/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "Sequence.H" #include "Audio_Region.H" #include "Timeline.H" #include "Waveform.H" #include "Audio_Sequence.H" #include "Track.H" #include "dsp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // using std::algorithm; using namespace std; extern Timeline *timeline; bool Audio_Region::inherit_track_color = true; Fl_Boxtype Audio_Region::_box = FL_UP_BOX; Fl_Color Audio_Region::_selection_color = FL_MAGENTA; static Fl_Color fl_invert_color ( Fl_Color c ) { unsigned char r, g, b; Fl::get_color( c, r, g, b ); return fl_rgb_color( 255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b ); } void Audio_Region::get ( Log_Entry &e ) const { e.add( ":source", _clip ? _clip->name() : "" ); e.add( ":gain", _scale ); e.add( ":fade-in-type", _fade_in.type ); e.add( ":fade-in-duration", _fade_in.length ); e.add( ":fade-out-type", _fade_out.type ); e.add( ":fade-out-duration", _fade_out.length ); e.add( ":color", (int)_box_color ); Sequence_Region::get( e ); e.add( ":offset", _r->offset ); } void Audio_Region::set ( Log_Entry &e ) { for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); if ( ! strcmp( s, ":gain" ) ) _scale = atof( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":color" ) ) _box_color = (Fl_Color)atoi( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-type" ) ) _fade_in.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-duration" ) ) _fade_in.length = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-type" ) ) _fade_out.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-duration" ) ) _fade_out.length = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":offset" ) ) _r->offset = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":source" ) ) { if ( ! ( _clip = Audio_File::from_file( v ) ) ) { printf( "Grave error: could not open source \"%s\"\n", v ); } } } Sequence_Region::set( e ); } void Audio_Region::init ( void ) { _sequence = NULL; _scale = 1.0f; _clip = NULL; _box_color = FL_CYAN; _color = FL_BLUE; _fade_in.length = 256; _fade_in.type = Fade::Sigmoid; _fade_out = _fade_in; } /* copy constructor */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( const Audio_Region & rhs ) : Sequence_Region( rhs ) { // *((Sequence_Region*)this) = (Sequence_Region &)rhs; _clip = rhs._clip; _scale = rhs._scale; _fade_in = rhs._fade_in; _fade_out = rhs._fade_out; log_create(); } /* */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( Audio_File *c ) { init(); _clip = c; _r->length = _clip->length(); log_create(); } /* used when DND importing */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( Audio_File *c, Sequence *t, nframes_t o ) { init(); _clip = c; _sequence = t; _r->offset = 0; _r->start = o; _r->length = _clip->length(); sequence()->add( this ); int sum = 0; const char *s = rindex( _clip->name(), '/' ); if ( ! s ) s = _clip->name(); for ( int i = strlen( s ); i--; ) sum += s[ i ]; while ( sum >> 8 ) sum = (sum & 0xFF) + (sum >> 8); _color = (Fl_Color)sum; /* _color = fl_color_average( FL_YELLOW, (Fl_Color)sum, 0.80 ); */ // _color = FL_YELLOW; _box_color = FL_WHITE; log_create(); } int Audio_Region::handle ( int m ) { static int ox, oy; static bool copied = false; static nframes_t os; if ( ! active_r() ) return 0; // int X = Fl::event_x() - _track->x(); int X = Fl::event_x(); int Y = Fl::event_y(); int ret; if ( Sequence_Region::handle( m ) ) return 1; Logger _log( this ); //log_r->start(); switch ( m ) { case FL_KEYBOARD: { if ( Fl::event_key() == FL_F + 3 ) { nframes_t offset = x_to_offset( X ); if ( offset < length() ) _fade_in.length = offset; DMESSAGE( "setting fade in length to %lu", _fade_in.length ); redraw(); return 1; } else if ( Fl::event_key() == FL_F + 4 ) { long offset = length() - x_to_offset( X ); if ( offset > 0 ) _fade_out.length = offset; DMESSAGE( "setting fade out length to %lu", _fade_in.length ); redraw(); return 1; } return 0; } case FL_PUSH: { /* splitting */ if ( Fl::event_shift() && ! Fl::event_ctrl() ) { switch ( Fl::event_button() ) { case 2: { /* split */ if ( ! copied ) { Loggable::block_start(); Audio_Region *copy = new Audio_Region( *this ); trim( RIGHT, X ); copy->trim( LEFT, X ); sequence()->add( copy ); log_end(); Loggable::block_end(); return 0; } } default: return 0; break; } return 1; } else { ox = x() - X; oy = y() - Y; /* for panning */ os = _r->offset; /* normalization and selection */ if ( Fl::event_button2() ) { if ( Fl::event_ctrl() ) normalize(); else { if ( Sequence_Widget::current() == this ) { if ( selected() ) deselect(); else select(); } } redraw(); return 1; } else if ( Fl::test_shortcut( FL_BUTTON3 ) && ! Fl::event_shift() ) { /* context menu */ Fade::fade_type_e it = _fade_in.type; Fade::fade_type_e ot = _fade_out.type; Fl_Menu_Item menu[] = { { "Fade", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "In", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "Linear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Linear ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Sigmoid", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Sigmoid ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Logarithmic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Logarithmic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Parabolic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Parabolic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { 0 }, { "Out", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "Linear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Linear ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Sigmoid", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Sigmoid ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Logarothmic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Logarithmic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Parabolic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Parabolic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, }; const Fl_Menu_Item *r = menu->popup( X, Y, "Audio_Region" ); if ( r ) { if ( r > &menu[1] && r < &menu[6] ) _fade_in.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)(int)(r - &menu[2]); else if ( r > &menu[7] && r < &menu[12] ) _fade_out.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)(int)(r - &menu[8]); redraw(); } return 0; } else return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); } break; } case FL_RELEASE: { Sequence_Region::handle( m ); copied = false; return 1; } case FL_DRAG: if ( ! _drag ) { begin_drag( Drag( x() - X, y() - Y, x_to_offset( X ) ) ); _log.hold(); } if ( Fl::event_button1() ) { if ( Fl::event_state() & ( FL_SHIFT | FL_CTRL ) ) { /* panning */ int d = (ox + X) - x(); long td = timeline->x_to_ts( d ); if ( td > 0 && os < (nframes_t)td ) _r->offset = 0; else _r->offset = os - td; sequence()->redraw(); return 1; } } ret = Sequence_Region::handle( m ); return ret | 1; default: return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); break; } return 0; } /** Draws the curve for a single fade. /X/ and /W/ repersent the portion of the region covered by this draw, which may or may not cover the fade in question. */ void Audio_Region::draw_fade ( const Fade &fade, Fade::fade_dir_e dir, bool line, int X, int W ) { const int dy = y() + Fl::box_dy( box() ); const int dh = h() - Fl::box_dh( box() ); const int height = dh; const int width = timeline->ts_to_x( fade.length ); fl_color( fl_lighter( FL_BLACK ) ); fl_push_matrix(); if ( dir == Fade::In ) fl_translate( line_x(), dy ); else { fl_translate( line_x() + abs_w(), dy ); /* flip */ fl_scale( -1.0, 1.0 ); } fl_scale( width, height ); if ( line ) fl_begin_line(); else fl_begin_polygon(); fl_vertex( 0.0, 0.0 ); fl_vertex( 0.0, 1.0 ); // if ( draw_real_fade_curve ) { nframes_t tsx = timeline->x_to_ts( 1 ); nframes_t ts = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < width; ++i, ts += tsx ) fl_vertex( i / (float)width, 1.0f - fade.gain( ts / (float)fade.length ) ); } fl_vertex( 1.0, 0.0 ); if ( line ) fl_end_line(); else fl_end_polygon(); fl_pop_matrix(); } struct Peaks_Redraw_Request { Audio_Region *region; nframes_t start; nframes_t end; Peaks_Redraw_Request ( Audio_Region *region, nframes_t start, nframes_t end ) : region( region ), start( start), end( end ) { } }; /* static wrapper */ void Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb ( void *v ) { Peaks_Redraw_Request *r = (Peaks_Redraw_Request*)v; r->region->peaks_pending_cb( r ); } void Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb ( Peaks_Redraw_Request *r ) { int npeaks = timeline->ts_to_x( r->end - r->start ); if ( _clip->peaks()->ready( r->start, npeaks, timeline->fpp() ) ) { printf( "damaging from timeout\n" ); /* FIXME: only