/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "Sequence.H" #include "Timeline.H" #include "Region.H" #include queue Sequence::_delete_queue; Sequence::Sequence ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, Track *track ) : Fl_Widget( X, Y, W, H ) { _name = NULL; _track = track; box( FL_DOWN_BOX ); color( fl_darker( FL_GRAY ) ); align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); // log_create(); } Sequence::~Sequence ( ) { /* FIXME: what to do with regions? */ parent()->redraw(); parent()->remove( this ); // log_destroy(); } void Sequence::sort ( void ) { _widgets.sort( Sequence_Widget::sort_func ); } /** return a pointer to the widget that /r/ overlaps, or NULL if none. */ Sequence_Widget * Sequence::overlaps ( Sequence_Widget *r ) { for ( list ::const_iterator i = _widgets.begin(); i != _widgets.end(); i++ ) { if ( *i == r ) continue; if ( ! ( (*i)->offset() > r->offset() + r->length() || (*i)->offset() + (*i)->length() < r->offset() ) ) return *i; } return NULL; } #include "Waveform.H" void Sequence::draw ( void ) { if ( ! fl_not_clipped( x(), y(), w(), h() ) ) return; fl_push_clip( x(), y(), w(), h() ); draw_box(); int X, Y, W, H; fl_clip_box( x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H ); if ( Sequence_Widget::pushed() && Sequence_Widget::pushed()->track() == this ) { /* make sure the Sequence_Widget::pushed widget is above all others */ remove( Sequence_Widget::pushed() ); add( Sequence_Widget::pushed() ); } int xfades = 0; // printf( "track::draw %d,%d %dx%d\n", X,Y,W,H ); timeline->draw_measure_lines( x(), y(), w(), h(), color() ); for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) (*r)->draw_box(); for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) (*r)->draw(); /* draw crossfades */ for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) { Sequence_Widget *o = overlaps( *r ); if ( o ) { if ( *o <= **r ) { /* if ( o->x() == (*r)->x() && o->w() == (*r)->w() ) */ /* printf( "complete superposition\n" ); */ if ( (*r)->x() >= o->x() && (*r)->x() + (*r)->w() <= o->x() + o->w() ) /* completely inside */ continue; ++xfades; Rectangle b( (*r)->x(), o->y(), (o->x() + o->w()) - (*r)->x(), o->h() ); Fl_Color c = fl_color_average( o->box_color(), (*r)->box_color(), 0.50f ); c = fl_color_average( c, FL_YELLOW, 0.30f ); fl_push_clip( b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h ); draw_box( FL_FLAT_BOX, b.x - 100, b.y, b.w + 200, b.h, c ); draw_box( FL_UP_FRAME, b.x - 100, b.y, b.w + 200, b.h, c ); fl_pop_clip(); } } } // printf( "There are %d xfades\n", xfades ); for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) { Sequence_Widget *o = overlaps( *r ); if ( o ) { if ( *o <= **r ) { if ( (*r)->x() >= o->x() && (*r)->x() + (*r)->w() <= o->x() + o->w() ) /* completely inside */ continue; Rectangle b( (*r)->x(), o->y(), (o->x() + o->w()) - (*r)->x(), o->h() ); /* draw overlapping waveforms in X-ray style. */ Waveform::fill = false; /* Fl_Color oc = o->color(); */ /* Fl_Color rc = (*r)->color(); */ /* /\* give each region a different color *\/ */ /* o->color( FL_RED ); */ /* (*r)->color( FL_GREEN ); */ fl_push_clip( b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h ); o->draw(); (*r)->draw(); fl_pop_clip(); Waveform::fill = true; /* o->color( oc ); */ /* (*r)->color( rc ); */ /* fl_color( FL_BLACK ); */ /* fl_line_style( FL_DOT, 4 ); */ /* b.x = (*r)->line_x(); */ /* b.w = min( 32767, (*r)->abs_w() ); */ /* fl_line( b.x, b.y, b.x + b.w, b.y + b.h ); */ /* fl_line( b.x, b.y + b.h, b.x + b.w, b.y ); */ /* fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); */ // fl_pop_clip(); } } } fl_pop_clip(); } void Sequence::remove ( Sequence_Widget *r ) { // Logger _log( this ); _widgets.remove( r ); } void Sequence::remove_selected ( void ) { Loggable::block_start(); for ( list ::iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); ) if ( (*r)->selected() ) { Sequence_Widget *t = *r; _widgets.erase( r++ ); delete t; } else ++r; Loggable::block_end(); } Sequence_Widget * Sequence::event_widget ( void ) { nframes_t ets = timeline->xoffset + timeline->x_to_ts( Fl::event_x() - x() ); for ( list ::const_reverse_iterator r = _widgets.rbegin(); r != _widgets.rend(); r++ ) if ( ets > (*r)->offset() && ets < (*r)->offset() + (*r)->length() ) return (*r); return NULL; } void Sequence::select_range ( int X, int W ) { nframes_t sts = timeline->xoffset + timeline->x_to_ts( X - x() ); nframes_t ets = sts + timeline->x_to_ts( W ); for ( list ::const_reverse_iterator r = _widgets.rbegin(); r != _widgets.rend(); r++ ) if ( ! ( (*r)->offset() > ets || (*r)->offset() + (*r)->length() < sts ) ) (*r)->select(); } void Sequence::add ( Sequence_Widget *r ) { // Logger _log( this ); if ( r->track() ) { r->redraw(); r->track()->remove( r ); // r->track()->redraw(); } r->track( this ); _widgets.push_back( r ); sort(); } /* snap /r/ to nearest edge */ void Sequence::snap ( Sequence_Widget *r ) { const int snap_pixels = 10; const int rx1 = r->x(); const int rx2 = r->x() + r->w(); for ( list ::iterator i = _widgets.begin(); i != _widgets.end(); i++ ) { const Sequence_Widget *w = (*i); if ( w == r ) continue; const int wx1 = w->x(); const int wx2 = w->x() + w->w(); if ( abs( rx1 - wx2 ) < snap_pixels ) { r->offset( w->offset() + w->length() + 1 ); // printf( "snap: %lu | %lu\n", w->offset() + w->length(), r->offset() ); goto done; } if ( abs( rx2 - wx1 ) < snap_pixels ) { r->offset( ( w->offset() - r->length() ) - 1 ); // printf( "snap: %lu | %lu\n", r->offset() + r->length(), w->offset() ); goto done; } } { int nx = timeline->nearest_line( r->abs_x() ); if ( nx >= 0 ) { r->offset( timeline->x_to_ts( nx ) ); return; } } // r->offset( timeline->x_to_ts( r->x() ) ); done: return; // r->resize(); // r->position( rx1, y() ); } int Sequence::handle ( int m ) { switch ( m ) { case FL_FOCUS: return 1; case FL_UNFOCUS: return 1; case FL_DND_ENTER: printf( "enter\n" ); if ( Sequence_Widget::pushed() && Sequence_Widget::pushed()->track()->class_name() == class_name() ) { add( Sequence_Widget::pushed() ); redraw(); } case FL_DND_LEAVE: return 1; case FL_MOVE: { Sequence_Widget *r = event_widget(); if ( r != Sequence_Widget::belowmouse() ) { if ( Sequence_Widget::belowmouse() ) Sequence_Widget::belowmouse()->handle( FL_LEAVE ); Sequence_Widget::belowmouse( r ); if ( r ) r->handle( FL_ENTER ); } return 0; } default: { Sequence_Widget *r = Sequence_Widget::pushed() ? Sequence_Widget::pushed() : event_widget(); if ( r ) { int retval = r->dispatch( m ); if ( retval && m == FL_PUSH ) { take_focus(); Sequence_Widget::pushed( r ); } if ( retval && m == FL_RELEASE ) Sequence_Widget::pushed( NULL ); Loggable::block_start(); while ( _delete_queue.size() ) { Sequence_Widget *t = _delete_queue.front(); _delete_queue.pop(); if ( Sequence_Widget::pushed() == t ) Sequence_Widget::pushed( NULL ); if ( Sequence_Widget::belowmouse() == t ) { Sequence_Widget::belowmouse()->handle( FL_LEAVE ); Sequence_Widget::belowmouse( NULL ); } delete t; } Loggable::block_end(); return retval; } else return Fl_Widget::handle( m ); } } }