/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "Module.H" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Module_Parameter_Editor.H" #include "Chain.H" #include "JACK_Module.H" #include "Gain_Module.H" #include "Mono_Pan_Module.H" #include "Meter_Module.H" #include "Plugin_Module.H" #include "AUX_Module.H" #include "Spatializer_Module.H" #include #include "FL/test_press.H" #include "FL/menu_popup.H" #include "Mixer.H" #include "Plugin_Chooser.H" #include "OSC/Endpoint.H" #include "string_util.h" nframes_t Module::_sample_rate = 0; Module *Module::_copied_module_empty = 0; char *Module::_copied_module_settings = 0; Module::Module ( int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( 0, 0, W, H, L ) { init(); } Module::Module ( bool is_default, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( 0, 0, W, H, L ), Loggable( !is_default ) { init(); this->is_default( is_default ); } Module::Module ( ) : Fl_Group( 0, 0, 50, 50, "Unnamed" ) { init(); } Module::~Module ( ) { /* we assume that the client for this chain is already locked */ if ( _editor ) { delete _editor; _editor = NULL; } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < audio_input.size(); ++i ) audio_input[i].disconnect(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < audio_output.size(); ++i ) audio_output[i].disconnect(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < control_input.size(); ++i ) { /* destroy connected Controller_Module */ if ( control_input[i].connected() ) { Module *o = (Module*)control_input[i].connected_port()->module(); if ( ! o->is_default() ) { control_input[i].disconnect(); DMESSAGE( "Deleting connected module %s", o->label() ); delete o; } else { control_input[i].disconnect(); } } control_input[i].destroy_osc_port(); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < control_output.size(); ++i ) control_output[i].disconnect(); audio_input.clear(); audio_output.clear(); control_input.clear(); control_output.clear(); if ( parent() ) parent()->remove( this ); } void Module::init ( void ) { // _latency = 0; _is_default = false; _editor = 0; _chain = 0; _instances = 1; _bypass = 0; box( FL_UP_BOX ); labeltype( FL_NO_LABEL ); align( FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); set_visible_focus(); selection_color( FL_RED ); labelsize(12); color( fl_color_average( FL_WHITE, FL_CYAN, 0.40 ) ); tooltip( "Left click to edit parameters; Ctrl + left click to select; right click or MENU key for menu." ); } void Module::get ( Log_Entry &e ) const { // e.add( ":name", label() ); // e.add( ":color", (unsigned long)color()); { char *s = get_parameters(); if ( strlen( s ) ) e.add( ":parameter_values", s ); delete[] s; } e.add( ":is_default", is_default() ); e.add( ":chain", chain() ); e.add( ":active", ! bypass() ); } bool Module::copy ( void ) const { Module *m = clone_empty(); if ( ! m ) { DMESSAGE( "Module \"%s\" doesn't support cloning", name() ); return false; } Log_Entry *ne = new Log_Entry(); _copied_module_empty = m; { Log_Entry e; get( e ); for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); /* we don't want this module to get added to the current chain... */ if ( !( !strcmp( s, ":chain" ) || !strcmp( s, ":is_default" ) ) ) { DMESSAGE( "%s = %s", s, v ); ne->add_raw( s, v ); } } } _copied_module_settings = ne->print(); return true; } void Module::paste_before ( void ) { Module *m = _copied_module_empty; Log_Entry le( _copied_module_settings ); le.remove( ":chain" ); char *print = le.print(); DMESSAGE( "Pasting settings: %s", print ); free( print ); m->set( le ); if ( ! chain()->insert( this, m ) ) { fl_alert( "Copied module cannot be inserted at this point in the chain" ); } free( _copied_module_settings ); _copied_module_settings = NULL; _copied_module_empty = NULL; /* set up for another paste */ m->copy(); } const char * Module::Port::osc_number_path ( void ) { int n = _module->chain()->strip()->number(); if ( _by_number_path && n == _by_number_number ) return _by_number_path; if ( _by_number_path ) free( _by_number_path ); char *rem; char *client_name; char *strip_name; if ( 3 != sscanf( _scaled_signal->path(), "%a[^/]/strip/%a[^/]/%a[^\n]", &client_name, &strip_name, &rem ) ) return NULL; free( strip_name ); char *path; asprintf( &path, "%s/strip#/%i/%s", client_name, n, rem ); free( client_name ); free( rem ); _by_number_path = path; _by_number_number = n; return path; } void Module::Port::send_feedback ( void ) { float f = control_value(); if ( hints.ranged ) { // scale value to range. float scale = hints.maximum - hints.minimum; float offset = hints.minimum; f = ( f - offset ) / scale; } if ( f > 1.0 ) f = 1.0; else if ( f < 0.0 ) f = 0.0; if ( _scaled_signal ) { /* send feedback for by_name signal */ mixer->osc_endpoint->send_feedback( _scaled_signal->path(), f ); /* send feedback for by number signal */ mixer->osc_endpoint->send_feedback( osc_number_path(), f ); } } void Module::send_feedback ( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ncontrol_inputs(); i++ ) control_input[i].send_feedback(); } void Module::handle_control_changed ( Port *p ) { if ( _editor ) _editor->handle_control_changed ( p ); p->send_feedback(); } /* bool */ /* Module::Port::connected_osc ( void ) const */ /* { */ /* if ( _scaled_signal ) */ /* return _scaled_signal->connected(); */ /* else */ /* return false; */ /* } */ char * Module::Port::generate_osc_path () { const Port *p = this; char *path = NULL; // /strip/STRIPNAME/MODULENAME/CONTROLNAME if ( ! p->hints.visible ) { return NULL; } int n = module()->chain()->get_module_instance_number( module() ); if ( n > 0 ) asprintf( &path, "/strip/%s/%s.%i/%s", module()->chain()->name(), p->module()->label(), n, p->name() ); else asprintf( &path, "/strip/%s/%s/%s", module()->chain()->name(), p->module()->label(), p->name() ); char *s = escape_url( path ); free( path ); path = s; return path; } void Module::Port::handle_signal_connection_state_changed ( OSC::Signal *, void *o ) { ((Module::Port*)o)->module()->redraw(); } void Module::Port::change_osc_path ( char *path ) { if ( path ) { char *scaled_path = path; char *unscaled_path = NULL; asprintf( &unscaled_path, "%s/unscaled", path ); if ( NULL == _scaled_signal ) { float scaled_default = 0.5f; if ( hints.ranged ) { float scale = hints.maximum - hints.minimum; float offset = hints.minimum; scaled_default = ( hints.default_value - offset ) / scale; } _scaled_signal = mixer->osc_endpoint->add_signal( scaled_path, OSC::Signal::Input, 0.0, 1.0, scaled_default, &Module::Port::osc_control_change_cv, this ); _scaled_signal->connection_state_callback( handle_signal_connection_state_changed, this ); _unscaled_signal = mixer->osc_endpoint->add_signal( unscaled_path, OSC::Signal::Input, hints.minimum, hints.maximum, hints.default_value, &Module::Port::osc_control_change_exact, this ); } else { DMESSAGE( "Renaming OSC signals" ); _scaled_signal->rename( scaled_path ); _unscaled_signal->rename( unscaled_path ); } free( unscaled_path ); /* this was path, it's ok to free because it was malloc()'d in generate_osc_path */ free( scaled_path ); } } int Module::Port::osc_control_change_exact ( float v, void *user_data ) { Module::Port *p = (Module::Port*)user_data; Fl::lock(); float f = v; if ( p->hints.ranged ) { if ( f > p->hints.maximum ) f = p->hints.maximum; else if ( f < p->hints.minimum ) f = p->hints.minimum; } p->control_value( f ); Fl::unlock(); // mixer->osc_endpoint->send( lo_message_get_source( msg ), "/reply", path, f ); return 0; } int Module::Port::osc_control_change_cv ( float v, void *user_data ) { Module::Port *p = (Module::Port*)user_data; float f = v; Fl::lock(); // clamp value to control voltage range. if ( f > 1.0 ) f = 1.0; else if ( f < 0.0 ) f = 0.0; if ( p->hints.ranged ) { // scale value to range. float scale = p->hints.maximum - p->hints.minimum; float offset = p->hints.minimum; f = ( f * scale ) + offset; } p->control_value( f ); Fl::unlock(); // mixer->osc_endpoint->send( lo_message_get_source( msg ), "/reply", path, f ); return 0; } void Module::set ( Log_Entry &e ) { for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); if ( ! ( strcmp( s, ":is_default" ) ) ) { is_default( atoi( v ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":chain" ) ) { /* This