/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "Timeline.H" #include "Tempo_Sequence.H" #include "Time_Sequence.H" #include "Audio_Sequence.H" #include "Control_Sequence.H" #include #include "Annotation_Sequence.H" // #include // #include // needed for alpha blending #include "Track.H" bool Timeline::draw_with_measure_lines = true; Timeline::snap_e Timeline::snap_to = Bars; bool Timeline::snap_magnetic = true; bool Timeline::follow_playhead = true; bool Timeline::center_playhead = true; const float UPDATE_FREQ = 0.02f; #include "Playback_DS.H" #include "Record_DS.H" #include "Transport.H" /** return the combined height of all visible children of (veritcal) pack, /p/. This is necessary because pack sizes are adjusted only when the relevant areas are exposes. */ static int pack_visible_height ( const Fl_Pack *p ) { int th = 0; const Fl_Widget* const *w = p->array(); for ( int i = p->children(); i--; ++w ) if ( (*w)->visible() ) th += (*w)->h() + p->spacing(); return th; } /** recalculate the size of vertical scrolling area and inform scrollbar */ void Timeline::adjust_vscroll ( void ) { vscroll->value( _yposition, h() - rulers->h() - hscroll->h(), 0, pack_visible_height( tracks ) ); } void Timeline::cb_scroll ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Timeline*)v)->cb_scroll( w ); } void Timeline::cb_scroll ( Fl_Widget *w ) { if ( w == vscroll ) { tracks->position( tracks->x(), (rulers->y() + rulers->h()) - vscroll->value() ); yposition( vscroll->value() ); adjust_vscroll(); } else { if ( hscroll->zoom_changed() ) { nframes_t under_mouse = x_to_offset( Fl::event_x() ); _fpp = hscroll->zoom(); const int tw = tracks->w() - Track::width(); // hscroll->value( ts_to_x( xoffset ), tw, 0, ts_to_x( _length ) ); hscroll->value( max( 0, ts_to_x( under_mouse ) - ( Fl::event_x() - tracks->x() - Track::width() ) ), tw, 0, ts_to_x( _length ) ); redraw(); } xposition( hscroll->value() ); } } Timeline::Timeline ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* L ) : Fl_Overlay_Window( X, Y, W, H, L ) { box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); xoffset = 0; _yposition = 0; _old_yposition = 0; _old_xposition = 0; X = Y = 0; p1 = p2 = 0; { Scalebar *o = new Scalebar( X, Y + H - 18, W - 18, 18 ); o->range( 0, 48000 * 300 ); // o->zoom_range( 1, 16384 ); // o->zoom_range( 1, 65536 << 4 ); o->zoom_range( 1, 20 ); o->zoom( 8 ); o->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); o->callback( cb_scroll, this ); hscroll = o; } { Fl_Scrollbar *o = new Fl_Scrollbar( X + W - 18, Y, 18, H - 18 ); o->type( FL_VERTICAL ); o->callback( cb_scroll, this ); vscroll = o; } { Fl_Pack *o = new Fl_Pack( X + Track::width(), Y, (W - Track::width()) - vscroll->w(), H - hscroll->h(), "rulers" ); o->type( Fl_Pack::VERTICAL ); { Tempo_Sequence *o = new Tempo_Sequence( 0, 0, 800, 24 ); o->color( fl_gray_ramp( 18 ) ); o->label( "Tempo" ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); tempo_track = o; } { Time_Sequence *o = new Time_Sequence( 0, 24, 800, 24 ); o->color( fl_gray_ramp( 16 ) ); o->label( "Time" ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); time_track = o; } /* { */ /* Annotation_Sequence *o = new Annotation_Sequence( 0, 24, 800, 24 ); */ /* o->color( fl_gray_ramp( 'F' ) ); */ /* o->label( "Ruler" ); */ /* o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); */ /* ruler_track = o; */ /* } */ o->size( o->w(), o->child( 0 )->h() * o->children() ); rulers = o; o->end(); } { // sample_rate() = engine->sample_rate(); _fpp = 8; // _length = sample_rate() * 60 * 2; /* FIXME: hack */ _length = -1; { Fl_Pack *o = new Fl_Pack( X, rulers->y() + rulers->h(), W - vscroll->w(), 1 ); o->type( Fl_Pack::VERTICAL ); o->spacing( 1 ); tracks = o; o->end(); resizable( o ); } } /* rulers go above tracks... */ add( rulers ); /* make sure scrollbars are