
86 lines
3.4 KiB

;;; Dired
;;; WARNING: This file is loaded unconditionally on startup.
;;; We cannot assume that current buffer is in dired-mode.
(ambrevar/define-keys dired-mode-map
"C-c h" 'ambrevar/dired-toggle-humansize
"<left>" 'dired-up-directory
"<right>" 'dired-find-file
"SPC" 'dired-mark
"<backspace>" 'dired-up-directory
"b" 'dired-up-directory)
(when (require 'dired+ nil t)
(toggle-diredp-find-file-reuse-dir 1))
;;; On a GNU system, ls has the option to sort folders first.
(if (string-match "^gnu.*" (prin1-to-string system-type))
(setq dired-listing-switches "--group-directories-first -lha")
(setq dired-listing-switches "-lha"))
;;; Switches are set before the hook is called, so we need to reload dired. The
;;; dired-internal-noselect is a lower level function, so it is faster. WARNING:
;;; Not sure if it is equivalent though.
;; (dired dired-directory dired-listing-switches)
(defun ambrevar/dired-set-listing-switches ()
(dired-internal-noselect dired-directory dired-listing-switches))
(setq wdired-allow-to-change-permissions t)
;;; omit-mode needs to be started _after_ omit-files redefinition.
(require 'dired-x)
(setq dired-omit-files "^\\.")
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
'("\\.ogg$" "mpv")
'("\\.\\(jpe?g\\|png\\|git\\)$" "sxiv")
'("\\.\\(mkv\\|mpe?g\\|avi\\|mp4\\|ogm\\)$" "mpv")))
(defvar ambrevar/dired-showing-humansize t "If dired is displaying humansize or not.")
(defun ambrevar/dired-toggle-humansize ()
"Toggle displaying humansize in dired."
(let ((switch-regexp "\\(\\`\\| \\)-\\([a-gi-zA-Z]*\\)\\(h\\)\\([^ ]*\\)")
(while (string-match switch-regexp dired-actual-switches)
(if (and (equal (match-string 2 dired-actual-switches) "")
(equal (match-string 4 dired-actual-switches) ""))
(setq dired-actual-switches
(replace-match "" t t dired-actual-switches))
(setq dired-actual-switches
(replace-match "" t t dired-actual-switches 3))))
(if ambrevar/dired-showing-humansize
(setq ambrevar/dired-showing-humansize nil)
(setq dired-actual-switches
(concat dired-actual-switches
(if (string-match-p "\\`-[[:alnum:]]+\\'"
"h" " -h")))
(setq ambrevar/dired-showing-humansize t))))
(dolist (fun '(dired-omit-mode ambrevar/dired-set-listing-switches))
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook fun))
(when (require 'dired-du nil t)
(setq dired-du-size-format t)
;; dired-du needs some adjustments with a custom TIME_STYLE.
(when (getenv "TIME_STYLE")
(let* ((yyyy "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")
(HH:MM "[ 0-2][0-9][:.][0-5][0-9]")
(seconds "[0-6][0-9]\\([.,][0-9]+\\)?")
(iso-mm-dd "[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]")
(zone "[-+][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]")
(iso-time (concat HH:MM "\\(:" seconds "\\( ?" zone "\\)?\\)?"))
(iso (concat "\\(\\(" yyyy "-\\)?" iso-mm-dd "[ T]" iso-time
"\\|" yyyy "-" iso-mm-dd "\\)")))
(setq directory-listing-before-filename-regexp
(concat "\\([0-9][BkKMGTPEZY]? "
"|" iso "|"
"\\) +")))))
(provide 'init-dired)