trickiness is because we may need to know the name of our chain before we actually get added to it. */ int i; sscanf( v, "%X", &i ); Chain *t = (Chain*)Loggable::find( i ); assert( t ); chain( t ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); /* if ( ! strcmp( s, ":name" ) ) */ /* label( v ); */ if ( ! strcmp( s, ":parameter_values" ) ) { set_parameters( v ); } else if ( ! ( strcmp( s, ":active" ) ) ) { bypass( ! atoi( v ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":chain" ) ) { int i; sscanf( v, "%X", &i ); Chain *t = (Chain*)Loggable::find( i ); assert( t ); t->add( this ); } } } void Module::chain ( Chain *v ) { if ( _chain != v ) { DMESSAGE( "Adding module %s in to chain %s", label(), v ? v->name() : "NULL" ); _chain = v; for ( int i = 0; i < ncontrol_inputs(); ++i ) { control_input[i].update_osc_port(); } } else { DMESSAGE( "Module %s already belongs to chain %s", label(), v ? v->name() : "NULL" ); } } /* return a string serializing this module's parameter settings. The format is 1.0:2.0:... Where 1.0 is the value of the first control input, 2.0 is the value of the second control input etc. */ char * Module::get_parameters ( void ) const { char *s = new char[1024]; s[0] = 0; char *sp = s; if ( control_input.size() ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < control_input.size(); ++i ) sp += snprintf( sp, 1024 - (sp - s),"%f:", control_input[i].control_value() ); *(sp - 1) = '\0'; } return s; } void Module::set_parameters ( const char *parameters ) { char *s = strdup( parameters ); char *start = s; unsigned int i = 0; for ( char *sp = s; ; ++sp ) { if ( ':' == *sp || '\0' == *sp ) { char was = *sp; *sp = '\0'; DMESSAGE( start ); if ( i < control_input.size() ) control_input[i].control_value( atof( start ) ); else { WARNING( "Module has no parameter at index %i", i ); break; } i++; if ( '\0' == was ) break; start = sp + 1; } } free( s ); } void Module::draw_box ( int tx, int ty, int tw, int th ) { fl_color( fl_contrast( FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, color() ) ); fl_push_clip( tx, ty, tw, th ); Fl_Color c = color(); c = active() && ! bypass() ? c : FL_GRAY; if ( ! active_r() ) c = fl_inactive( c ); int spacing = w() / instances(); for ( int i = instances(); i--; ) { fl_draw_box( box(), tx + (spacing * i), ty, tw / instances(), th, c ); } if ( audio_input.size() && audio_output.size() ) { /* maybe draw control indicators */ if ( control_input.size() ) { fl_draw_box( FL_ROUNDED_BOX, tx + 4, ty + 4, 5, 5, is_being_controlled() ? FL_YELLOW : fl_inactive( FL_YELLOW ) ); /* fl_draw_box( FL_ROUNDED_BOX, tx + 4, ty + th - 8, 5, 5, is_being_controlled_osc() ? FL_YELLOW : fl_inactive( FL_YELLOW ) ); */ } if ( control_output.size() ) fl_draw_box( FL_ROUNDED_BOX, tx + tw - 8, ty + 4, 5, 5, is_controlling() ? FL_YELLOW : fl_inactive( FL_YELLOW ) ); } fl_push_clip( tx + Fl::box_dx(box()), ty + Fl::box_dy(box()), tw - Fl::box_dw(box()), th - Fl::box_dh(box()) ); Fl_Group::draw_children(); fl_pop_clip(); if ( this == Fl::focus() ) { fl_draw_box( FL_UP_FRAME, tx, ty, tw, th, selection_color() ); } fl_pop_clip(); } void Module::draw_label ( int tx, int ty, int tw, int th ) { bbox( tx, ty, tw, th ); if ( ! label() ) return; char *lab = strdup( label() ); Fl_Color c = fl_contrast( FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, bypass() ? FL_BLACK : color() ); fl_color( active_r() ? c : fl_inactive(c) ); fl_font( FL_HELVETICA, labelsize() ); char *di = strstr( lab, " -" ); if ( ! di ) strstr( lab, " " ); if ( di ) *di = '\0'; int LW = fl_width( lab ); char *s = NULL; bool initial = true; if ( LW > tw ) { s = new char[strlen(lab) + 1]; char *sp = s; const char *lp = lab; for ( ; *lp; ++lp ) { bool skip = false; switch ( *lp ) { case ' ': initial = true; skip = false; break; case 'i': case 'e': case 'o': case 'u': case 'a': skip = ! initial; initial = false; break; default: skip = false; initial = false; break; } if ( ! skip ) *(sp++) = *lp; } *sp = '\0'; } fl_draw( s ? s : lab, tx, ty, tw, th, align() | FL_ALIGN_CLIP ); free(lab); if ( s ) delete[] s; } void