Updated README

Bastian Rieck 2021-07-14 14:39:52 +02:00
parent e102f277ea
commit e5b81dbcb8
1 changed files with 34 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -43,10 +43,42 @@ steps:
- Add `\documentclass{mimosis}` to your document preamble
- Optionally copy the file `Thesis.tex` and the files in `Sources` as
a starting point
- Use `latexmk` to build the document using `pdflatex`
- Use `latexmk` to build the document
- Write a nice thesis in LaTeX
# How to customize
While you can customise everything to your heart's desire, you should
probably start with changing the fonts. I strongly recommend to use
`xelatex` or `lualatex` to build the document, as this will make font
selection almost trivial. Essentially, you only require these three
commands (I took the liberty to specify some example fonts):
\setsansfont{IBM Plex Sans}
\setmonofont{IBM Plex Mono}
Put these commands in your main file such as `Thesis.tex` and be sure to
remove this code block here:
\setmainfont{Minion Pro}
Note that the document will work fine nevertheless, but most people
either dislike the Minion Pro font or do not have this font available.
**Overleaf users**: If you are using Overleaf to build your thesis, you
are restricted by their choice of fonts. Please read [this document](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Questions/Which_OTF_or_TTF_fonts_are_supported_via_fontspec%3F)
for more information about which fonts are available.
# How to customise
The template is based on the excellent [`KOMA-script`](https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script)
class. You can thus change the appearance of many things quite easily.