on top */ add( vscroll ); add( hscroll ); vscroll->range( 0, tracks->h() ); redraw(); end(); Fl::add_timeout( UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, this ); } float Timeline::beats_per_minute ( nframes_t when ) const { /* return tempo_track->beats_per_minute( when ); */ } int Timeline::beats_per_bar ( nframes_t when ) const { time_sig t = time_track->time( when ); return t.beats_per_bar; } void Timeline::beats_per_minute ( nframes_t when, float bpm ) { tempo_track->add( new Tempo_Point( when, bpm ) ); } void Timeline::time ( nframes_t when, int bpb, int note_type ) { time_track->add( new Time_Point( when, bpb, note_type ) ); } /* struct BBT */ /* { */ /* int bar, beat, tick; */ /* BBT ( int bar, int beat, int tick ) : bar( bar ), beat( beat ), tick( tick ) */ /* { */ /* } */ /* }; */ /* /\** returns the BBT value for timestamp /when/ by examining the tempo/time maps *\/ */ /* BBT */ /* Timeline::bbt ( nframes_t when ) */ /* { */ /* Tempo_Sequence *tempo = (Tempo_Sequence*)rulers->child( 0 ); */ /* BBT bbt; */ /* for ( list ::const_iterator i = tempo.widgets.begin(); */ /* i != tempo.widgets.end(); ++i ) */ /* { */ /* Tempo_Point *p = *i; */ /* } */ /* } */ /************/ /* Snapping */ /************/ struct nearest_line_arg { nframes_t original; nframes_t closest; }; const int snap_pixel = 10; static nframes_t abs_diff ( nframes_t n1, nframes_t n2 ) { return n1 > n2 ? n1 - n2 : n2 - n1; } void nearest_line_cb ( nframes_t frame, const BBT &bbt, void *arg ) { nearest_line_arg *n = (nearest_line_arg *)arg; if ( Timeline::snap_to == Timeline::Bars && bbt.beat ) return; if ( Timeline::snap_magnetic && abs_diff( frame, n->original ) > timeline->x_to_ts( snap_pixel ) ) return; if ( abs_diff( frame, n->original ) < abs_diff( n->original, n->closest ) ) n->closest = frame; } /** Set the value pointed to by /frame/ to the frame number of the of the nearest measure line to /when/. Returns true if the new value of *frame is valid, false otherwise. */ bool Timeline::nearest_line ( nframes_t when, nframes_t *frame ) const { if ( snap_to == None ) return false; nearest_line_arg n = { when, -1 }; render_tempomap( when - x_to_ts( w() >> 1 ), x_to_ts( w() ), nearest_line_cb, &n ); *frame = n.closest; return *frame != (nframes_t)-1; } nframes_t Timeline::x_to_offset ( int x ) const { return x_to_ts( max( 0, x - Track::width() ) ) + xoffset; } /** draws a single measure line */ static void draw_measure_cb ( nframes_t frame, const BBT &bbt, void *arg ) { Fl_Color *color = (Fl_Color*)arg; fl_color( FL_BLACK ); fl_line_style( FL_DASH, 0 ); if ( bbt.beat ) ++color; fl_color( *color ); const int x = timeline->ts_to_x( frame - timeline->xoffset ) + Track::width(); fl_line( x, 0, x, 5000 ); fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); } /* FIXME: wrong place for this */ const float ticks_per_beat = 1920.0; void Timeline::update_tempomap ( void ) { _tempomap.clear(); for ( list ::const_iterator i = time_track->_widgets.begin(); i != time_track->_widgets.end(); ++i ) _tempomap.push_back( *i ); for ( list ::const_iterator i = tempo_track->_widgets.begin(); i != tempo_track->_widgets.end(); ++i ) _tempomap.push_back( *i ); /* FIXME: shouldn't we ensure that time points always precede tempo points at the same position? */ _tempomap.sort( Sequence_Widget::sort_func ); } position_info Timeline::solve_tempomap ( nframes_t frame ) const { return render_tempomap( frame, 0, 0, 0 ); } /** draw appropriate measure lines inside the given bounding box */ position_info Timeline::render_tempomap( nframes_t start, nframes_t length, measure_line_callback * cb, void *arg ) const { const nframes_t end = start + length; position_info pos; memset( &pos, 0, sizeof( pos ) ); BBT &bbt = pos.bbt; const nframes_t samples_per_minute = sample_rate() * 60; float bpm = 120.0f; time_sig