Module::insert_menu_cb ( const Fl_Menu_ *m ) { const char * picked = m->mvalue()->label(); DMESSAGE("picked = %s", picked ); Module *mod = NULL; if ( !strcmp( picked, "Aux" ) ) { int n = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < chain()->modules(); i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( chain()->module(i)->name(), "AUX" ) ) n++; } AUX_Module *jm = new AUX_Module(); jm->chain( chain() ); jm->number( n ); jm->configure_inputs( ninputs() ); jm->configure_outputs( ninputs() ); jm->initialize(); mod = jm; } if ( !strcmp( picked, "Spatializer" ) ) { int n = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < chain()->modules(); i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( chain()->module(i)->name(), "Spatializer" ) ) n++; } if ( n == 0 ) { Spatializer_Module *jm = new Spatializer_Module(); jm->chain( chain() ); // jm->number( n ); // jm->configure_inputs( ninputs() ); // jm->configure_outputs( ninputs() ); jm->initialize(); mod = jm; } } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Gain" ) ) mod = new Gain_Module(); /* else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Spatializer" ) ) */ /* mod = new Spatializer_Module(); */ else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Meter" ) ) mod = new Meter_Module(); else if ( !strcmp( picked, "Mono Pan" )) mod = new Mono_Pan_Module(); else if ( !strcmp(picked, "Plugin" )) { unsigned long id = Plugin_Chooser::plugin_chooser( this->ninputs() ); if ( id == 0 ) return; Plugin_Module *m = new Plugin_Module(); m->load( id ); mod = m; } if ( mod ) { if ( ! chain()->insert( this, mod ) ) { fl_alert( "Cannot insert this module at this point in the chain" ); delete mod; return; } redraw(); } } void Module::insert_menu_cb ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Module*)v)->insert_menu_cb( (Fl_Menu_*) w ); } void Module::menu_cb ( const Fl_Menu_ *m ) { char picked[256]; if ( ! m->mvalue() || m->mvalue()->flags & FL_SUBMENU_POINTER || m->mvalue()->flags & FL_SUBMENU ) return; strncpy( picked, m->mvalue()->label(), sizeof( picked ) ); // m->item_pathname( picked, sizeof( picked ) ); DMESSAGE( "%s", picked ); Logger log( this ); if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Edit Parameters" ) ) command_open_parameter_editor(); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Bypass" ) ) { if ( ! bypassable() ) { fl_alert( "Due to its channel configuration, this module cannot be bypassed." ); } else { bypass( !bypass() ); redraw(); } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Cut" ) ) { if ( copy() ) { chain()->remove( this ); Fl::delete_widget( this ); } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Copy" ) ) { copy(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Paste" ) ) { paste_before(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Remove" ) ) command_remove(); } void Module::menu_cb ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Module*)v)->menu_cb( (Fl_Menu_*) w ); } /** build the context menu */ Fl_Menu_Button & Module::menu ( void ) const { static Fl_Menu_Button m( 0, 0, 0, 0, "Module" ); static Fl_Menu_Button *insert_menu = NULL; if ( ! insert_menu ) { insert_menu = new Fl_Menu_Button( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Gain", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Meter", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Mono Pan", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Aux", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Spatializer", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->add( "Plugin", 0, 0 ); insert_menu->callback( &Module::insert_menu_cb, (void*)this ); } m.clear(); m.add( "Insert", 0, &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, 0); m.add( "Insert", 0, &Module::menu_cb, const_cast< Fl_Menu_Item *>( insert_menu->menu() ), FL_SUBMENU_POINTER ); m.add( "Edit Parameters", ' ', &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, 0 ); m.add( "Bypass", 'b', &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, FL_MENU_TOGGLE | ( bypass() ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); m.add( "Cut", FL_CTRL + 'x', &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, is_default() ? FL_MENU_INACTIVE : 0 ); m.add( "Copy", FL_CTRL + 'c', &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, is_default() ? FL_MENU_INACTIVE : 0 ); m.add( "Paste", FL_CTRL + 'v', &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this, _copied_module_empty ? 