/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* This is the main mixer group. It contains and manages Mixer_Strips. */ #include "const.h" #include "Mixer.H" #include "Mixer_Strip.H" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Project.H" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "file.h" #include "Group.H" #include #include "debug.h" #include #include #include "OSC/Endpoint.H" #include #include "Controller_Module.H" const double FEEDBACK_UPDATE_FREQ = 1.0f; extern char *user_config_dir; extern char *instance_name; #include "debug.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "NSM.H" #include #include "Chain.H" extern NSM_Client *nsm; Spatialization_Console *Mixer::spatialization_console = 0; void Mixer::show_tooltip ( const char *s ) { mixer->_status->label( s ); } void Mixer::hide_tooltip ( void ) { mixer->_status->label( 0 ); } /************************/ /* OSC Message Handlers */ /************************/ #undef OSC_REPLY_OK #undef OSC_REPLY_ERR #undef OSC_REPLY #define OSC_REPLY_OK() ((OSC::Endpoint*)user_data)->send( lo_message_get_source( msg ), path, 0, "OK" ) #define OSC_REPLY( value ) ((OSC::Endpoint*)user_data)->send( lo_message_get_source( msg ), path, value ) #define OSC_REPLY_ERR(errcode, value) ((OSC::Endpoint*)user_data)->send( lo_message_get_source( msg ), path,errcode, value ) #define OSC_ENDPOINT() ((OSC::Endpoint*)user_data) static int osc_add_strip ( const char *path, const char *, lo_arg **, int , lo_message msg, void *user_data ) { OSC_DMSG(); Fl::lock(); ((Mixer*)(OSC_ENDPOINT())->owner)->command_add_strip(); Fl::unlock(); OSC_REPLY_OK(); return 0; } int Mixer::osc_non_hello ( const char *, const char *, lo_arg **, int , lo_message msg, void * ) { mixer->handle_hello( msg ); return 0; } void Mixer::handle_hello ( lo_message msg ) { int argc = lo_message_get_argc( msg ); lo_arg **argv = lo_message_get_argv( msg ); if ( argc >= 4 ) { const char *url = &argv[0]->s; const char *name = &argv[1]->s; const char *version = &argv[2]->s; const char *id = &argv[3]->s; MESSAGE( "Got hello from NON peer %s (%s) @ %s with ID \"%s\"", name, version, url, id ); mixer->osc_endpoint->handle_hello( id, url ); } } void Mixer::say_hello ( void ) { lo_message m = lo_message_new(); lo_message_add( m, "sssss", "/non/hello", osc_endpoint->url(), APP_NAME, VERSION, instance_name ); nsm->broadcast( m ); lo_message_free( m ); } static Fl_Menu_Item * find_item( Fl_Menu_ *menu, const char *path ) { return const_cast(menu->find_item( path )); } void Mixer::sm_active ( bool b ) { sm_blinker->value( b ); sm_blinker->tooltip( nsm->session_manager_name() ); if ( b ) { find_item( menubar, "&Project/&Open" )->deactivate(); find_item( menubar, "&Project/&New" )->deactivate(); } } void Mixer::redraw_windows ( void ) { window()->redraw(); if ( Fl::first_window() ) for ( Fl_Window *w = Fl::first_window(); ( w = Fl::next_window( w ) ); ) w->redraw(); } void Mixer::command_new ( void ) { DMESSAGE( "New project" ); char *default_path = read_line( user_config_dir, "default_path" ); char *result_path = default_path; char *path = new_project_chooser( &result_path ); if ( path ) { if ( ! Project::create( path, NULL ) ) fl_alert( "Error creating project!" ); free( path ); } load_project_settings(); update_menu(); if ( result_path != default_path ) free(default_path); if ( result_path ) { write_line( user_config_dir, "default_path", result_path ); free( result_path ); } } void Mixer::cb_menu(Fl_Widget* o) { Fl_Menu_Bar *menu = (Fl_Menu_Bar*)o; /* const Fl_Menu_Item *mi = &menu->menu()[menu->value()]; */ char picked[256]; // const char *picked = menu->text(); menu->item_pathname( picked, sizeof( picked ) ); DMESSAGE( "Picked %s", picked ); if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/&New") ) { command_new(); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/&Open" ) ) { char *path = NULL; // read_line( user_config_dir, "default_path", &path ); const char *name = fl_dir_chooser( "Open Project", path ); free( path ); mixer->hide(); if ( int err = Project::open( name ) ) { fl_alert( "Error opening project: %s", Project::errstr( err ) ); } update_menu(); mixer->show(); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/&Save" ) ) { command_save(); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/&Quit") ) { command_quit(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Mixer/&Add Strip" ) ) { command_add_strip(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Mixer/Add &N Strips" ) ) { const