/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FL/Fl_Flowpack.H" #include "FL/Fl_Labelpad_Group.H" #include "FL/Fl_Value_SliderX.H" #include "FL/Fl_DialX.H" #include #include "Module.H" #include "Module_Parameter_Editor.H" #include "Controller_Module.H" #include "Chain.H" #include "Panner.H" #include "debug.h" Module_Parameter_Editor::Module_Parameter_Editor ( Module *module ) : Fl_Double_Window( 900,900 ) { _module = module; _resized = false; _min_width = 100; char lab[256]; if ( strcmp( module->name(), module->label() ) ) { snprintf( lab, sizeof( lab ), "%s : %s", module->name(), module->label() ); } else strcpy( lab, module->label() ); char title[512]; snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "%s - %s - %s", "Mixer", module->chain()->name(), lab ); copy_label( title ); // fl_font( FL_HELVETICA, 14 ); _min_width = 30 + fl_width( module->label() ); { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( 0, 0, w(), 25 ); o->label( module->label() ); o->labelfont( 2 ); o->labeltype( FL_SHADOW_LABEL ); o->labelsize( 14 ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_RIGHT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); { Fl_Menu_Button *o = mode_choice = new Fl_Menu_Button( 0, 0, 25, 25 ); o->add( "Knobs" ); o->add( "Horizontal Sliders" ); o->add( "Vertical Sliders" ); o->label( NULL ); o->value( 0 ); o->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED ); o->callback( cb_mode_handle, this ); } o->resizable(0); o->end(); } { Fl_Scroll *o = control_scroll = new Fl_Scroll( 0, 40, w(), h() - 40 ); { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( 0, 40, w(), h() - 40 ); { Fl_Flowpack *o = control_pack = new Fl_Flowpack( 50, 40, w() - 100, h() - 40 ); o->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); o->flow( true ); o->vspacing( 5 ); o->hspacing( 5 ); o->end(); } o->resizable( 0 ); o->end(); } o->end(); } resizable(control_scroll); end(); make_controls(); } Module_Parameter_Editor::~Module_Parameter_Editor ( ) { } void Module_Parameter_Editor::make_controls ( void ) { Module *module = _module; control_pack->clear(); controls_by_port.clear(); /* these are for detecting related parameter groups which can be better represented by a single control */ azimuth_port_number = -1; float azimuth_value = 0.0f; elevation_port_number = -1; float elevation_value = 0.0f; radius_port_number = -1; float radius_value = 0.0f; Fl_Color fc = fl_color_add_alpha( FL_CYAN, 200 ); Fl_Color bc = FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR; controls_by_port.resize( module->control_input.size() ); if ( mode_choice->value() == 1 ) { control_pack->flow(false); control_pack->type( FL_VERTICAL ); control_pack->size( 450, 24 ); } else if ( mode_choice->value() == 2 ) { control_pack->flow(false); control_pack->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); control_pack->size( 24, 350 ); } else if ( mode_choice->value() == 0 ) { control_pack->flow(true); control_pack->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); control_pack->size( 700, 50 ); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < module->control_input.size(); ++i ) { Fl_Widget *w; Module::Port *p = &module->control_input[i]; /* if ( !p->hints.visible ) */ /* continue; */ if ( !strcasecmp( "Azimuth", p->name() ) && 180.0f == p->hints.maximum && -180.0f == p->hints.minimum ) { azimuth_port_number = i; azimuth_value = p->control_value(); continue; } else if ( !strcasecmp( "Elevation", p->name() ) && 90.0f == p->hints.maximum && -90.0f == p->hints.minimum ) { elevation_port_number = i; elevation_value = p->control_value(); continue; } else if ( !strcasecmp( "Radius", p->name() ) ) { radius_port_number = i; radius_value = p->control_value(); continue; } if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::BOOLEAN ) { Fl_Button *o = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 30, 30, p->name() ); w = o; o->selection_color( fc ); o->type( FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON ); o->value( p->control_value() ); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); } else if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::INTEGER ) { Fl_Counter *o = new Fl_Counter(0, 0, 58, 24, p->name() ); w = o; o->type(1); o->step(1); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); if ( p->hints.ranged ) { o->minimum( p->hints.minimum ); o->maximum( p->hints.maximum ); } o->value( p->control_value() ); } else { if ( mode_choice->value() == 0 ) { Fl_DialX *o = new Fl_DialX( 0, 0, 60, 60, p->name() ); w = o; if ( p->hints.ranged ) { DMESSAGE( "Min: %f, max: %f", p->hints.minimum, p->hints.maximum ); o->minimum( p->hints.minimum ); o->maximum( p->hints.maximum ); } o->color( bc ); o->selection_color( fc ); o->value( p->control_value() ); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->precision( 2 ); /* a couple of plugins have ridiculously small units */ if ( p->hints.maximum < 0.5f ) o->precision( 5 ); // o->step( fabs( ( o->maximum() - o->minimum() ) ) / 32.0f ); } else { Fl_Value_SliderX *o = new Fl_Value_SliderX( 0, 0, 120, 24, p->name() ); w = o; if ( mode_choice->value() == 1 ) { o->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_RIGHT ); o->size( 300, 24 ); if ( p->hints.ranged ) { o->minimum( p->hints.minimum ); o->maximum( p->hints.maximum ); } } else { o->type( FL_VERTICAL ); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->size( 24, 300 ); /* have to reverse the meaning of these to get the * orientation of the slider right */ o->maximum( p->hints.minimum ); o->minimum( p->hints.maximum ); } o->precision( 2 ); /* a couple of plugins have ridiculously small units */ if ( p->hints.maximum < 0.5f ) o->precision( 5 ); o->textsize( 8 ); o->box( FL_NO_BOX ); o->slider( FL_UP_BOX ); o->color( bc ); o->selection_color( fc ); o->value( p->control_value() ); } } // w->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); w->labelsize( 10 ); controls_by_port[i] = w; w->tooltip( p->osc_path() ); Fl_Button *bound; _callback_data.push_back( callback_data( this, i ) ); if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::BOOLEAN ) w->callback( cb_button_handle, &_callback_data.back() ); else w->callback( cb_value_handle, &_callback_data.back() ); { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( 0, 0, 50, 75 ); { Fl_Labelpad_Group *flg = new Fl_Labelpad_Group( w ); { Fl_Button *o = bound = new Fl_Button( 0, 50, 14, 14 ); o->selection_color( FL_YELLOW ); o->type( 0 ); o->labelsize( 8 ); o->value( p->connected() ); o->callback( cb_bound_handle, &_callback_data.back() ); } // flg->resizable(w); o->resizable( 0 ); o->end(); o->set_visible_focus(); flg->set_visible_focus(); flg->position( o->x(), o->y() ); if ( mode_choice->value() == 1 ) { bound->position( flg->x() + 450 - bound->w(), o->y() ); o->size( flg->w() + bound->w(), flg->h() ); } else { bound->position( o->x(), flg->y() + flg->h() ); o->size( flg->w(), flg->h() + bound->h() ); } o->init_sizes(); // o->resizable(flg); } if (! p->hints.visible ) o->hide(); control_pack->add( o ); } } if ( azimuth_port_number >= 0 && elevation_port_number >= 0 ) { Panner *o = new Panner( 0,0, 502,502 ); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(FL_GRAY0); o->selection_color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->labeltype(FL_NORMAL_LABEL); o->labelfont(0); o->labelcolor(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); o->label( "Spatialization" ); o->labelsize( 10 ); _callback_data.push_back( callback_data( this, azimuth_port_number, elevation_port_number, radius_port_number ) ); o->callback( cb_panner_value_handle, &_callback_data.back() ); o->point( 0 )->azimuth( azimuth_value ); o->point( 0 )->elevation( elevation_value ); if ( radius_port_number >= 0 ) { o->point( 0 )->radius_enabled = true; o->point( 0 )->radius( radius_value ); } Fl_Labelpad_Group *flg = new Fl_Labelpad_Group( o ); flg->resizable(o); control_pack->add( flg ); controls_by_port[azimuth_port_number] = o; controls_by_port[elevation_port_number] = o; if ( radius_port_number >= 0 ) controls_by_port[radius_port_number] = o; } update_control_visibility(); control_pack->dolayout(); int width = control_pack->w() + 100; int height = control_pack->h() + 60; if ( width < _min_width ) width = _min_width; control_pack->parent()->size( control_pack->w() + 100, control_pack->h() ); control_scroll->scroll_to(0, 0 ); size( width, height ); size_range( width, height, width, height ); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::update_control_visibility ( void ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < _module->control_input.size(); ++i ) { const Module::Port *p = &_module->control_input[i]; if ( p->hints.visible ) controls_by_port[i]->parent()->parent()->show(); else controls_by_port[i]->parent()->parent()->hide(); } } void Module_Parameter_Editor::cb_value_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { callback_data *cd = (callback_data*)v; cd->base_widget->set_value( cd->port_number[0], ((Fl_Valuator*)w)->value() ); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::cb_button_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { callback_data *cd = (callback_data*)v; cd->base_widget->set_value( cd->port_number[0], ((Fl_Button*)w)->value() ); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::cb_panner_value_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { callback_data *cd = (callback_data*)v; cd->base_widget->set_value( cd->port_number[0], ((Panner*)w)->point( 0 )->azimuth() ); cd->base_widget->set_value( cd->port_number[1], ((Panner*)w)->point( 0 )->elevation() ); cd->base_widget->set_value( cd->port_number[2], ((Panner*)w)->point( 0 )->radius() ); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::cb_mode_handle ( Fl_Widget *, void *v ) { ((Module_Parameter_Editor*)v)->make_controls(); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::cb_bound_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { callback_data *cd = (callback_data*)v; Fl_Button *fv = (Fl_Button*)w; fv->value( 1 ); cd->base_widget->bind_control( cd->port_number[0] ); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::bind_control ( int i ) { Module::Port *p = &_module->control_input[i]; if ( p->connected() ) /* can only bind once */ return; Controller_Module *o = new Controller_Module(); o->label( p->name() ); o->chain( _module->chain() ); o->connect_to( p ); _module->chain()->add_control( o ); _module->redraw(); } /* Display changes initiated via automation or from other parts of the GUI */ void Module_Parameter_Editor::handle_control_changed ( Module::Port *p ) { int i = _module->control_input_port_index( p ); Fl_Widget *w = controls_by_port[i]; if ( i == azimuth_port_number || i == elevation_port_number || i == radius_port_number ) { Panner *_panner = (Panner*)w; if ( i == azimuth_port_number ) _panner->point(0)->azimuth( p->control_value() ); else if ( i == elevation_port_number ) _panner->point(0)->elevation( p->control_value() ); else if ( i == radius_port_number ) _panner->point(0)->radius( p->control_value() ); _panner->redraw(); return; } if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::BOOLEAN ) { Fl_Button *v = (Fl_Button*)w; v->value( p->control_value() ); } else { Fl_Valuator *v = (Fl_Valuator*)w; v->value( p->control_value() ); } } void Module_Parameter_Editor::reload ( void ) { // make_controls(); update_control_visibility(); redraw(); } void Module_Parameter_Editor::set_value (int i, float value ) { if ( i >= 0 ) { _module->control_input[i].control_value( value ); if ( _module->control_input[i].connected() ) _module->control_input[i].connected_port()->module()->handle_control_changed( _module->control_input[i].connected_port() ); } // _module->handle_control_changed( &_module->control_input[i] ); }