0 : FL_MENU_INACTIVE ); m.add( "Remove", FL_Delete, &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this ); // menu_set_callback( menu, &Module::menu_cb, (void*)this ); m.callback( &Module::insert_menu_cb, (void*)this ); return m; } void Module::handle_chain_name_changed ( ) { // pass it along to our connected Controller_Modules, if any. for ( int i = 0; i < ncontrol_inputs(); ++i ) { if ( control_input[i].connected() ) control_input[i].connected_port()->module()->handle_chain_name_changed(); control_input[i].update_osc_port(); } if ( ! chain()->strip()->group()->single() ) { /* we have to rename our JACK ports... */ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_input.size(); i++ ) { aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->trackname( chain()->name() ); aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->rename(); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); i++ ) { aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->trackname( chain()->name() ); aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->rename(); } } } int Module::handle ( int m ) { static unsigned long _event_state = 0; unsigned long evstate = Fl::event_state(); switch ( m ) { case FL_ENTER: // Fl::focus(this); case FL_LEAVE: return 1; } if ( Fl_Group::handle( m ) ) return 1; switch ( m ) { case FL_KEYBOARD: { if ( Fl::event_key() == FL_Menu ) { menu_popup( &menu(), x(), y() ); return 1; } else return menu().test_shortcut() != 0; } case FL_PUSH: take_focus(); _event_state = evstate; return 1; // if ( Fl::visible_focus() && handle( FL_FOCUS )) Fl::focus(this); case FL_DRAG: _event_state = evstate; return 1; case FL_RELEASE: { unsigned long e = _event_state; _event_state = 0; if ( ! Fl::event_inside( this ) ) return 1; if ( ( e & FL_BUTTON1 ) && ( e & FL_CTRL ) ) { Fl::focus(this); return 1; } else if ( e & FL_BUTTON1 ) { command_open_parameter_editor(); return 1; } else if ( e & FL_BUTTON3 && e & FL_CTRL ) { command_remove(); return 1; } else if ( e & FL_BUTTON3 ) { menu_popup( &menu() ); return 1; } else if ( e & FL_BUTTON2 ) { if ( !bypassable() ) { fl_alert( "Due to its channel configuration, this module cannot be bypassed." ); } else { bypass( !bypass() ); redraw(); } return 1; } /* else */ /* { */ /* take_focus(); */ /* } */ return 0; } case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: redraw(); return 1; } return 0; } /*************/ /* AUX Ports */ /*************/ static char * generate_port_name ( const char *aux, int direction, int n ) { char *s; asprintf( &s, "%s%s%s-%i", aux ? aux : "", aux ? "/" : "", direction == JACK::Port::Input ? "in" : "out", n + 1 ); return s; } static void jack_port_activation_error ( JACK::Port *p ) { fl_alert( "Could not activate JACK port \"%s\"", p->name() ); } /* freeze/disconnect all jack ports--used when changing groups */ void Module::freeze_ports ( void ) { // pass it along to our connected Controller_Modules, if any. for ( int i = 0; i < ncontrol_inputs(); ++i ) { if ( control_input[i].connected() ) control_input[i].connected_port()->module()->freeze_ports(); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_input.size(); ++i ) { aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->freeze(); aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->shutdown(); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); ++i ) { aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->freeze(); aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->shutdown(); } } /* rename and thaw all jack ports--used when changing groups */ void Module::thaw_ports ( void ) { // pass it along to our connected Controller_Modules, if any. for ( int i = 0; i < ncontrol_inputs(); ++i ) { if ( control_input[i].connected() ) control_input[i].connected_port()->module()->thaw_ports(); } const