# latex-mimosis: A minimal & modern template for your thesis This repository contains a minimal & modern LaTeX template for dissertations and other university documents. For the impatient or curious: [this is how the template looks like](Thesis.pdf). # Advantages This template aims to be… - clean: no LaTeX trickery - minimal: no unnecessary adjustments and decorations - modern: typographically pleasing It is specifically suited for the European education system because it uses A4 paper size by default. # How to use - Clone this repository - Copy the file `mimosis.cls` into your document directory - Add `\documentclass{mimosis}` to your document preamble - Optionally copy the file `Thesis.tex` and the files in `Sources` as a starting point - Use `latexmk` to build the document using `pdflatex` - Write a nice thesis in LaTeX # Example The repository comes with an example file called `Thesis.tex`. Please take a look at this file in order for more detailed instructions about how to use the class. It is recommended to use `latexmk` to build your LaTeX documents. Your distribution might already have this command. If so, you can use latexmk in the main directory of this repository in order to build the example file. # Contributing If you require additional features, find some bugs, or just have some generic inquiries, please just open an issue in this repository.