char *s = fl_input( "Enter number of strips to add" ); if ( s ) { for ( int i = atoi( s ); i > 0; i-- ) command_add_strip(); } } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Mixer/&Import Strip" ) ) { const char *s = fl_file_chooser( "Export strip to filename:", "*.strip", NULL, 0 ); if ( s ) { if (! Mixer_Strip::import_strip( s ) ) fl_alert( "%s", "Failed to import strip!" ); } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/Learn/By Strip Name" ) ) { Controller_Module::learn_by_number = false; } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/Learn/By Strip Number" ) ) { Controller_Module::learn_by_number = true; } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Remote Control/Start Learning" ) ) { Controller_Module::learn_mode( true ); tooltip( "Now in learn mode. Click on a highlighted control to teach it something." ); redraw(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Remote Control/Stop Learning" ) ) { Controller_Module::learn_mode( false ); tooltip( "Learning complete" ); redraw(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Remote Control/Send State" ) ) { send_feedback(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Remote Control/Clear All Mappings" ) ) { if ( 1 == fl_choice( "This will remove all mappings, are you sure?", "No", "Yes", NULL ) ) { command_clear_mappings(); } } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Mixer/Paste" ) ) { Fl::paste(*this); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/One") ) { rows( 1 ); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/Two") ) { rows( 2 ); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/Three") ) { rows( 3 ); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Mixer/&Spatialization Console") ) { if ( ! spatialization_console ) { Spatialization_Console *o = new Spatialization_Console(); spatialization_console = o; } if ( ! menu->mvalue()->value() ) spatialization_console->hide(); else spatialization_console->show(); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&Project/Se&ttings/Make Default") ) { save_default_project_settings(); } else if (! strcmp( picked, "&View/&Theme") ) { fl_theme_chooser(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "&Help/&About" ) ) { About_Dialog ab( PIXMAP_PATH "/non-mixer/icon-256x256.png" ); ab.logo_box->label( VERSION ); ab.title->label( "Non Mixer" ); ab.copyright->label( "Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Jonathan Moore Liles" ); ab.credits->label( "Non Mixer was written from scratch by\n" "Jonathan Moore Liles for his own use\n" "(see the manual).\n" "\n" "Nobody planned. Nobody helped.\n" "You can help now by donating time, money,\n" "and/or replacing the rest of Linux Audio\n" "with fast, light, reliable alternatives.\n" ); ab.website_url->label( "http://non.tuxfamily.org" ); ab.run(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "&Help/&Manual" )) { char *pat; asprintf( &pat, "file://%s.html", DOCUMENT_PATH "/non-mixer/MANUAL" ); open_url( pat ); free( pat ); } } void Mixer::cb_menu(Fl_Widget* o, void* v) { ((Mixer*)(v))->cb_menu(o); } void Mixer::update_frequency ( float v ) { _update_interval = 1.0f / v; Fl::remove_timeout( &Mixer::update_cb, this ); Fl::add_timeout( _update_interval, &Mixer::update_cb, this ); } void Mixer::update_cb ( void *v ) { ((Mixer*)v)->update_cb(); } void Mixer::update_cb ( void ) { Fl::repeat_timeout( _update_interval, &Mixer::update_cb, this ); if ( active_r() && visible_r() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < mixer_strips->children(); i++ ) { ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(i))->update(); } } } static void progress_cb ( int p, void *v ) { static int oldp = 0; if ( p != oldp ) { oldp = p; if ( nsm ) { nsm->progress( p / 100.0f ); } Fl::check(); } } void Mixer::save_default_project_settings ( void ) { char path[256]; snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "%s/%s", user_config_dir, ".default_project_settings" ); ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->dump( menubar->find_item( "&Project/Se&ttings" ), path ); } void Mixer::load_default_project_settings ( void ) { char path[256]; snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "%s/%s", user_config_dir, ".default_project_settings" ); ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->load( menubar->find_item( "&Project/Se&ttings" ), path ); } void Mixer::reset_project_settings ( void ) { rows(1); load_default_project_settings(); } void