Consider loop points when drawing waveforms.

Jonathan Moore Liles 2008-06-29 23:33:37 -05:00
parent 7dc9a475e9
commit dfaf04645c
1 changed files with 84 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -458,112 +458,120 @@ Audio_Region::draw ( void )
/* no coverage */
const int scroll_x = this->scroll_x();
const int start_x = timeline->ts_to_x( _r->start );
if ( start_x > scroll_x + sequence()->w() ||
start_x + abs_w() < scroll_x )
/* not in viewport */
/* account for waveform outlines... */
X -= 2;
W += 4;
int OX = scroll_x();
int ox = timeline->ts_to_x( _r->start );
if ( ox > OX + sequence()->w() ||
( ox < OX && ox + abs_w() < OX ) )
/* not in viewport */
int rw = timeline->ts_to_x( _r->length );
/* start with region length... */
int rw = min( abs_w(), sequence()->w() );
/* calculate waveform offset due to scrolling */
nframes_t offset = 0;
if ( ox < OX )
if ( start_x < scroll_x )
offset = timeline->x_to_ts( OX - ox );
offset = timeline->x_to_ts( scroll_x - start_x );
rw -= OX - ox;
rw -= scroll_x - start_x;
rw = min( rw, sequence()->w() );
int rx = x();
const int rx = x();
fl_push_clip( rx, Y, rw, H );
/* get actual peak data */
int channels;
int peaks;
Peak *pbuf;
/* draw fade curve outlines--this is only here because of crossfades */
draw_fade( _fade_in, Fade::In, true, X, W );
draw_fade( _fade_out, Fade::Out, true, X, W );
int xo = 0;
// const nframes_t start = _r->start + offset + timeline->x_to_ts( X - rx );
// nframes_t start = _r->start + offset;
nframes_t start = _r->offset + offset;
do {
/* compensate for ??? */
if ( X - rx > 0 )
start += timeline->x_to_ts( X - rx );
int channels;
int peaks;
Peak *pbuf;
const int peaks_needed = min( timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() - start ), W );
nframes_t start = _r->offset;
const nframes_t end = start + timeline->x_to_ts( peaks_needed );
/* int loop_peaks_needed = min( _loop ? timeline->ts_to_x( _loop ) : timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() ), rw ); */
if ( _clip->read_peaks( timeline->fpp(),
&peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) &&
peaks )
int loop_peaks_needed = _loop ? timeline->ts_to_x( _loop ) : timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() );
assert( pbuf );
/* draw fade curve outlines--this is only here because of crossfades */
draw_fade( _fade_in, Fade::In, true, X, W );
draw_fade( _fade_out, Fade::Out, true, X, W );
int ch = (h() - Fl::box_dh( box() )) / channels;
Waveform::scale( pbuf, peaks * channels, _scale );
for ( int i = 0; i < channels; ++i )
if ( ! xo )
// Peak *pb = pbuf + (peaks * i);
/* int fw = timeline->ts_to_x( fade.length ); */
if ( _loop )
start += offset % _loop;
start += offset;
/* /\* if ( draw_fade_waveform ) *\/ */
/* for ( int j = min( fw, peaks ); j--; ) */
/* { */
/* const float g = fade.gain( j * timeline->fpp() ); */
/* pb[ j ].min *= g; */
/* pb[ j ].max *= g; */
/* } */
/* compensate for ??? */
/* compensate for scrolling */
if ( X - rx > 0 )
start += timeline->x_to_ts( X - rx );
loop_peaks_needed -= timeline->ts_to_x( offset ) % loop_peaks_needed;
assert( loop_peaks_needed > 0 );
if ( _loop && offset < _loop )
const int x = loop_peaks_needed;
/* FIXME: is there no way to draw these symbols direclty? */
fl_font( FL_SYMBOL, 14 );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
fl_draw( "@2>", X + x - 7, y(), 14, 14, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM), 0, 1 );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
fl_draw( "@2<", X + x - 7, y() + h() - 14, 14, 14, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM), 0, 1 );
Waveform::draw( X,
(y() + Fl::box_dy( box() )) + (i * ch),
pbuf + i, peaks, channels,
selected() ? fl_invert_color( _color ) : _color );
if ( peaks < peaks_needed )
/* couldn't read peaks--perhaps they're being generated. Try again later. */
Fl::add_timeout( 0.1f, &Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb,
new Peaks_Redraw_Request( this, start + timeline->x_to_ts( peaks ), end ) );
const int total_peaks_needed = min( timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() - start ), rw );
const nframes_t end = start + timeline->x_to_ts( loop_peaks_needed );
if ( _loop )
const int x = timeline->ts_to_x( _loop - offset );
if ( _clip->read_peaks( timeline->fpp(),
&peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) &&
peaks )
assert( pbuf );
int ch = (h() - Fl::box_dh( box() )) / channels;
Waveform::scale( pbuf, peaks * channels, _scale );
for ( int i = 0; i < channels; ++i )
Waveform::draw( X + xo,
(y() + Fl::box_dy( box() )) + (i * ch),
pbuf + i, peaks, channels,
selected() ? fl_invert_color( _color ) : _color );
if ( peaks < loop_peaks_needed )
/* couldn't read peaks--perhaps they're being generated. Try again later. */
Fl::add_timeout( 0.1f, &Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb,
new Peaks_Redraw_Request( this, start + timeline->x_to_ts( peaks ), end ) );
xo += loop_peaks_needed;
/* FIXME: is there no way to draw these symbols direclty? */
fl_font( FL_SYMBOL, 14 );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
fl_draw( "@2>", X + x - 7, y(), 14, 14, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM), 0, 1 );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
fl_draw( "@2<", X + x - 7, y() + h() - 14, 14, 14, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM), 0, 1 );
while ( _loop && xo < W );
timeline->draw_measure_lines( X, Y, W, H, _box_color );