Timeline: Prevent status info update from causing complete redraw due to new NTK transparency logic.

Jonathan Moore Liles 2012-06-05 17:31:18 -07:00
parent ab98b66f44
commit a5588f7ad4
1 changed files with 289 additions and 290 deletions

View File

@ -112,8 +112,7 @@ class TLE_Window {open : {public Fl_Overlay_Window}
Function {~TLE_Window()} {open return_type virtual
} {
code {} {selected
code {} {}
@ -250,70 +249,73 @@ Loggable::progress_callback( &TLE::progress_cb, this );} {}
label {Non DAW : Timeline}
callback {if ( Fl::event_key() != FL_Escape )
timeline->command_quit();} open
xywh {485 131 1025 770} type Double resizable
xywh {551 117 1025 770} type Double resizable
class TLE_Window xclass Non_DAW size_range {900 300 0 0} visible
} {
Fl_Menu_Bar menubar {open
private xywh {0 0 1025 25}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 0 1025 72} box FLAT_BOX
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Project} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
Fl_Menu_Bar menubar {open
private xywh {0 0 1025 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&Info}
callback {Project_Info_Dialog pi;
xywh {0 0 40 25} deactivate
Submenu {} {
label {Se&ttings} open
xywh {20 20 74 25}
label {&Project} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&Follow Playhead}
callback {Timeline::follow_playhead = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {40 40 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {&Center Playhead}
callback {Timeline::center_playhead = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {50 50 40 25} type Toggle value 1
label {&Info}
callback {Project_Info_Dialog pi;
xywh {5 5 40 25} deactivate
Submenu {} {
label {&Snap to} open
xywh {20 20 74 25}
label {Se&ttings} open
xywh {25 25 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Bars
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::Bars;}
xywh {20 20 40 25} type Radio value 1
label {&Follow Playhead}
callback {Timeline::follow_playhead = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {45 45 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Beats
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::Beats;}
xywh {30 30 40 25} type Radio
label {&Center Playhead}
callback {Timeline::center_playhead = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {55 55 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Snap to} open
xywh {25 25 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Bars
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::Bars;}
xywh {25 25 40 25} type Radio value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Beats
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::Beats;}
xywh {35 35 40 25} type Radio
MenuItem {} {
label Off
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::None;}
xywh {45 45 40 25} type Radio
MenuItem {} {
label Off
callback {Timeline::snap_to = Timeline::None;}
xywh {40 40 40 25} type Radio
label {Magnetic snap}
callback {Timeline::snap_magnetic = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {35 35 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {Capture Format} open
xywh {25 25 74 25}
} {}
MenuItem {} {
label {Magnetic snap}
callback {Timeline::snap_magnetic = menu_picked_value( o );}
xywh {30 30 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {Capture Format} open
xywh {20 20 74 25}
} {}
MenuItem {} {
label {&New}
callback {save_timeline_settings();
label {&New}
callback {save_timeline_settings();
const char *templates[] = { "Default", NULL };
@ -344,11 +346,11 @@ load_timeline_settings();
xywh {0 0 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label {&Open}
callback {char *path;
xywh {5 5 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label {&Open}
callback {char *path;
read_line( user_config_dir, "default_path", &path );
@ -357,256 +359,256 @@ const char *name = fl_dir_chooser( "Open Project", path );
free( path );
open( name );}
xywh {10 10 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label {&Compact}
callback {int n = fl_choice( "Compacting will replace the project history with a snapshot of the current state.\\nYou will not be able to use Undo to go back beyond this point.\\n\\nThis operation is irreversible!", NULL, "&Cancel", "Pr&ocede with compaction" );
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label {&Compact}
callback {int n = fl_choice( "Compacting will replace the project history with a snapshot of the current state.\\nYou will not be able to use Undo to go back beyond this point.\\n\\nThis operation is irreversible!", NULL, "&Cancel", "Pr&ocede with compaction" );
if ( n != 2 )
xywh {20 20 40 25}
xywh {25 25 40 25}
Submenu {} {
label {&Export} open
xywh {5 5 74 25} deactivate
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Project