sig; sig.beats_per_bar = 4; sig.beat_type = 4; nframes_t f = 0; nframes_t next = 0; nframes_t frames_per_beat = samples_per_minute / bpm; /* FIXME: don't we need to sort so that Time_Points always preceed Tempo_Points? */ for ( list ::const_iterator i = _tempomap.begin(); i != _tempomap.end(); ++i ) { if ( ! strcmp( (*i)->class_name(), "Tempo_Point" ) ) { const Tempo_Point *p = (Tempo_Point*)(*i); bpm = p->tempo(); frames_per_beat = samples_per_minute / bpm; } else { const Time_Point *p = (Time_Point*)(*i); sig = p->time(); } { list ::const_iterator n = i; ++n; if ( n == _tempomap.end() ) next = end; else // next = min( (*n)->start(), end ); /* points may not always be aligned with beat boundaries, so we must align here */ next = (*n)->start() - ( ( (*n)->start() - (*i)->start() ) % frames_per_beat ); } for ( ; f < next; ++bbt.beat, f += frames_per_beat ) { if ( bbt.beat == sig.beats_per_bar ) { bbt.beat = 0; ++bbt.bar; } if ( f >= start ) { /* in the zone */ if ( cb ) cb( f, bbt, arg ); } if ( f + frames_per_beat >= end ) goto done; } } done: pos.frame = f; pos.tempo = bpm; pos.beats_per_bar = sig.beats_per_bar; pos.beat_type = sig.beat_type; assert( f <= end ); assert( end - f <= frames_per_beat ); /* FIXME: this this right? */ const nframes_t frames_per_tick = frames_per_beat / ticks_per_beat; bbt.tick = ( end - f ) / frames_per_tick; return pos; } void Timeline::draw_measure_lines ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, Fl_Color color ) { if ( ! draw_with_measure_lines ) return; Fl_Color colors[] = { fl_color_average( FL_RED, color, 0.65f ), fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, color, 0.65f ) }; const nframes_t start = x_to_offset( X ); const nframes_t length = x_to_ts( W ); fl_push_clip( X, Y, W, H ); render_tempomap( start, length, draw_measure_cb, &colors ); fl_pop_clip(); } /** just like draw mesure lines except that it also draws the BBT values. */ void Timeline::draw_measure_BBT ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, Fl_Color color ) { // render_tempomap( X, Y, W, H, color, true ); } void Timeline::xposition ( int X ) { // _old_xposition = xoffset; /* FIXME: shouldn't have to do this... */ X = min( X, ts_to_x( _length ) - tracks->w() - Track::width() ); xoffset = x_to_ts( X ); damage( FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL ); } void Timeline::yposition ( int Y ) { // _old_yposition = _yposition; _yposition = Y; damage( FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL ); } void Timeline::draw_clip ( void * v, int X, int Y, int W, int H ) { Timeline *tl = (Timeline *)v; fl_push_clip( X, Y, W, H ); /* fl_color( rand() ); */ /* fl_rectf( X, Y, X + W, Y + H ); */ tl->draw_box(); tl->draw_child( *tl->rulers ); fl_push_clip( tl->tracks->x(), tl->rulers->y() + tl->rulers->h(), tl->tracks->w(), tl->h() - tl->rulers->h() - tl->hscroll->h() ); tl->draw_child( *tl->tracks ); fl_pop_clip(); fl_pop_clip(); } // static unsigned char *rect_image; void Timeline::resize ( int X, int Y, int W, int H ) { Fl_Overlay_Window::resize( X, Y, W, H ); /* why is this necessary? */ rulers->resize( Track::width(), 0, W - Track::width() - vscroll->w(), rulers->h() ); /* why is THIS necessary? */ hscroll->resize( 0, H - 18, hscroll->w(), 18 ); vscroll->size( vscroll->w(), H - 18 ); } void Timeline::draw ( void ) { int X, Y, W, H; int bdx = 0; int bdw = 0; X = tracks->x() + bdx + 1; Y = tracks->y(); W = tracks->w() - bdw - 1; H = tracks->h(); adjust_vscroll(); /* if ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_USER1 ) */ /* { */ /* /\* save the rectangle so we can draw it (darkened) in the overlay *\/ */ /* Rectangle &r = _selection; */ /* make_current(); */ /* rect_image = fl_read_image( NULL, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, 0 ); */ /* return; */ /* } */ if ( ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_ALL ) || ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE ) ) { DMESSAGE( "complete redraw" ); draw_box( box(), 0, 0, w(), h(), color() ); fl_push_clip( 0, rulers->y(), w(), rulers->h() ); draw_child( *rulers ); fl_pop_clip(); fl_push_clip( tracks->x(), rulers->y() + rulers->h(), tracks->w(), hscroll->y() - (rulers->y() + rulers->h()) ); draw_child( *tracks ); fl_pop_clip(); draw_child( *hscroll ); draw_child( *vscroll ); redraw_overlay(); /* Rectangle &r = _selection; */ /* unsigned char *data = fl_read_image( NULL, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, 0 ); */ /* Fl_RGB_Image bi( data, r.w, r.h, 3 ); */ /* bi.color_average( FL_BLACK, 0.50f ); */ /* bi.draw( r.x, r.y ); */ /* delete[] data; */ /* if ( r.w && r.h ) */ /* { */ /* const unsigned char data[] = { 0, 127, 0, 96, */ /* 0, 96, 0, 127 }; */ /* Fl_RGB_Image bi( data, 2, 2, 2 ); */ /* Fl_Image *bi2 = bi.copy( r.w, r.h ); */ /* bi2->draw( r.x, r.y ); */ /* delete bi2; */ /* } */ goto done; } if ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL ) { int dx = ts_to_x( _old_xposition ) - ts_to_x( xoffset ); int dy = _old_yposition - _yposition; /* draw_child( *rulers ); */ if ( ! dy ) fl_scroll( rulers->x(), rulers->y(), rulers->w(), rulers->h(), dx, 0, draw_clip, this ); Y = rulers->y() + rulers->h(); H = h() - rulers->h() - hscroll->h(); if ( dy == 0 ) fl_scroll( X + Track::width(), Y, W - Track::width(), H, dx, dy, draw_clip, this ); else fl_scroll( X, Y, W, H, dx, dy, draw_clip, this ); } if ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_CHILD ) { fl_push_clip( rulers->x(), rulers->y(), rulers->w(), rulers->h() ); update_child( *rulers ); fl_pop_clip(); fl_push_clip( tracks->x(), rulers->y() + rulers->h(), tracks->w(), h() - rulers->h() - hscroll->h() ); update_child( *tracks ); fl_pop_clip(); update_child( *hscroll ); update_child( *vscroll ); } done: _old_xposition = xoffset; _old_yposition = _yposition; } void Timeline::draw_cursor ( nframes_t frame, Fl_Color color ) { // int x = ( ts_to_x( frame ) - ts_to_x( xoffset ) ) + tracks->x() + Track::width(); if ( frame < xoffset ) return; const int x = ts_to_x( frame - xoffset ) + tracks->x() + Track::width(); if ( x > tracks->x() + tracks->w() ) return; fl_color( color ); const int y = rulers->y() + rulers->h(); const int h = this->h() - hscroll->h(); fl_push_clip( Track::width(), y, tracks->w(), h ); fl_line( x, y, x, h ); fl_color( fl_darker( color ) ); fl_line( x - 1, y, x - 1, h ); fl_color( FL_BLACK ); fl_line( x + 1, y, x + 1, h ); /* draw cap */ fl_color( color ); fl_begin_polygon(); fl_vertex( x - 8, y ); fl_vertex( x, y + 8 ); fl_vertex( x + 8, y ); fl_end_polygon(); /* draw cap outline */ fl_color( FL_BLACK ); fl_begin_line(); fl_vertex( x - 8, y ); fl_vertex( x, y + 8 ); fl_vertex( x + 8, y ); fl_end_line(); fl_pop_clip(); } void Timeline::draw_playhead ( void ) { if ( p1 != p2 ) { draw_cursor( p1, FL_BLUE ); draw_cursor( p2, FL_GREEN ); } draw_cursor( transport->frame, FL_RED ); } void Timeline::redraw_playhead ( void ) { static nframes_t last_playhead = -1; if ( last_playhead != transport->frame ) { redraw_overlay(); last_playhead = transport->frame; if ( follow_playhead ) { if ( center_playhead && active() ) xposition( max( 0, ts_to_x( transport->frame ) - ( ( tracks->w() - Track::width() ) >> 1 ) ) ); else if ( ts_to_x( transport->frame ) > ts_to_x( xoffset ) + ( tracks->w() - Track::width() ) ) xposition( ts_to_x( transport->frame ) ); } } } /** called so many times a second to redraw the playhead etc. */ void Timeline::update_cb ( void *arg ) { Fl::repeat_timeout( UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, arg ); Timeline *tl = (Timeline *)arg; tl->redraw_playhead(); } void Timeline::draw_overlay ( void ) { draw_playhead(); if ( ! ( _selection.w && _selection.h ) ) return; fl_push_clip( tracks->x() + Track::width(), rulers->y() + rulers->h(), tracks->w() - Track::width(), h() - rulers->h() - hscroll->h() ); const Rectangle &r = _selection; fl_color( FL_BLACK ); fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 2 ); fl_rect( r.x + 2, r.y + 2, r.w, r.h ); fl_color( FL_MAGENTA ); fl_line_style( FL_DASH, 2 ); fl_rect( r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h ); fl_line( r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h ); fl_line( r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.h ); /* fl_overlay_rect( r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h ); */ fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); /* const unsigned char data[] = { 127, 127, 127, 96, */ /* 127, 96, 127, 40 }; */ /* Fl_RGB_Image bi( data, 2, 2, 2 ); */ /* Fl_Image *bi2 = bi.copy( r.w, r.h ); */ /* bi2->draw( r.x, r.y ); */ /* delete bi2; */ /* unsigned char *data = fl_read_image( NULL, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, 0 ); */ /* Fl_RGB_Image bi( rect_image, r.w, r.h, 3 ); */ /* bi.color_average( FL_BLACK, 0.50f ); */ /* bi.draw( r.x, r.y ); */ /* delete[] rect_image; */ /* rect_image = NULL; */ fl_pop_clip(); } // #include "Sequence_Widget.H" /** select all widgets in inside rectangle /r/ */ void Timeline::select ( const Rectangle &r ) { const int Y = r.y; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( ! ( t->y() > Y + r.h || t->y() + t->h() < Y ) ) t->select( r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, true, true ); } } void Timeline::delete_selected ( void ) { Sequence_Widget::delete_selected(); } void Timeline::select_none ( void ) { Sequence_Widget::select_none(); } /** An unfortunate necessity for implementing our own DND aside from * the (bogus) native FLTK system */ Track * Timeline::track_under ( int Y ) { for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( ! ( t->y() > Y || t->y() + t->h() < Y ) ) return t; } return NULL; } int Timeline::handle ( int m ) { static Drag *drag = NULL; switch ( m ) { case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: // redraw(); return 1; case FL_KEYBOARD: case FL_SHORTCUT: { if ( Fl::event_state() & ( FL_ALT | FL_CTRL | FL_SHIFT ) ) /* we don't want any keys with modifiers... */ return 0; switch ( Fl::event_key() ) { case FL_Delete: case FL_Home: case FL_End: /* keep scrollbar from eating these. */ return 0; case 'p': { int X = Fl::event_x() - Track::width(); if ( X > 0 ) { transport->locate( xoffset + x_to_ts( X ) ); } return 1; } case '[': { int X = Fl::event_x() - Track::width(); if ( X > 0 ) { p1 = xoffset + x_to_ts( X ); } return 1; } case ']': { int X = Fl::event_x() - Track::width(); if ( X > 0 ) { p2 = xoffset + x_to_ts( X ); } return 1; } default: return Fl_Overlay_Window::handle( m ); } return 0; } default: { if ( m == FL_PUSH ) Fl::focus( this ); int r = Fl_Overlay_Window::handle( m ); if ( m != FL_RELEASE && r ) return r; const int X = Fl::event_x(); const int Y = Fl::event_y(); switch ( m ) { case FL_PUSH: { // take_focus(); if ( Fl::event_state() & ( FL_ALT | FL_CTRL | FL_SHIFT ) ) return 0; if ( Fl::event_button1() ) { assert( ! drag ); drag = new Drag( X - x(), Y - y() ); _selection.x = drag->x; _selection.y = drag->y; } else if ( Fl::test_shortcut( FL_BUTTON3 ) && ! Fl::event_shift() ) { Fl_Menu_Item menu[] = { { "Add Track", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "Audio", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, }; const Fl_Menu_Item *r = menu->popup( X, Y, "Timeline" ); if ( r == &menu[1] ) { /* FIXME: prompt for I/O config? */ Loggable::block_start(); /* add audio track */ char *name = get_unique_track_name( "Audio" ); Track *t = new Track( name ); Audio_Sequence *o = new Audio_Sequence( t ); // new Control_Sequence( t ); add_track( t ); t->sequence( o ); Loggable::block_end(); } } else return 0; break; } case FL_DRAG: { int ox = X - drag->x; int oy = Y - drag->y; if ( ox < 0 ) _selection.x = X; if ( oy < 0 ) _selection.y = Y; _selection.w = abs( ox ); _selection.h = abs( oy ); break; } case FL_RELEASE: { delete drag; drag = NULL; select( _selection ); _selection.w = _selection.h = 0; break; } default: return 0; break; } redraw_overlay(); return 1; } } } void Timeline::zoom_in ( void ) { hscroll->zoom_in(); } void Timeline::zoom_out ( void ) { hscroll->zoom_out(); } /** zoom the display to show /secs/ seconds per screen */ void Timeline::zoom ( float secs ) { const int sw = tracks->w() - Track::width(); int fpp = (int)((secs * sample_rate()) / sw); int p = 0; while ( 1 << p < fpp ) p++; hscroll->zoom( p ); redraw(); } void Timeline::zoom_fit ( void ) { zoom( _length / (float)sample_rate() ); } Track * Timeline::track_by_name ( const char *name ) { for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( ! strcmp( name, t->name() ) ) return t; } return NULL; } char * Timeline::get_unique_track_name ( const char *name ) { char pat[256]; strcpy( pat, name ); for ( int i = 1; track_by_name( pat ); ++i ) snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%s.%d", name, i ); return strdup( pat ); } void Timeline::add_track ( Track *track ) { DMESSAGE( "added new track to the timeline" ); /* FIXME: do locking */ tracks->add( track ); /* FIXME: why is this necessary? doesn't the above add do DAMAGE_CHILD? */ redraw(); } void Timeline::remove_track ( Track *track ) { DMESSAGE( "removed track from the timeline" ); /* FIXME: do locking */ /* FIXME: what to do about track contents? */ tracks->remove( track ); /* FIXME: why is this necessary? doesn't the above add do DAMAGE_CHILD? */ redraw(); } /** Initiate recording for all armed tracks */ bool Timeline::record ( void ) { /* FIXME: right place for this? */ transport->recording = true; Loggable::block_start(); for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->armed() && t->record_ds ) t->record_ds->start( transport->frame ); } deactivate(); return true; } /** stop recording for all armed tracks */ void Timeline::stop ( void ) { for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->armed() && t->record_ds ) t->record_ds->stop( transport->frame ); } Loggable::block_end(); activate(); transport->recording = false; } /**********/ /* Engine */ /**********/ /** call process() on each track header */ nframes_t Timeline::process ( nframes_t nframes ) { for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); t->process( nframes ); } /* FIXME: BOGUS */ return nframes; } /* THREAD: RT */ void Timeline::seek ( nframes_t frame ) { for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); t->seek( frame ); } } /* THREAD: RT */ int Timeline::seek_pending ( void ) { int r = 0; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->playback_ds ) r += t->playback_ds->buffer_percent() < 50; } return r; } /* FIXME: shouldn't these belong to the engine? */ int Timeline::total_input_buffer_percent ( void ) { int r = 0; int cnt = 0; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->record_ds ) { ++cnt; r += t->record_ds->buffer_percent(); } } if ( ! cnt ) return 0; return r / cnt; } int Timeline::total_output_buffer_percent ( void ) { int r = 0; int cnt = 0; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->playback_ds ) { ++cnt; r += t->playback_ds->buffer_percent(); } } if ( ! cnt ) return 0; return r / cnt; } int Timeline::total_playback_xruns ( void ) { int r = 0; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->playback_ds ) r += t->playback_ds->xruns(); } return r; } int Timeline::total_capture_xruns ( void ) { int r = 0; for ( int i = tracks->children(); i-- ; ) { Track *t = (Track*)tracks->child( i ); if ( t->record_ds ) r += t->record_ds->xruns(); } return r; }