#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles # This file is licensed under version 2 of the GPL. . scripts/config-funcs begin begin_options ask "Installation prefix" prefix /usr/local ask "Use the LASH Audio Session Handler" USE_LASH yes ask "Build for debugging" USE_DEBUG no using DEBUG && { ask "Use unoptimized drawing routines" USE_UNOPTIMIZED_DRAWING no ask "Use widget for timeline" USE_WIDGET_FOR_TIMELINE no using WIDGET_FOR_TIMELINE || ask "Use singlebuffered timeline" USE_SINGLEBUFFERED_TIMELINE no } begin_tests require_FLTK 1.1.7 images require_command FLUID fluid require_command ar ar require_command makedepend makedepend require_package JACK 0.103.0 jack require_package sndfile 1.0.17 sndfile using LASH && require_package LASH 0.5.4 lash-1.0 end