
336 lines
9.6 KiB

\ProvidesClass{mimosis}[2017/08/01 Minimal modern thesis class]
DIV=10, % TODO: Make configurable
BCOR=10mm, % TODO: Make configurable
% Makes it possible to switch between different languages in the text
% while keeping hyphenation rules correct. Should you add another one
% in the list, please ensure that `english` is the last one. The last
% language is used to control standard hyphenation.
% If you write your report in German, you need to change the order.
% Bibliography
autocite = plain,
backend = bibtex,
doi = true,
url = true,
giveninits = true,
hyperref = true,
maxbibnames = 99,
maxcitenames = 99,
sortcites = true,
style = numeric,
% Remove the month field from the bibliography. It does not serve a good
% purpose, and often, it cannot be used because the journals have crazy
% issue policies.
% Suppress "in" for journal articles.
% else
% Remove the parentheses for the year in an article. This removes a lot
% of undesired parentheses in the bibliography, which improves
% readability.
% Delimit the volume and the number of an article by a colon instead of
% by a dot, which I consider to be more readable.
% Do not use a colon for the publisher location. Instead, connect
% publisher, location, and date via commas.
% Ditto for other entry types.
% Do not abbreviate "technical report".
techreport = {technical report},
% Display the label of a bibliographic entry in bare style, without any
% brackets. I like this more than the default.
% This is *really* the proper way of doing this.
% Ensure that DOIs are followed by a non-breakable space.
% Add hair spaces between initials. Technically, this does not amount to
% a large change, but it is typographically correct.
\renewcommand*\bibinitdelim {\addnbthinspace}
% Make the font size of citations smaller. This looks more elegant and
% reduces their optical 'weight' somewhat.
% Fonts & colours
\definecolor{hd-red} {RGB}{197, 13, 41}
\definecolor{hd-brown}{RGB}{ 90, 15, 20}
% Graphics
% Suppress warnings about page groups in PDFs. This is not justified
% in most of the cases. I am pretty sure I am including my images in
% the right manner.
\expandafter\ifx\csname pdfsuppresswarningpagegroup\endcsname\relax
% Make sub-references using \subref being typeset with parentheses.
% Otherwise, only the counter will be printed.
% Styling the algorithm captions. They should not be larger than the captions for the figures and
% tables.
font = small,
labelsep = colon
% Pseudo-code
% Further information about styling and other issues with this package
% is available under:
% Ensures that the `\autoref` command works with algorithms as well. The
% text may have to be changed for other languages, though.
% Use a small font in the body of an algorithm. This removes the weight
% of algorithm environments and makes them typographically more light.
% Paragraph lists & compact enumerations
olditem, % Do not modify itemize environments by default
oldenum % Do not modify enumerate environments by default
% Spacing
% Tables
% Hyperlinks & bookmarks
colorlinks = true,
citecolor = hd-red,
linkcolor = hd-red,
urlcolor = hd-red,
% Proper typesetting of units
detect-all = true,
detect-family = true,
detect-mode = true,
detect-shape = true,
detect-weight = true,
detect-inline-weight = math,
% Mathematics
% Fix the spacing of \left and \right. Use these with the proper bracket
% in order to ensure that they scale automatically.
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin} {arg\,min}
\DeclareMathOperator {\dist} {dist}
\DeclareMathOperator {\im} {im}
\newcommand{\real} {\ensuremath{\mathds{R}}}
% Proper differential operators
% Ordinals
\newcommand {\rd}{\textsuperscript{\textup{rd}}\xspace}
\newcommand {\nd}{\textsuperscript{\textup{nd}}\xspace}
% Penalties
\clubpenalty = 10000
\widowpenalty = 10000
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000
% Headers
% Typefaces for sections