xywh {5 5 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Range
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label {&Quit}
callback {quit()}
xywh {45 45 40 25} shortcut 0x40071
Submenu {} {
label {&Export} open
xywh {0 0 74 25} deactivate
label {&Edit} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Project
xywh {0 0 40 25}
label Undo
callback {Loggable::undo();}
xywh {5 5 40 25} shortcut 0x4007a divider
MenuItem {} {
label Range
xywh {10 10 40 25}
label {Select None}
callback {timeline->select_none();}
xywh {15 15 40 25} shortcut 0x50061
MenuItem {} {
label {Delete Selected}
callback {timeline->delete_selected();}
xywh {25 25 40 25} shortcut 0xffff
MenuItem {} {
label {&Quit}
callback {quit()}
xywh {40 40 40 25} shortcut 0x40071
Submenu {} {
label {&Edit} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Undo
callback {Loggable::undo();}
xywh {0 0 40 25} shortcut 0x4007a divider
MenuItem {} {
label {Select None}
callback {timeline->select_none();}
xywh {10 10 40 25} shortcut 0x50061
MenuItem {} {
label {Delete Selected}
callback {timeline->delete_selected();}
xywh {20 20 40 25} shortcut 0xffff
Submenu {} {
label {T&ransport} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Start
callback {transport->locate( 0 );}
xywh {0 0 40 25} shortcut 0xff50
MenuItem {} {
label End
callback {transport->locate( timeline->length() );}
xywh {10 10 40 25} shortcut 0xff57
MenuItem {} {
label {Play/Stop}
callback {transport->toggle();}
xywh {20 20 40 25} shortcut 0x20
MenuItem {} {
label Record
callback {transport->toggle_record();}
xywh {40 40 40 25} shortcut 0x10072
MenuItem {} {
label {&Timeline}
xywh {0 0 40 25}
Submenu {} {
label {&View} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Zoom} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
label {T&ransport} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&In}
callback {timeline->zoom_in();}
xywh {20 20 40 25} shortcut 0x2b
label Start
callback {transport->locate( 0 );}
xywh {5 5 40 25} shortcut 0xff50
MenuItem {} {
label {&Out}
callback {timeline->zoom_out();}
xywh {30 30 40 25} shortcut 0x5f
label End
callback {transport->locate( timeline->length() );}
xywh {15 15 40 25} shortcut 0xff57
MenuItem {} {
label {&Fit}
callback {timeline->zoom_fit();}
xywh {10 10 40 25} shortcut 0x3d divider
label {Play/Stop}
callback {transport->toggle();}
xywh {25 25 40 25} shortcut 0x20
MenuItem {} {
label {1 sec.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 1 );}
xywh {10 10 40 25} shortcut 0x31
MenuItem {} {
label {1 min.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 60 );}
xywh {20 20 40 25} shortcut 0x32
MenuItem {} {
label {1 hour.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 60 * 60 );}
xywh {30 30 40 25} shortcut 0x33
label Record
callback {transport->toggle_record();}
xywh {45 45 40 25} shortcut 0x10072
MenuItem {} {
label {&Theme}
callback {fl_theme_chooser();}
xywh {10 10 40 24}
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Theme_Chooser.H"}
label {&Timeline}
xywh {5 5 40 25}
Submenu {} {
label {&Options} open
xywh {0 0 74 25} divider
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Display} open
xywh {10 10 74 25}
label {&View} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Timeline} open
xywh {10 10 74 25}
label {&Zoom} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&Measure lines}
callback {Timeline::draw_with_measure_lines = menu_picked_value( o );
label {&In}
callback {timeline->zoom_in();}
xywh {25 25 40 25} shortcut 0x2b
MenuItem {} {
label {&Out}
callback {timeline->zoom_out();}
xywh {35 35 40 25} shortcut 0x5f
MenuItem {} {
label {&Fit}
callback {timeline->zoom_fit();}
xywh {15 15 40 25} shortcut 0x3d divider
MenuItem {} {
label {1 sec.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 1 );}
xywh {15 15 40 25} shortcut 0x31
MenuItem {} {
label {1 min.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 60 );}
xywh {25 25 40 25} shortcut 0x32
MenuItem {} {
label {1 hour.}
callback {timeline->zoom( 60 * 60 );}
xywh {35 35 40 25} shortcut 0x33
MenuItem {} {
label {&Theme}
callback {fl_theme_chooser();}
xywh {15 15 40 24}
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Theme_Chooser.H"}
Submenu {} {
label {&Options} open
xywh {5 5 74 25} divider
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Display} open
xywh {15 15 74 25}
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Timeline} open
xywh {15 15 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&Measure lines}
callback {Timeline::draw_with_measure_lines = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {10 10 40 25} type Toggle value 1
xywh {15 15 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Waveform} open
xywh {15 15 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Fill