need to damage the affected area! */ timeline->damage( FL_DAMAGE_ALL, x(), y(), w(), h() ); delete r; } else Fl::repeat_timeout( 0.1f, &Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb, (void*)r ); } void Audio_Region::draw_box( void ) { /* dirty hack to keep the box from flipping to vertical at small sizes */ fl_push_clip( x(), y(), w(), h() ); Fl_Color selection_color = _selection_color; Fl_Color color = Audio_Region::inherit_track_color ? sequence()->track()->color() : _box_color; color = fl_color_average( color, sequence()->color(), 0.75f ); if ( this == ((Audio_Sequence*)sequence())->capture() ) { color = FL_RED; } else if ( ! active_r() ) { color = fl_inactive( color ); selection_color = fl_inactive( selection_color ); } if ( selected() ) fl_draw_box( fl_down( box() ), x() - 10, y(), w() + 50, h(), selection_color ); else fl_draw_box( box(), x() - 10, y(), w() + 50, h(), color ); /* draw fades */ draw_fade( _fade_in, Fade::In, false, x(), w() ); draw_fade( _fade_out, Fade::Out, false, x(), w() ); fl_pop_clip(); } /** Draw (part of) region. X, Y, W and H are the rectangle we're clipped to. */ void Audio_Region::draw ( void ) { /* intersect clip with region */ int X, Y, W, H; fl_clip_box( x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H ); if ( ! ( W > 0 && H > 0 ) ) /* no coverage */ return; /* account for waveform outlines... */ X -= 2; W += 4; int OX = scroll_x(); int ox = timeline->ts_to_x( _r->start ); if ( ox > OX + sequence()->w() || ox < OX && ox + abs_w() < OX ) /* not in viewport */ return; int rw = timeline->ts_to_x( _r->length ); /* calculate waveform offset due to scrolling */ nframes_t offset = 0; if ( ox < OX ) { offset = timeline->x_to_ts( OX - ox ); rw -= OX - ox; } rw = min( rw, sequence()->w() ); int rx = x(); fl_push_clip( rx, Y, rw, H ); /* get actual peak data */ int channels; int peaks; Peak *pbuf; // const nframes_t start = _r->start + offset + timeline->x_to_ts( X - rx ); // nframes_t start = _r->start + offset; nframes_t start = _r->offset + offset; /* compensate for ??? */ if ( X - rx > 0 ) start += timeline->x_to_ts( X - rx ); const int peaks_needed = min( timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() - start ), W ); const nframes_t end = start + timeline->x_to_ts( peaks_needed ); if ( _clip->read_peaks( timeline->fpp(), start, end, &peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) && peaks ) { assert( pbuf ); /* draw fade curve outlines--this is only here because of crossfades */ draw_fade( _fade_in, Fade::In, true, X, W ); draw_fade( _fade_out, Fade::Out, true, X, W ); int ch = (h() - Fl::box_dh( box() )) / channels; /* scale it */ for ( int j = peaks * channels; j--; ) { pbuf[ j ].min *= _scale; pbuf[ j ].max *= _scale; } for ( int i = 0; i < channels; ++i ) { // Peak *pb = pbuf + (peaks * i); /* int fw = timeline->ts_to_x( fade.length ); */ /* /\* if ( draw_fade_waveform ) *\/ */ /* for ( int j = min( fw, peaks ); j--; ) */ /* { */ /* const float g = fade.gain( j * timeline->fpp() ); */ /* pb[ j ].min *= g; */ /* pb[ j ].max *= g; */ /* } */ Waveform::draw( X, (y() + Fl::box_dy( box() )) + (i * ch), W, ch, pbuf + i, peaks, channels, selected() ? fl_invert_color( _color ) : _color ); } } if ( peaks < peaks_needed ) { /* couldn't read peaks--perhaps they're being generated. Try again later. */ Fl::add_timeout( 0.1f, &Audio_Region::peaks_pending_cb, new Peaks_Redraw_Request( this, start + timeline->x_to_ts( peaks ), end ) ); } timeline->draw_measure_lines( X, Y, W, H, _box_color ); /* fl_color( FL_BLACK ); */ /* fl_line( rx, Y, rx, Y + H ); */ /* fl_line( rx + rw - 1, Y, rx + rw - 1, Y + H ); */ draw_label( _clip->name(), align() ); /* if ( current() ) */ /* { */ /* /\* draw length bubble *\/ */ /* char pat[40]; */ /* snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%dm:%.1fs", (int)(length() / timeline->sample_rate()) / 60, (double)length() / timeline->sample_rate() ); */ /* draw_label( pat, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_CENTER), FL_GREEN ); */ /* } */ fl_pop_clip(); } void Audio_Region::normalize ( void ) { int peaks, channels; Peak *pbuf; if ( _clip->read_peaks( length(), offset(), offset() + length(), &peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) && peaks ) _scale = pbuf->normalization_factor(); } /**********/ /* Engine */ /**********/ /** Apply a (portion of) fade