/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-or-later * * Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Olivier Martin */ /** * See some Glib mainloop API function usage in this example: * https://github.com/ImageMagick/glib/blob/main/tests/mainloop-test.c */ #include "gattlib_internal.h" // We make this variable global to be able to exit the main loop static GMainLoop *m_main_loop; int gattlib_mainloop(void* (*task)(void* arg), void *arg) { GThread *task_thread = g_thread_new("gattlib_task", task, arg); m_main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(m_main_loop); g_main_loop_unref(m_main_loop); g_thread_join(task_thread); return GATTLIB_SUCCESS; } #if defined(WITH_PYTHON) struct gattlib_mainloop_handler_python_args { PyObject *handler; PyObject *user_data; }; static void* _gattlib_mainloop_handler_python(void* args) { struct gattlib_mainloop_handler_python_args* python_args = (struct gattlib_mainloop_handler_python_args*)args; PyGILState_STATE d_gstate; PyObject *result; d_gstate = PyGILState_Ensure(); #if PYTHON_VERSION >= PYTHON_VERSIONS(3, 9) result = PyObject_Call(python_args->handler, python_args->user_data, NULL); #else result = PyEval_CallObject(python_args->handler, python_args->user_data); #endif if (result == NULL) { GATTLIB_LOG(GATTLIB_ERROR, "Python task handler has raised an exception."); } PyGILState_Release(d_gstate); return result; } int gattlib_mainloop_python(PyObject *handler, PyObject *user_data) { struct gattlib_mainloop_handler_python_args python_args = { .handler = handler, .user_data = user_data }; return gattlib_mainloop(_gattlib_mainloop_handler_python, &python_args); } #endif