
165 lines
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2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% Some of my favourite personal adjustments
% These are the adjustments that I consider necessary for typesetting
% a nice thesis. However, they are *not* included in the template, as
% I do not want to force you to use them.
% This ensures that I am able to typeset bold font in table while still aligning the numbers
2017-09-19 11:27:06 +02:00
% correctly.
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% Hyperlinks & bookmarks
colorlinks = true,
citecolor = RoyalBlue,
linkcolor = RoyalBlue,
urlcolor = RoyalBlue,
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% Bibliography
% I like the bibliography to be extremely plain, showing only a numeric
% identifier and citing everything in simple brackets. The first names,
% if present, will be initialized. DOIs and URLs will be preserved.
autocite = plain,
backend = biber,
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
doi = true,
url = true,
giveninits = true,
hyperref = true,
maxbibnames = 99,
maxcitenames = 99,
sortcites = true,
style = numeric,
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% Fonts
\setmainfont{EB Garamond}
\setmathfont{Garamond Math}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Code Pro}
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
\newacronym[description={Principal component analysis}]{PCA}{PCA}{principal component analysis}
\newacronym {SNF}{SNF}{Smith normal form}
\newacronym[description={Topological data analysis}] {TDA}{TDA}{topological data analysis}
name = {\LaTeX},
description = {A document preparation system},
sort = {LaTeX},
\newglossaryentry{Real numbers}{%
name = {$\real$},
description = {The set of real numbers},
sort = {Real numbers},
% Ordinals
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% Incipit
\subtitle{A minimal, modern \LaTeX{} package for typesetting your thesis}
\author{Bastian Rieck}
2017-09-19 11:27:06 +02:00
2021-08-30 08:23:10 +02:00
\part[A good part]{%
A good part\\
You can also use parts in order to partition your great work
into larger `chunks'. This involves some manual adjustments in
terms of the layout, though.
2017-09-19 11:20:02 +02:00
% This ensures that the subsequent sections are being included as root
% items in the bookmark structure of your PDF reader.