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;;;; gnu-system.scm - build jobs for Guix
;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Ludovic Courtès <>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <>
;;; This file is part of Cuirass.
;;; Cuirass is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; Cuirass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Cuirass. If not, see <>.
;; Attempt to use Guix modules from git repository.
(eval-when (compile load eval)
;; Ignore any available .go, and force recompilation. This is because our
;; checkout in the store has mtime set to the epoch, and thus .go files look
;; newer, even though they may not correspond.
(set! %fresh-auto-compile #t))
(use-modules (guix config)
(guix store)
(guix grafts)
(guix packages)
(guix derivations)
(guix monads)
((guix licenses)
#:select (gpl3+ license-name license-uri license-comment))
((guix utils) #:select (%current-system))
((guix scripts system) #:select (read-operating-system))
(gnu packages)
(gnu packages commencement)
(gnu packages guile)
(gnu packages make-bootstrap)
(gnu system)
(gnu system vm)
(gnu system install)
(srfi srfi-1)
(ice-9 match))
(define (license->alist lcs)
"Return LCS <license> object as an alist."
;; Sometimes 'license' field is a list of licenses.
(if (list? lcs)
(map license->alist lcs)
`((name . ,(license-name lcs))
(uri . ,(license-uri lcs))
(comment . ,(license-comment lcs)))))
(define (package-metadata package)
"Convert PACKAGE to an alist suitable for Hydra."
`((#:description . ,(package-synopsis package))
(#:long-description . ,(package-description package))
(#:license . ,(license->alist (package-license package)))
(#:home-page . ,(package-home-page package))
(#:maintainers . (""))
(#:max-silent-time . ,(or (assoc-ref (package-properties package)
3600)) ;1 hour by default
(#:timeout . ,(or (assoc-ref (package-properties package) 'timeout)
72000)))) ;20 hours by default
(define (package-job store job-name package system)
"Return a job called JOB-NAME that builds PACKAGE on SYSTEM."
(λ ()
`((#:job-name . ,(string-append (symbol->string job-name) "." system))
(#:derivation . ,(derivation-file-name
(parameterize ((%graft? #f))
(package-derivation store package system
#:graft? #f))))
,@(package-metadata package))))
(define (package-cross-job store job-name package target system)
"Return a job called TARGET.JOB-NAME that cross-builds PACKAGE
(λ ()
`((#:job-name . ,(string-join (list target (symbol->string job-name) system)
(#:derivation . ,(derivation-file-name
(parameterize ((%graft? #f))
(package-cross-derivation store package target system
#:graft? #f))))
,@(package-metadata package))))
(define %core-packages
;; Note: Don't put the '-final' package variants because (1) that's
;; implicit, and (2) they cannot be cross-built (due to the explicit input
;; chain.)
(append (map specification->package
'("gcc@4.8" "gcc@4.9" "gcc@5" "glibc" "binutils"
"gmp" "mpfr" "mpc" "coreutils" "findutils" "diffutils" "patch" "sed" "grep"
"gawk" "gettext" "hello" "zlib" "gzip" "xz"))
(list guile-2.0
(define %packages-to-cross-build
(define %cross-targets
(define (tarball-job store system)
"Return Hydra jobs to build the self-contained Guix binary tarball."
(λ ()
`((#:job-name . (string-append "binary-tarball." system))
(#:derivation . ,(derivation-file-name
(parameterize ((%graft? #f))
(run-with-store store
(mbegin %store-monad
(set-guile-for-build (default-guile))
#:system system))))
(#:description . "Stand-alone binary Guix tarball")
(#:long-description . "This is a tarball containing binaries of Guix
and all its dependencies, and ready to be installed on non-GuixSD
(#:license . ,(license->alist gpl3+))
(#:home-page . ,%guix-home-page-url)
(#:maintainers . ("")))))
(define %job-name
;; Return the name of a package's job.
(compose string->symbol package-full-name))
(define package->job
(let ((base-packages
(append-map (match-lambda
((_ package _ ...)
(match (package-transitive-inputs package)
(((_ inputs _ ...) ...)
(lambda (store package system)
"Return a job for PACKAGE on SYSTEM, or #f if this combination is not
(cond ((member package base-packages)
((supported-package? package system)
(package-job store (%job-name package) package system))
;;; Hydra entry point.
(define (hydra-jobs store arguments)
"Return Hydra jobs."
(define subset
(match (assoc-ref arguments 'subset)
("core" 'core) ; only build core packages
("hello" 'hello) ; only build hello
(_ 'all))) ; build everything
(define (cross-jobs system)
(define (from-32-to-64? target)
;; Return true if SYSTEM is 32-bit and TARGET is 64-bit. This hack
;; prevents known-to-fail cross-builds from i686-linux or armhf-linux to
;; mips64el-linux-gnuabi64.
(and (or (string-prefix? "i686-" system)
(string-prefix? "armhf-" system))
(string-suffix? "64" target)))
(define (same? target)
;; Return true if SYSTEM and TARGET are the same thing. This is so we
;; don't try to cross-compile to 'mips64el-linux-gnu' from
;; 'mips64el-linux'.
(string-contains target system))
(define (either proc1 proc2)
(lambda (x)
(or (proc1 x) (proc2 x))))
(append-map (lambda (target)
(map (lambda (package)
(package-cross-job store (%job-name package)
package target system))
(remove (either from-32-to-64? same?) %cross-targets)))
;; Turn off grafts. Grafting is meant to happen on the user's machines.
(parameterize ((%graft? #f))
;; Return one job for each package, except bootstrap packages.
(append-map (lambda (system)
(case subset
;; Build everything, including replacements.
(let ((pkgs (fold-packages
(lambda (package result)
(if (package-replacement package)
(cons* package
(package-replacement package)
(cons package result)))
(append (filter-map (lambda (pkg)
(package->job store pkg system))
(list (tarball-job store system))
(cross-jobs system))))
;; Build core packages only.
(append (map (lambda (package)
(package-job store (%job-name package)
package system))
(cross-jobs system)))
;; Build hello package only.
(if (string=? system (%current-system))
(let ((hello (specification->package "hello")))
(list (package-job store (%job-name hello) hello system)))
(error "unknown subset" subset))))