char *trackname = chain()->strip()->group()->single() ? NULL : chain()->name(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_input.size(); ++i ) { /* if we're entering a group we need to add the chain name * prefix and if we're leaving one, we need to remove it */ aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->client( chain()->client() ); aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->trackname( trackname ); aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->thaw(); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); ++i ) { /* if we're entering a group we won't actually be using our * JACK output ports anymore, just mixing into the group outputs */ aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->client( chain()->client() ); aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->trackname( trackname ); aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->thaw(); } } nframes_t Module::get_latency ( JACK::Port::direction_e dir ) const { nframes_t tmin = 0; nframes_t tmax = 0; if ( dir == JACK::Port::Input ) { if ( aux_audio_input.size() ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_input.size(); i++ ) { nframes_t min,max; aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->get_latency( dir, &min, &max ); tmin += min; tmax += max; } tmin /= aux_audio_input.size(); tmax /= aux_audio_input.size(); } return tmin; /* for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); i++ ) */ /* aux_audio_output[i].set_latency( dir, tmin, tmax ); */ } else { if ( aux_audio_output.size() ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); i++ ) { nframes_t min,max; aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->get_latency( dir, &min, &max ); tmin += min; tmax += max; } tmin /= aux_audio_output.size(); tmax /= aux_audio_output.size(); } return tmin; /* for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); i++ ) */ /* aux_audio_output[i].set_latency( dir, tmin, tmax ); */ } } void Module::set_latency ( JACK::Port::direction_e dir, nframes_t latency ) { if ( dir == JACK::Port::Input ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_output.size(); i++ ) aux_audio_output[i].jack_port()->set_latency( dir, latency, latency ); } else { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < aux_audio_input.size(); i++ ) aux_audio_input[i].jack_port()->set_latency( dir, latency, latency ); } } bool Module::add_aux_port ( bool input, const char *prefix, int i ) { const char *trackname = chain()->strip()->group()->single() ? NULL : chain()->name(); JACK::Port::direction_e direction = input ? JACK::Port::Input : JACK::Port::Output; char *portname = generate_port_name( prefix, direction, i ); JACK::Port *po = new JACK::Port( chain()->client(), trackname, portname, direction, JACK::Port::Audio ); free(portname); if ( ! po->activate() ) { jack_port_activation_error( po ); return false; } if ( po->valid() ) { if ( input ) { Module::Port mp( (Module*)this, Module::Port::INPUT, Module::Port::AUX_AUDIO ); mp.jack_port( po ); aux_audio_input.push_back( mp ); } else { Module::Port mp( (Module*)this, Module::Port::OUTPUT, Module::Port::AUX_AUDIO ); mp.jack_port( po ); aux_audio_output.push_back( mp ); } } else { delete po; return false; } return true; } bool Module::add_aux_audio_output( const char *prefix, int i ) { return add_aux_port ( false, prefix, i ); } bool Module::add_aux_audio_input( const char *prefix, int i ) { return add_aux_port ( true, prefix, i ); } /************/ /* Commands */ /************/ void Module::command_open_parameter_editor ( void ) { if ( _editor ) { _editor->show(); } else if ( ncontrol_inputs() && nvisible_control_inputs() ) { DMESSAGE( "Opening module parameters for \"%s\"", label() ); _editor = new Module_Parameter_Editor( this ); _editor->show(); } } void Module::command_activate ( void ) { bypass( false ); } void Module::command_deactivate ( void ) { bypass( true ); } void Module::command_remove ( void ) { if ( is_default() ) fl_alert( "Default modules may not be deleted." ); else { chain()->remove( this ); Fl::delete_widget( this ); } }