Sequencer: Fix layering of controls.

Jonathan Moore Liles 2012-05-20 20:25:49 -07:00
parent 0cc0bf2f00
commit c9a7e56b80
1 changed files with 137 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -226,142 +226,6 @@ if ( maybe_save_song() )
xywh {798 131 865 805} type Double color 47 resizable
code0 {o->color( FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR );} xclass non size_range {700 509 0 0} visible
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 30 865 70}
} {
Fl_Pack {} {
label Meter open
xywh {214 72 175 25} type HORIZONTAL labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 9 align 0
code0 {o->spacing( 3 );}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {BPM:}
xywh {220 68 35 27} resizable
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beats_per_minute( o->value() );}
xywh {265 68 55 27} when 8
code1 {transport.signal_tempo_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code2 {o->value( transport.beats_per_minute );}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beats_per_bar( o->value() );}
xywh {325 68 26 27}
code0 {transport.signal_bpb_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code1 {o->value( transport.beats_per_bar );}
Fl_Box {} {
label {/}
xywh {346 68 19 27}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beat_type( o->value() );}
xywh {365 68 24 27}
code0 {transport.signal_beat_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code1 {o->value( transport.beat_type );}
Fl_Pack vmetro_widget {
label Metronome
xywh {395 34 461 60} type HORIZONTAL box UP_BOX color 40 selection_color 48 labelsize 33 align 0 resizable
code0 {\#include "widgets.H"}
code1 {o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX );}
class Visual_Metronome
} {}
Fl_Pack transport_controls_group {open
xywh {4 32 160 44} type HORIZONTAL
code0 {o->spacing( 2 );}
class Fl_Scalepack
} {
Fl_Button play_button {
label {@>}
callback {transport.toggle();}
xywh {10 34 43 40} shortcut 0x20 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
Fl_Button rec_button {
label {@circle}
callback {transport.recording = o->value();
if ( o->value() )
if ( config.record_mode == NEW )
pattern *p = new pattern;
p->length( -1 );
pattern_c->grid( p );
((pattern*)pattern_c->grid())->record( 0 );
o->labelcolor( FL_RED );
o->labelcolor( FL_WHITE );
xywh {60 34 43 40} type Toggle shortcut 0x80072 selection_color 47 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL when 1
Fl_Button home_button {
label {@|<}
callback {transport.locate( 0 );}
xywh {110 34 43 40} shortcut 0xff50 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
Fl_Choice record_mode_menu {
label {&Record Mode}
callback {if ( ! transport.recording )
config.record_mode = (record_mode_e)o->value();
o->value( config.record_mode );} open
xywh {171 41 100 27} box DOWN_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX color 37 labelsize 9 align 1
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Merge
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Overwrite
xywh {25 25 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Layer
xywh {35 35 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label New
xywh {45 45 40 25}
Fl_Choice playback_mode_menu {
label {Playback &Mode} open
xywh {285 41 100 26} box DOWN_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX color 37 labelsize 9 align 1
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Pattern
callback {song.play_mode = PATTERN;}
xywh {5 5 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Sequence
callback {song.play_mode = SEQUENCE;}
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Trigger
callback {song.play_mode = TRIGGER;}
xywh {25 25 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Queue
callback {song.play_mode = QUEUE;}
xywh {0 0 40 24}
Fl_Tabs tabs {
callback {((Fl_Group*)o->value())->child( 0 )->take_focus();
@ -383,7 +247,7 @@ else
menu_bar->redraw();} open
xywh {0 79 865 698} color 37 labeltype SHADOW_LABEL labelsize 19 when 1 resizable
code0 {canvas_background_color = fl_rgb_color( 18, 18, 18 );}
} {
@ -843,6 +707,142 @@ pattern_c->changed_mapping();}
Fl_Group {} {
xywh {0 30 865 70}
} {
Fl_Pack {} {
label Meter open
xywh {214 72 175 25} type HORIZONTAL labeltype NO_LABEL labelsize 9 align 0
code0 {o->spacing( 3 );}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {BPM:}
xywh {220 68 35 27} resizable
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beats_per_minute( o->value() );}
xywh {265 68 55 27} when 8
code1 {transport.signal_tempo_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code2 {o->value( transport.beats_per_minute );}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beats_per_bar( o->value() );}
xywh {325 68 26 27}
code0 {transport.signal_bpb_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code1 {o->value( transport.beats_per_bar );}
Fl_Box {} {
label {/}
xywh {346 68 19 27}
Fl_Value_Input {} {
callback {transport.set_beat_type( o->value() );}
xywh {365 68 24 27}
code0 {transport.signal_beat_change.connect( sigc::mem_fun( o, static_cast<int (Fl_Valuator::*)(double)>(&Fl_Valuator::value) ) );}
code1 {o->value( transport.beat_type );}
Fl_Pack vmetro_widget {
label Metronome
xywh {395 34 461 60} type HORIZONTAL box UP_BOX color 40 selection_color 48 labelsize 33 align 0 resizable
code0 {\#include "widgets.H"}
code1 {o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX );}
class Visual_Metronome
} {}
Fl_Pack transport_controls_group {open
xywh {4 32 160 44} type HORIZONTAL
code0 {o->spacing( 2 );}
class Fl_Scalepack
} {
Fl_Button play_button {
label {@>}
callback {transport.toggle();}
xywh {10 34 43 40} shortcut 0x20 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
Fl_Button rec_button {
label {@circle}
callback {transport.recording = o->value();
if ( o->value() )
if ( config.record_mode == NEW )
pattern *p = new pattern;
p->length( -1 );
pattern_c->grid( p );
((pattern*)pattern_c->grid())->record( 0 );
o->labelcolor( FL_RED );
o->labelcolor( FL_WHITE );
xywh {60 34 43 40} type Toggle shortcut 0x80072 selection_color 47 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL when 1
Fl_Button home_button {
label {@|<}
callback {transport.locate( 0 );}
xywh {110 34 43 40} shortcut 0xff50 labeltype ENGRAVED_LABEL
Fl_Choice record_mode_menu {
label {&Record Mode}
callback {if ( ! transport.recording )
config.record_mode = (record_mode_e)o->value();
o->value( config.record_mode );} open
xywh {171 41 100 27} box DOWN_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX color 37 labelsize 9 align 1
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Merge
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Overwrite
xywh {25 25 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Layer
xywh {35 35 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label New
xywh {45 45 40 25}
Fl_Choice playback_mode_menu {
label {Playback &Mode} open
xywh {285 41 100 26} box DOWN_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX color 37 labelsize 9 align 1
} {
MenuItem {} {
label Pattern
callback {song.play_mode = PATTERN;}
xywh {5 5 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Sequence
callback {song.play_mode = SEQUENCE;}
xywh {15 15 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Trigger
callback {song.play_mode = TRIGGER;}
xywh {25 25 40 25}
MenuItem {} {
label Queue
callback {song.play_mode = QUEUE;}
xywh {0 0 40 24}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 776 865 31}
} {