 KiB

;;; C/C++
;;; TODO: Should we split this into mode-c and mode-c++?
(dolist (map (list c-mode-map c++-mode-map))
(ambrevar/define-keys map "C-c m" 'cc-main
"<f5>" 'ambrevar/cc-clean
"M-." 'semantic-ia-fast-jump
"C-c C-d" 'semantic-ia-show-doc
"M-<tab>" 'semantic-complete-analyze-inline)
(when (require 'company nil t)
(define-key map (kbd "M-<tab>") (if (require 'helm-company nil t) 'helm-company 'company-complete)))
(when (require 'gtk-look nil 'noerror)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c d") 'gtk-lookup-symbol)))
;; (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") 'ff-find-other-file)
(defvaralias 'c-basic-offset 'tab-width)
;;; C additional faces.
;;; Useless in quasi-monochrome.
;; (dolist (mode '(c-mode c++-mode))
;; (font-lock-add-keywords
;; mode
;; '(("\\<\\(and\\|or\\|not\\)\\>" . font-lock-keyword-face)
;; ;; Functions.
;; ("\\<\\(\\sw+\\)(" 1 'font-lock-function-name-face)
;; ("\\<\\(\\sw+\\)<\\sw+>(" 1 'font-lock-function-name-face))))
(defvar-local ambrevar/cc-ldlibs "-lm -pthread"
"Custom linker flags for C/C++ linkage.")
(defvar-local ambrevar/cc-ldflags ""
"Custom linker libs for C/C++ linkage.")
(defun ambrevar/cc-set-compiler (&optional nomakefile)
"Set compile command to be nearest Makefile or a generic command.
The Makefile is looked up in parent folders. If no Makefile is
found (or if NOMAKEFILE is non-nil or if function was called with
universal argument), then a configurable commandline is
(interactive "P")
;; Alternatively, if a Makefile is found, we could change default directory
;; and leave the compile command to "make". Changing `default-directory'
;; could have side effects though.
(let ((makefile-dir (locate-dominating-file "." "Makefile")))
(if (and makefile-dir (not nomakefile))
(setq compile-command (concat "make -k -C " (shell-quote-argument (file-name-directory makefile-dir))))
(setq compile-command
((c++-p (eq major-mode 'c++-mode))
(file (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
(format "%s %s -o '%s' %s %s %s"
(if c++-p
(or (getenv "CXX") "g++")
(or (getenv "CC") "gcc"))
(shell-quote-argument file)
(shell-quote-argument (file-name-sans-extension file))
(if c++-p
(or (getenv "CXXFLAGS") "-Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -DDEBUG=9 -g3 -O0")
(or (getenv "CFLAGS") "-ansi -pedantic -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -DDEBUG=9 -g3 -O0"))
(or (getenv "LDFLAGS") ambrevar/cc-ldflags)
(or (getenv "LDLIBS") ambrevar/cc-ldlibs)))))))
(defun ambrevar/cc-clean ()
"Find Makefile and call the `clean' rule. If no Makefile is
found, no action is taken. The previous `compile' command is
(let (compile-command
(makefile-dir (locate-dominating-file "." "Makefile")))
(when makefile-dir
(compile (format "make -k -C %s clean" (shell-quote-argument makefile-dir))))))
(defun ambrevar/cc-force-compile ()
"If current `compile-command' is `make', force compilation.
This is done by appending the -B flag (--always-make) temporarily.
If the command is not `make', run it normally. "
(let ((compile-command compile-command))
(if (string-prefix-p "make " compile-command)
(compile (format "%s -B" compile-command))
;; TODO: See
(defun ambrevar/cc-format-with-uncrustify (&optional cfg-file start end)
"Run uncrustify(1) on current buffer or region."
(interactive "f\nr")
(let (status
(start (or (and (region-active-p) start)
(end (or (and (region-active-p) end)
(formatbuf (get-buffer-create " *C format buffer*"))
(stderr (make-temp-file "uncrustify")))
(setq status
(call-process-region start end
nil (list formatbuf stderr) nil
;; "-lc" ; Uncrustify should be able to auto-detect.