from /start/ to /end/ assuming a * buffer size of /nframes/. /start/ and /end/ are relative to the * given buffer, and /start/ may be negative. */ void Audio_Region::Fade::apply ( sample_t *buf, Audio_Region::Fade::fade_dir_e dir, long start, nframes_t end, nframes_t nframes ) const { // printf( "apply fade %s: start=%ld end=%lu\n", dir == Fade::Out ? "out" : "in", start, end ); if ( ! nframes ) return; const nframes_t i = start > 0 ? start : 0; const nframes_t e = end > nframes ? nframes : end; assert( i < nframes ); const float inc = increment(); float fi = ( i - start ) / (float)length; // buf += i; buf = &buf[ i ]; nframes_t n = e - i; assert( i + n <= nframes ); if ( dir == Fade::Out ) { fi = 1.0f - fi; for ( ; n--; fi -= inc ) *(buf++) *= gain( fi ); } else for ( ; n--; fi += inc ) *(buf++) *= gain( fi ); } /* THREAD: IO */ /** read the overlapping part of /channel/ at /pos/ for /nframes/ of this region into /buf/, where /pos/ is in timeline frames */ /* this runs in the diskstream thread. */ /* FIXME: it is far more efficient to read all the channels from a multichannel source at once... But how should we handle the case of a mismatch between the number of channels in this region's source and the number of channels on the track/buffer this data is being read for? Would it not be better to simply buffer and deinterlace the frames in the Audio_File class instead, so that sequential requests for different channels at the same position avoid hitting the disk again? */ nframes_t Audio_Region::read ( sample_t *buf, nframes_t pos, nframes_t nframes, int channel ) const { const Range r = _range; /* do nothing if we aren't covered by this frame range */ if ( pos > r.start + r.length || pos + nframes < r.start ) return 0; /* calculate offsets into file and sample buffer */ nframes_t sofs, ofs, cnt; cnt = nframes; if ( pos < r.start ) { sofs = 0; ofs = r.start - pos; cnt -= ofs; } else { ofs = 0; sofs = pos - r.start; } if ( ofs >= nframes ) return 0; // const nframes_t start = ofs + r.start + sofs; const nframes_t start = r.offset + sofs; const nframes_t len = min( cnt, nframes - ofs ); const nframes_t end = start + len; if ( len == 0 ) return 0; /* now that we know how much and where to read, get on with it */ // printf( "reading region ofs = %lu, sofs = %lu, %lu-%lu\n", ofs, sofs, start, end ); cnt = _clip->read( buf + ofs, channel, start, end ); /* apply gain */ buffer_apply_gain( buf + ofs, cnt, _scale ); /* perform declicking if necessary */ /* FIXME: keep the declick defults someplace else */ Fade declick; declick.length = 256; declick.type = Fade::Linear; { Fade fade; fade = declick < _fade_in ? _fade_in : declick; /* do fade in if necessary */ if ( sofs < fade.length ) { const long d = 0 - sofs; assert( cnt <= nframes ); fade.apply( buf + ofs, Fade::In, d, d + fade.length, cnt ); } fade = declick < _fade_out ? _fade_out : declick; /* do fade out if necessary */ // if ( start + cnt + fade.length > r.end ) if ( start + fade.length > ( r.offset + r.length ) ) { const nframes_t d = ( r.offset + r.length ) - start; assert( cnt <= nframes ); fade.apply( buf, Fade::Out, cnt + (long)d - fade.length, cnt + d, cnt ); } } // printf( "read %lu frames\n", cnt ); return cnt; } /** prepare for capturing */ void Audio_Region::prepare ( void ) { log_start(); } /* THREAD: IO */ /** write /nframes/ from /buf/ to source. /buf/ is interleaved and must match the channel layout of the write source! */ nframes_t Audio_Region::write ( nframes_t nframes ) { _range.length += nframes; /* FIXME: too much? */ // _track->damage( FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE, x() + w(), y(), 10/* FIXME: guess */, h() ); if ( 0 == ( timeline->ts_to_x( _range.length ) % 20 ) ) { nframes_t oldl = _clip->length(); /* FIXME: hack */ _clip->close(); _clip->open(); int W = timeline->ts_to_x( _clip->length() - oldl ); /* why - 1? */ if ( W ) { ++W; sequence()->damage( FL_DAMAGE_ALL, x() + w() - W, y(), W, h() ); } } return nframes; } /** finalize region capture. Assumes that this *is* a captured region and that no other regions refer to the same source */ bool Audio_Region::finalize ( nframes_t frame ) { log_end(); _clip->close(); _clip->open(); _clip->finalize(); /* FIXME: should we attempt to truncate the file? */ _range.length = frame - _range.start - _range.offset; redraw(); return true; }