callback {Waveform::fill = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {25 25 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Outline
callback {Waveform::outline = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {45 45 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Vary color}
callback {Waveform::vary_color = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {35 35 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Region} open
xywh {15 15 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {Filled fades}
xywh {45 45 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Inherit track color}
callback {Audio_Region::inherit_track_color = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {55 55 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Show box}
callback {Audio_Region::show_box = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {55 55 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Control Sequence} open
xywh {15 15 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Polygon
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_polygon = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {35 35 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Graded
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_gradient = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {45 45 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Ruled
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_grid = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {55 55 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Waveform} open
xywh {10 10 74 25}
label {&Behavior} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Fill
callback {Waveform::fill = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {20 20 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Outline
callback {Waveform::outline = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {40 40 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Vary color}
callback {Waveform::vary_color = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {30 30 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Region} open
xywh {10 10 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {Filled fades}
xywh {40 40 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Inherit track color}
callback {Audio_Region::inherit_track_color = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {50 50 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {Show box}
callback {Audio_Region::show_box = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {50 50 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Control Sequence} open
xywh {10 10 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Polygon
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_polygon = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {30 30 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Graded
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_gradient = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {40 40 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label Ruled
callback {Control_Sequence::draw_with_grid = menu_picked_value( o );
xywh {50 50 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Transport} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {Stop Disables Record}
callback {transport->stop_disables_record( ((Fl_Menu_*)o)->mvalue()->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE );}
xywh {10 10 40 25} type Toggle value 1
Submenu {} {
label {&Behavior} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
label {&Help} open
xywh {5 5 74 25}
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&Transport} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {Stop Disables Record}
callback {transport->stop_disables_record( ((Fl_Menu_*)o)->mvalue()->flags & FL_MENU_VALUE );}
xywh {5 5 40 25} type Toggle value 1
MenuItem {} {
label {&Manual}
callback {show_help_dialog( "MANUAL" );}
xywh {15 15 40 25} divider
Submenu {} {
label {&Help} open
xywh {0 0 74 25}
} {
MenuItem {} {
label {&Manual}
callback {show_help_dialog( "MANUAL" );}
xywh {10 10 40 25} divider
MenuItem {} {
label {&About}
callback {About_Dialog ab( PIXMAP_PATH "/non-daw/icon-256x256.png" );
MenuItem {} {
label {&About}
callback {About_Dialog ab( PIXMAP_PATH "/non-daw/icon-256x256.png" );
ab.logo_box->label( VERSION );
@ -619,39 +621,36 @@ timeline->redraw();}
xywh {0 0 40 25}
xywh {5 5 40 25}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 -1 1025 76}
} {
Fl_Pack {} {open
xywh {3 27 477 44} type HORIZONTAL
xywh {3 28 477 44} type HORIZONTAL
code0 {o->spacing( 10 );}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {<Transport>}
xywh {5 29 185 37} color 30
xywh {5 30 185 37} color 30
code0 {transport = o;}
