/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* This is the main mixer group. It contains and manages Mixer_Strips. */ #include "Mixer.H" #include "Mixer_Strip.H" #include #include #include "Engine/Engine.H" #include #include "debug.h" const double STATUS_UPDATE_FREQ = 0.2f; static Fl_Pack *mixer_strips; #include "util/debug.h" static void update_cb( void *v ) { Fl::repeat_timeout( STATUS_UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, v ); ((Mixer*)v)->update(); } Mixer::Mixer ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H, L ) { box( FL_NO_BOX ); labelsize( 96 ); { Fl_Scroll *o = scroll = new Fl_Scroll( X, Y, W, H ); o->box( FL_NO_BOX ); o->type( Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS ); { Fl_Pack *o = mixer_strips = new Fl_Pack( X, Y, W, H - 18 ); label( "Non-Mixer" ); align( (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE) ); o->box( FL_NO_BOX ); o->type( Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL ); o->spacing( 2 ); o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } end(); // Fl::add_timeout( STATUS_UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, this ); MESSAGE( "Scanning for plugins..." ); } Mixer::~Mixer ( ) { /* FIXME: teardown */ } void Mixer::resize ( int X, int Y, int W, int H ) { Fl_Group::resize( X, Y, W, H ); mixer_strips->resize( X, Y, W, H - 18 ); scroll->resize( X, Y, W, H ); } void Mixer::add ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { MESSAGE( "Add mixer strip \"%s\"", ms->name() ); engine->lock(); mixer_strips->add( ms ); // mixer_strips->insert( *ms, 0 ); engine->unlock(); scroll->redraw(); // redraw(); } void Mixer::remove ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { MESSAGE( "Remove mixer strip \"%s\"", ms->name() ); engine->lock(); mixer_strips->remove( ms ); engine->unlock(); delete ms; parent()->redraw(); } bool Mixer::contains ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { return ms->parent() == mixer_strips; } void Mixer::update ( void ) { THREAD_ASSERT( UI ); for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i--; ) { ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ))->update(); } // redraw(); } void Mixer::process ( unsigned int nframes ) { THREAD_ASSERT( RT ); for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i--; ) { ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ))->process( nframes ); } } /** retrun a pointer to the track named /name/, or NULL if no track is named /name/ */ Mixer_Strip * Mixer::track_by_name ( const char *name ) { for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i-- ; ) { Mixer_Strip *t = (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ); if ( ! strcmp( name, t->name() ) ) return t; } return NULL; } /** return a malloc'd string representing a unique name for a new track */ char * Mixer::get_unique_track_name ( const char *name ) { char pat[256]; strcpy( pat, name ); for ( int i = 1; track_by_name( pat ); ++i ) snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%s.%d", name, i ); return strdup( pat ); } void Mixer::snapshot ( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < mixer_strips->children(); ++i ) ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ))->log_create(); } void Mixer::new_strip ( void ) { engine->lock(); add( new Mixer_Strip( get_unique_track_name( "Unnamed" ), 1 ) ); engine->unlock(); // scroll->size( mixer_strips->w(), scroll->h() ); } int Mixer::handle ( int m ) { int r = Fl_Group::handle( m ); switch ( m ) { case FL_ENTER: case FL_LEAVE: return 1; case FL_SHORTCUT: { if ( Fl::event_key() == 'a' ) { new_strip(); return 1; } else if ( Fl::event_ctrl() && Fl::event_key() == 's' ) { MESSAGE( "Saving state" ); Loggable::snapshot_callback( &Mixer::snapshot, this ); Loggable::snapshot( "save.mix" ); return 1; } else return r; break; } default: return r; break; } // return 0; return r; }