# # GattLib - GATT Library # # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Olivier Martin # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4) # Add Cross-Compilation support when the environment variables # CROSS_COMPILE and SYSROOT are defined include(CrossCompilation.cmake) project(gattlib) option(GATTLIB_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build GattLib examples" YES) option(GATTLIB_SHARED_LIB "Build GattLib as a shared library" YES) find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) # Define 'Debug' as the default build type if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") endif() # Show all the warnings set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall") # Expose 'gattlib.h' to all sub-directories include_directories(include) # Check version of Bluez to know which backend we use (ie: Bluez code or DBus) pkg_search_module(BLUEZ bluez) if (NOT BLUEZ_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install 'libbluetooth-dev'") endif() # Extract Bluez version string(REPLACE "." ";" BLUEZ_VERSIONS "${BLUEZ_VERSION}") list(GET BLUEZ_VERSIONS 0 BLUEZ_VERSION_MAJOR) list(GET BLUEZ_VERSIONS 1 BLUEZ_VERSION_MINOR) add_definitions(-DBLUEZ_VERSION_MAJOR=${BLUEZ_VERSION_MAJOR} -DBLUEZ_VERSION_MINOR=${BLUEZ_VERSION_MINOR}) set(GATTLIB_FORCE_DBUS FALSE CACHE BOOLEAN "Build gattlib with D-Bus support on Bluez version < v5.42") if (BLUEZ_VERSION_MAJOR LESS 5) set(GATTLIB_DBUS FALSE) elseif (BLUEZ_VERSION_MINOR LESS 42) if (GATTLIB_FORCE_DBUS) set(GATTLIB_DBUS TRUE) else() set(GATTLIB_DBUS FALSE) endif() else() set(GATTLIB_DBUS TRUE) endif() if (GATTLIB_DBUS) # Build dbus-based gattlib add_subdirectory(dbus) # Add the Gattlib build directory for the examples link_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/dbus) else() # Build bluez-based gattlib add_subdirectory(bluez) # Add the Gattlib build directory for the examples link_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bluez) endif() # Generate pkg-config file before building the examples configure_file(dbus/gattlib.pc.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/gattlib.pc @ONLY) # Add the build directory to PKG_CONFIG_PATH set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}:$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}") if(GATTLIB_BUILD_EXAMPLES) # Examples add_subdirectory(examples/ble_scan) add_subdirectory(examples/discover) add_subdirectory(examples/read_write) add_subdirectory(examples/notification) add_subdirectory(examples/nordic_uart) # Some examples require Bluez code and other DBus support if (NOT GATTLIB_DBUS) add_subdirectory(examples/gatttool) endif() endif() # # Packaging # set(CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY /usr CACHE STRING "Install directory (default: /usr).") if (ENV{TRAVIS_TAG} AND (NOT "ENV{TRAVIS_TAG}" STREQUAL "dev")) message("Package Gattlib for tagged version $ENV{TRAVIS_TAG}") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION $ENV{TRAVIS_TAG}) else() set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION 0.2-dev) message("Package Gattlib for development version $ENV{CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}") endif() set(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "Olivier Martin ") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "Library to access GATT information from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}_${CPACK_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE}") # # Debian, RPM and ZIP packages # if (CMAKE_SYSROOT) # CPack does like RPM package in a cross-toolchain context set(CPACK_GENERATOR "DEB;ZIP") else() set(CPACK_GENERATOR "DEB;RPM;ZIP") endif() if (NOT CMAKE_SYSROOT) # Detect platform architecture to use it for the Debian package execute_process(COMMAND dpkg --print-architecture OUTPUT_VARIABLE CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE OUTPUT_QUIET) endif() set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "libglib2.0-0") # Bluez DBus API changed from v5.40 if (GATTLIB_DBUS AND (BLUEZ_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 5) AND (BLUEZ_VERSION_MINOR GREATER 39)) set(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "${CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS}, bluez (>= 5.40)") endif() # # List of file to install # install(FILES include/gattlib.h DESTINATION include) install(FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/gattlib.pc DESTINATION lib/pkgconfig) include(CPack)