(or cfg-file
(expand-file-name ".uncrustify.cfg" (getenv "HOME")))))
(if (/= status 0)
(let ((error-message
(insert-file-contents-literally stderr)
(delete-file stderr)
(kill-buffer formatbuf)
(error "error running uncrustify: %s" error-message))
(delete-file stderr)
(let ((old-line (line-number-at-pos))
(old-column (current-column))
(old-window-start-line (- (line-number-at-pos)
(line-number-at-pos (window-start)))))
(delete-region (or start (point-min)) (or end (point-max)))
(insert-buffer-substring formatbuf))
(goto-line old-line)
(move-to-column old-column)
(recenter old-window-start-line))
(kill-buffer formatbuf)))
;; Return nil if in a `write-file-functions'.
(defun ambrevar/cc-format-file-lookup ()
"Find .clang-format or .uncrustify.cfg in parent folder up to Git root.
Return nil if non is found or if not a Git repository."
(unless (require 'magit nil 'noerror)
(error "Magit is missing"))
(when (or (magit-get-current-branch) (magit-get-current-tag))
(let ((git-root (magit-rev-parse "--show-toplevel"))
(default-directory default-directory))
(while (and (string= (magit-rev-parse "--show-toplevel") git-root)
(not (file-exists-p ".clang-format"))
(not (file-exists-p ".uncrustify.cfg")))
(cd ".."))
(or (and (file-exists-p ".clang-format")
(expand-file-name ".clang-format" default-directory))
(and (file-exists-p ".uncrustify.cfg")
(expand-file-name ".uncrustify.cfg" default-directory))))))
(defun ambrevar/cc-format ()
"Format C file.
It uses `ambrevar/cc-format-file-lookup' to find the format rules.
This is suitable for a `before-save-hook'."
(let ((cfg-file (ambrevar/cc-format-file-lookup)))
((and (string= (file-name-base cfg-file) ".clang-format")
(require 'clang-format nil 'noerror))
((and (string= (file-name-base cfg-file) ".uncrustify")
(executable-find "uncrustify"))
(ambrevar/cc-format-with-uncrustify cfg-file)))))
(defun ambrevar/cc-turn-on-format ()
"Add `ambrevar/cc-format' to `before-save-hook' locally.
You can add your mode hook (e.g. `c-mode-hook')."
(add-hook 'write-file-functions 'ambrevar/cc-format nil 'local))
;;; GMP documentation
(with-eval-after-load "info-look"
(let ((mode-value (assoc 'c-mode (assoc 'symbol info-lookup-alist))))
(setcar (nthcdr 3 mode-value)
(cons '("(gmp)Function Index" nil "^ -.* " "\\>")
(nth 3 mode-value)))))
;;; Options
;; We don't want semantic in Scheme and others.
(setq semantic-new-buffer-setup-functions
'((c-mode . semantic-default-c-setup)
(c++-mode . semantic-default-c-setup)))
;;; Make sure Semanticdb folders is set before starting semantic.
(semantic-mode 1)
;; (global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode)
;; (global-semantic-decoration-mode)
;; Eldoc does not work but there is Semantic.
;; Add support for some subdir-includes.
;; TODO: This could be automated by parsing `pkg-config --list-all` or maybe
;; `find -L . -maxdepth 1 -type d`.
(setq semantic-c-dependency-system-include-path
(append (mapcar (lambda (lib)
(or (getenv "CPATH")
(if (file-directory-p (expand-file-name "~/.guix-profile/include"))
'("glib-2.0" "gtk-3.0" "webkitgtk-4.0"))
`((c-comment-only-line-offset . 0)
(c-auto-align-backslashes . nil)
(c-basic-offset . ,tab-width)
(arglist-cont-nonempty . +)
(arglist-intro . +)
(c . 0)
(case-label . 0)
(cpp-define-intro . 0)
(cpp-macro . 0)
(knr-argdecl-intro . 0)
(label . 0)
(statement-block-intro . +)
(statement-cont . +)
(substatement-label . 0)
(substatement-open . 0))))
(nconc c-default-style '((c-mode . "ambrevar") (c++-mode . "ambrevar")))
;;; Note that in Emacs 24, cc-mode calls its hooks manually in each mode init
;;; function. Since cc modes belong to prog-mode, each hook is called another
;;; time at the end of the initialization. No big deal since we only set some
;;; variables.