code1 {o->labeltype( FL_NO_LABEL );}
code2 {o->spacing( 1 );}
class Transport
Fl_Pack clocks_pack {open
private xywh {195 27 285 44} type HORIZONTAL
private xywh {195 28 285 44} type HORIZONTAL
code0 {o->spacing( 2 );}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
private xywh {196 27 137 40} box BORDER_BOX color 40
private xywh {196 28 137 40} box BORDER_BOX color 40
code0 {o->type( Clock::HMS );}
code1 {o->run( &transport->frame );}
class Clock
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {335 31 137 37} box BORDER_BOX color 40
xywh {335 32 137 37} box BORDER_BOX color 40
code0 {o->type( Clock::BBT );}
code1 {o->run( &transport->frame );}
class Clock
@ -660,71 +659,71 @@ ab.run();}
Fl_Box {} {
label {<empty>}
xywh {475 31 265 40} resizable
xywh {475 32 265 40} resizable
code0 {o->labeltype( FL_NO_LABEL );}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {850 22 175 50}
xywh {850 23 175 50}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {capture:}
xywh {910 26 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
xywh {910 27 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
Fl_Box {} {
label {playback:}
xywh {910 42 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
xywh {910 43 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
Fl_Box {} {
label {DSP:}
xywh {910 56 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
xywh {910 57 56 14} labelsize 10 align 24
Fl_Box {} {
label filesystem
xywh {855 27 55 18} labelsize 10 align 16
xywh {855 28 55 18} labelsize 10 align 16
Fl_Progress capture_buffer_progress {
label {50%}
private xywh {965 26 60 14} labelsize 10
private xywh {965 27 60 14} labelsize 10
Fl_Progress cpu_load_progress {
label {50%}
private xywh {965 56 60 14} labelsize 9
private xywh {965 57 60 14} labelsize 9
Fl_Progress playback_buffer_progress {
label {50%}
private xywh {965 41 60 14} labelsize 10
private xywh {965 42 60 14} labelsize 10
Fl_Progress disk_usage_progress {
label {50%}
private xywh {855 42 55 28} labelsize 10
private xywh {855 43 55 28} labelsize 10
code0 {o->type( FL_VERTICAL );}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {740 30 115 40}
xywh {740 31 115 40}
} {
Fl_Button solo_blinker {
label SOLO
xywh {800 32 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 74 selection_color 92 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
xywh {800 33 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 74 selection_color 92 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Blink_Button.H"}
class Fl_Blink_Button
Fl_Button rec_blinker {
label REC
xywh {800 52 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 72 selection_color 88 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
xywh {800 53 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 72 selection_color 88 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Blink_Button.H"}
class Fl_Blink_Button
Fl_Button selected_blinker {
label SEL
xywh {745 52 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 13 selection_color 5 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
xywh {745 53 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 13 selection_color 5 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Blink_Button.H"}
code1 {o->blink( false );}
class Fl_Blink_Button
Fl_Button seek_blinker {
label SEEK
xywh {745 32 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 10 selection_color 2 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
xywh {745 33 50 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 10 selection_color 2 labelfont 2 labelcolor 39 deactivate
code0 {\#include "FL/Fl_Blink_Button.H"}
code1 {o->blink_interval( Fl_Blink_Button::FAST );}
class Fl_Blink_Button
@ -732,11 +731,11 @@ ab.run();}
Fl_Box stats_box {
label {<stats>}
xywh {745 0 235 24} labelsize 13 labelcolor 53 align 88
xywh {745 0 235 25} labelsize 13 labelcolor 53 align 88
Fl_Button sm_blinker {
label SM
xywh {985 5 35 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 45 selection_color 93 labelfont 3 labelcolor 39 deactivate
xywh {985 6 35 15} box ROUNDED_BOX down_box ROUNDED_BOX color 45 selection_color 93 labelfont 3 labelcolor 39 deactivate
class Fl_Button
@ -745,8 +744,8 @@ ab.run();}
private xywh {15 394 995 41} hide
Fl_Box {} {
label {<Timeline>}
xywh {0 75 1025 692} box FLAT_BOX color 47 labelsize 100 resizable
label {<Timeline>} selected
xywh {0 75 1025 692} box FLAT_BOX color 47 labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 100 resizable
code0 {timeline = o;}
class Timeline
@ -953,7 +952,7 @@ if ( logo_box->image() )
logo_box->image( NULL );
}} open
private xywh {761 214 520 775} type Double modal visible
private xywh {105 612 520 775} type Double modal visible
} {
Fl_Value_Output {} {
label {Sample Rate}