
177 lines
2.0 KiB

## Colors codes: see colors_rc
## Filesystem
FIFO 1;33 # pipe
MULTIHARDLINK 1;37 # regular file with more than one link
## Archives or compressed (bright red)
.7z 91
.Z 91
.ace 91
.arj 91
.bz 91
.bz2 91
.cpio 91
.deb 91
.dz 91
.ear 91
.gz 91
.jar 91
.lz 91
.lzh 91
.lzma 91
.rar 91
.rpm 91
.rz 91
.sar 91
.tar 91
.taz 91
.tbz 91
.tbz2 91
.tgz 91
.tlz 91
.txz 91
.tz 91
.war 91
.xz 91
.z 91
.z 91
.zip 91
.zoo 91
## Disc image
.img 4;91
.iso 4;91
# Image formats (underlined yellow)
.bmp 4;33
.gif 4;33
.jpeg 4;33
.jpg 4;33
.mng 4;33
.pbm 4;33
.pcx 4;33
.pgm 4;33
.png 4;33
.ppm 4;33
.svg 4;33
.svgz 4;33
.tga 4;33
.tif 4;33
.tiff 4;33
.xbm 4;33
.xpm 4;33
## Image formats uppercase (underlined yellow)
## We treat the special case of uppercase files since a lot of cameras save
## their file this way.
.BMP 4;33
.GIF 4;33
.JPEG 4;33
.JPG 4;33
.MNG 4;33
.PBM 4;33
.PCX 4;33
.PGM 4;33
.PNG 4;33
.PPM 4;33
.SVG 4;33
.SVGZ 4;33
.TGA 4;33
.TIF 4;33
.TIFF 4;33
.XBM 4;33
.XPM 4;33
## Documents (yellow)
.0 33
.1 33
.2 33
.3 33
.4 33
.5 33
.6 33
.7 33
.8 33
.9 33
.dvi 33
.pdf 33
.ps 33
## Videos (bright magenta)
.asf 95
.avi 95
.cgm 95
.dl 95
.emf 95
.flc 95
.fli 95
.flv 95
.gl 95
.m2v 95
.m4v 95
.mkv 95
.mov 95
.mp4 95
.mp4v 95
.mpeg 95
.mpg 95
.nuv 95
.ogm 95
.qt 95
.rm 95
.rmvb 95
.vob 95
.webm 95
.wmv 95
.xcf 95
.xwd 95
.yuv 95
## Audio formats (underlined bright magenta)
.aac 4;95
.au 4;95
.flac 4;95
.mid 4;95
.midi 4;95
.mka 4;95
.mp3 4;95
.mpc 4;95
.ogg 4;95
.ra 4;95
.wav 4;95
## Text files (underlined white)
.log 4;37
.srt 4;37
.sub 4;37
.tex 4;37
.txt 4;37
## Web (underlined white)
.css 4;37
.htm 4;37
.html 4;37
.js 4;37
## Makefile (underlined cyan)
.in 4;36
.mk 4;36
## Programming (cyan)
.bash 36
.c 36
.cc 36
.cpp 36
.csh 36
.el 36
.h 36
.hh 36
.hpp 36
.ksh 36
.lua 36
.pl 36
.py 36
.sh 36
.zsh 36