Make fade-in/outs journaled.

Jonathan Moore Liles 2008-04-21 10:31:25 -05:00
parent f05f6026de
commit 604bf2861a
1 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -107,9 +107,13 @@ protected:
get ( Log_Entry &e )
e.add( ":source", _clip ? _clip->name() : "" );
e.add( ":gain", _scale );
e.add( ":color", (int)_box_color );
e.add( ":source", _clip ? _clip->name() : "" );
e.add( ":gain", _scale );
e.add( ":fade-in-type", _fade_in.type );
e.add( ":fade-in-duration", _fade_in.length );
e.add( ":fade-out-type", _fade_out.type );
e.add( ":fade-out-duration", _fade_out.length );
e.add( ":color", (int)_box_color );
Sequence_Widget::get( e );
@ -125,8 +129,16 @@ protected:
if ( ! strcmp( s, ":gain" ) )
_scale = atof( v );
if ( ! strcmp( s, ":color" ) )
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":color" ) )
_box_color = (Fl_Color)atoi( v );
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-type" ) )
_fade_in.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v );
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-duration" ) )
_fade_in.length = atol( v );
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-type" ) )
_fade_out.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v );
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-duration" ) )
_fade_out.length = atol( v );
else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":source" ) )
if ( ! ( _clip = Audio_File::from_file( v ) ) )