static const char *docs_usage[] = { "usage enchive [-p|--pubkey ] [-s|--seckey ]", #if ENCHIVE_OPTION_AGENT " [-a|--agent[=seconds]] [-A|--no-agent]", #endif " [--version] [--help]", " [args]", "", "Commands (unique prefixes accepted):", " keygen generate a new master keypair", " archive archive using the public key", " extract extract from an archive using the secret key", " fingerprint print the master keypair fingerprint", "", " -p, --pubkey set the public key file", " -s, --seckey set the secret key file", #if ENCHIVE_OPTION_AGENT " -a, --agent[=seconds] run key agent after reading a passphrase [" STR(ENCHIVE_AGENT_TIMEOUT) "]", " -A, --no-agent don't run the key agent" # if ENCHIVE_AGENT_DEFAULT_ENABLED "", # else " (default)", # endif #endif " --version display version information", " --help display this usage information", "", "Enchive archives files by encrypting them to yourself using your", "public key. It uses ChaCha20, Curve25519, and HMAC-SHA256.", 0};