(dolist (hook '(c-mode-hook c++-mode-hook))
(when (require 'company nil t)
(add-hook hook 'company-mode))
(add-hook hook 'ambrevar/cc-turn-on-format)
(add-hook hook 'ambrevar/cc-set-compiler))
;;; Skeletons
;;; Note that it is possible to extend the skel syntax with
;;; `skeleton-further-elements'. For instance:
; (setq skeleton-further-elements '((q "\"")))
(define-skeleton cc-debug
"Insert debug macros."
> "#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUG_CMD(CMD) do {CMD;} while(0)
#define DEBUG_CMD(CMD) do {} while(0)
"#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) DEBUG_CMD( \\
fprintf(stderr, \"%s:%d:\\t(%s)\\t\", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); \\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \\
fprintf(stderr, \"\\n\"); \\
(define-skeleton cc-getopt
"Insert a getopt template."
> "int opt;" \n
"while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, \":hV\")) != -1) {" \n
"switch(opt) {" \n
"case 'h':" > \n
"usage(argv[0]);" \n
"return 0;" \n
"case 'V':" > \n
"version();" \n
"return 0;" \n
"case ':':" > \n
"fprintf(stderr, \"ERROR: -%c needs an argument.\\nTry '%s -h' for more information.\\n\", optopt, argv[0]);" \n
"return EXIT_FAILURE;" \n
"case '?':" > \n
"fprintf(stderr, \"ERROR: Unknown argument %c.\\nTry '%s -h' for more information.\\n\", optopt, argv[0]);" \n
"return EXIT_FAILURE;" \n
"default:" > \n
"usage(argv[0]);" \n
"return EXIT_SUCCESS;" \n
"}" > \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"if (optind >= argc) {" \n
"fprintf(stderr, \"Expected argument after options\\n\");" \n
"exit(EXIT_FAILURE);" \n
"}" > \n)
(define-skeleton cc-loadfile
"Insert loadfile function."
"unsigned long loadfile(const char *path, char **buffer_ptr) {" \n
"#define MAX_FILESIZE 1073741824 /* One gigabyte */" > "\n" \n
"/* Handle variable. */" \n
"char *buffer;" "\n" \n
"FILE *file = fopen(path, \"rb\");" \n
"if (file == NULL) {" \n
"perror(path);" \n
"return 0;" \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);" \n
"long length = ftell(file);" \n
"/* fprintf(stdout, \"Note: file %s is %u bytes long.\\n\", path, length); */" "\n" \n
"if (length > MAX_FILESIZE) {" \n
"fprintf(stderr, \"%s size %ld is bigger than %d bytes.\\n\", path, length, MAX_FILESIZE);" \n
"fclose(file);" \n
"return 0;" \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);" \n
"buffer = (char *)malloc(length + 1);" \n
"if (buffer == NULL) {" \n
"perror(\"malloc\");" \n
"fclose(file);" \n
"return 0;" \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"if (fread(buffer, 1, length, file) == 0) {" \n
"fclose(file);" \n
"return 0;" \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"buffer[length] = '\\0';" \n
"fclose(file);" "\n" \n
"*buffer_ptr = buffer;" \n
"return length;" \n
"}" > \n)
(define-skeleton cc-main
"Insert main function with basic includes."
> "#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {" \n
> @ _ \n
> "return 0;
}" \n)
(define-skeleton cc-usage-version
"Insert usage() and version() functions."
"Synopsis: "
> "static void usage(const char *executable) {" \n
"printf(\"Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\\n\\n\", executable);" \n
"puts(\"" str "\\n\");" "\n" \n
"puts(\"Options:\");" \n
"puts(\" -h Print this help.\");" \n
"puts(\" -V Print version information.\");" "\n" \n
"puts(\"\");" \n
"printf(\"See %s for more information.\\n\", MANPAGE);" \n
"}" > "\n" \n
"static void version() {" \n
"printf(\"%s %s\\n\", APPNAME, VERSION);" \n
"printf(\"Copyright © %s %s\\n\", YEAR, AUTHOR);" \n
"}" > \n)
(provide 'init-cc)