Mixer::save_project_settings ( void ) { if ( ! Project::open() ) return; ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->dump( menubar->find_item( "&Project/Se&ttings" ), "options" ); } void Mixer::load_project_settings ( void ) { reset_project_settings(); // if ( Project::open() ) ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->load( menubar->find_item( "&Project/Se&ttings" ), "options" ); update_menu(); } Mixer::Mixer ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H, L ) { Loggable::dirty_callback( &Mixer::handle_dirty, this ); Loggable::progress_callback( progress_cb, NULL ); Fl_Tooltip::hoverdelay( 0 ); Fl_Tooltip::delay( 0 ); fl_show_tooltip = &Mixer::show_tooltip; fl_hide_tooltip = &Mixer::hide_tooltip; /* Fl_Tooltip::size( 11 ); */ /* Fl_Tooltip::textcolor( FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR ); */ /* Fl_Tooltip::color( fl_color_add_alpha( FL_DARK1, 0 ) ); */ // fl_tooltip_docked = 1; // _groups.resize(16); _rows = 1; _strip_height = 0; box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); labelsize( 96 ); { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( X, Y, W, 24 ); { Fl_Menu_Bar *o = menubar = new Fl_Menu_Bar( X, Y, W, 24 ); o->add( "&Project/&New" ); o->add( "&Project/&Open" ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/One", '1', 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | FL_MENU_VALUE ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/Two", '2', 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/&Rows/Three", '3', 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/Learn/By Strip Number", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/Learn/By Strip Name", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | FL_MENU_VALUE ); o->add( "&Project/Se&ttings/Make Default", 0,0,0); o->add( "&Project/&Save", FL_CTRL + 's', 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Project/&Quit", FL_CTRL + 'q', 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Mixer/&Add Strip", 'a', 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Mixer/Add &N Strips" ); o->add( "&Mixer/&Import Strip" ); o->add( "&Mixer/Paste", FL_CTRL + 'v', 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Mixer/&Spatialization Console", FL_F + 8, 0, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE ); o->add( "&Remote Control/Start Learning", FL_F + 9, 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Remote Control/Stop Learning", FL_F + 10, 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Remote Control/Send State" ); o->add( "&Remote Control/Clear All Mappings", 0, 0, 0 ); o->add( "&View/&Theme", 0, 0, 0 ); o->add( "&Help/&Manual" ); o->add( "&Help/&About" ); o->callback( cb_menu, this ); } { Fl_Box *o = project_name = new Fl_Box( X + 150, Y, W, 24 ); o->labelfont( FL_HELVETICA_ITALIC ); o->label( 0 ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_CENTER ); o->labeltype( FL_SHADOW_LABEL ); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } { sm_blinker = new Fl_Button( ( X + W) - 37, Y + 4, 35, 15, "SM"); sm_blinker->box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); sm_blinker->down_box(FL_ROUNDED_BOX); sm_blinker->color(FL_DARK2); sm_blinker->selection_color((Fl_Color)93); sm_blinker->labeltype(FL_NORMAL_LABEL); sm_blinker->labelfont(3); sm_blinker->labelsize(14); sm_blinker->labelcolor(FL_DARK3); sm_blinker->align(Fl_Align(FL_ALIGN_CENTER)); sm_blinker->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE); sm_blinker->deactivate(); } // Fl_Blink_Button* sm_blinker o->end(); } { Fl_Scroll *o = scroll = new Fl_Scroll( X, Y + 24, W, H - ( 100 ) ); o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); // o->type( Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS ); // o->box( Fl_Scroll::BOTH ); { Fl_Flowpack *o = mixer_strips = new Fl_Flowpack( X, Y + 24, W, H - ( 18*2 + 24 )); // label( "Non-Mixer" ); align( (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE) ); o->flow( false ); o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); o->type( Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL ); o->hspacing( 2 ); o->vspacing( 2 ); o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } { Fl_Box *o = _status = new Fl_Box( X, Y + H - 18, W, 18 ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); o->labelsize( 10 ); o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); o->color( FL_DARK1 ); } end(); resize( X,Y,W,H ); update_frequency( 15 ); Fl::add_timeout( FEEDBACK_UPDATE_FREQ, send_feedback_cb, this ); update_menu(); load_options(); } /* translate message addressed to strip number to appropriate strip */ int Mixer::osc_strip_by_number ( const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg, void *user_data ) { int n; char *rem; char *client_name; OSC::Endpoint *ep = (OSC::Endpoint*)user_data; if ( 3 != sscanf( path, "%a[^/]/strip#/%d/%a[^\n]", &client_name, &n, &rem ) ) return -1; Mixer_Strip *o = mixer->track_by_number( n ); if ( ! o ) { DMESSAGE( "No strip by number %i", n ); return 0; } char *new_path; asprintf( &new_path, "%s/strip/%s/%s", client_name, o->name(), rem ); free( rem ); lo_send_message( ep->address(), new_path, msg ); free( new_path ); return 0; } void Mixer::load_translations ( void ) { FILE *fp = fopen( "mappings", "r" ); if ( ! fp ) { WARNING( "Error opening mappings file for reading" ); return; } char *to; char *from; while ( 2 == fscanf( fp, "%a[^|> ] |> %a[^ \n]\n", &from, &to ) ) { osc_endpoint->add_translation( from, to ); free(from); free(to); } fclose( fp ); } void Mixer::save_translations ( void ) { FILE *fp = fopen( "mappings", "w" ); if ( ! fp ) { WARNING( "Error opening mappings file for writing" ); return; } for ( int i = 0; i < osc_endpoint->ntranslations(); i++ ) { const char *to; const char *from; if ( osc_endpoint->get_translation( i, &to, &from ) ) { fprintf( fp, "%s |> %s\n", to, from ); } } fclose( fp ); } int Mixer::init_osc ( const char *osc_port ) { osc_endpoint = new OSC::Endpoint(); if ( int r = osc_endpoint->init( LO_UDP, osc_port ) ) return r; osc_endpoint->owner = this; printf( "OSC=%s\n", osc_endpoint->url() ); osc_endpoint->add_method( "/non/hello", "ssss", &Mixer::osc_non_hello, osc_endpoint, "" ); // osc_endpoint->add_method( "/non/mixer/add_strip", "", osc_add_strip, osc_endpoint, "" ); osc_endpoint->start(); osc_endpoint->add_method( NULL, NULL, osc_strip_by_number, osc_endpoint, ""); return 0; } Mixer::~Mixer ( ) { DMESSAGE( "Destroying mixer" ); save_options(); Fl::remove_timeout( &Mixer::update_cb, this ); Fl::remove_timeout( &Mixer::send_feedback_cb, this ); /* FIXME: teardown */ mixer_strips->clear(); } void Mixer::add_group ( Group *g ) { groups.push_back( g ); for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i--; ) ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(i))->update_group_choice(); } void Mixer::remove_group ( Group *g ) { groups.remove(g); for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i--; ) ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(i))->update_group_choice(); } void Mixer::resize ( int X, int Y, int W, int H ) { Fl_Group::resize( X, Y, W, H ); mixer_strips->resize( X, Y + 24, W, H - (18*2) - 24 ); scroll->resize( X, Y + 24, W, H - 24 - 18 ); rows( _rows ); } void Mixer::add ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { MESSAGE( "Add mixer strip \"%s\"", ms->name() ); mixer_strips->add( ms ); ms->size( ms->w(), _strip_height ); ms->redraw(); ms->take_focus(); } int Mixer::find_strip ( const Mixer_Strip *m ) const { return mixer_strips->find( m ); } void Mixer::quit ( void ) { /* TODO: save project? */ while ( Fl::first_window() ) Fl::first_window()->hide(); } void Mixer::insert ( Mixer_Strip *ms, Mixer_Strip *before ) { // mixer_strips->remove( ms ); mixer_strips->insert( *ms, before ); // scroll->redraw(); } void Mixer::insert ( Mixer_Strip *ms, int i ) { Mixer_Strip *before = (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ); insert( ms, before); } void Mixer::move_left ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { int i = mixer_strips->find( ms ); if ( i > 0 ) insert( ms, i - 1 ); /* FIXME: do better */ mixer_strips->redraw(); } void Mixer::move_right ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { int i = mixer_strips->find( ms ); if ( i < mixer_strips->children() - 1 ) insert( ms, i + 2 ); /* FIXME: do better */ mixer_strips->redraw(); } void Mixer::remove ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { MESSAGE( "Remove mixer strip \"%s\"", ms->name() ); mixer_strips->remove( ms ); ms->group()->remove( ms ); if ( parent() ) parent()->redraw(); } Mixer_Strip * Mixer::event_inside ( void ) { for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i--; ) if ( Fl::event_inside( mixer_strips->child(i) ) ) return (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(i); return NULL; } bool Mixer::contains ( Mixer_Strip *ms ) { return ms->parent() == mixer_strips; } /* set the ideal number of rows... All may not actually fit. */ void Mixer::rows ( int ideal_rows ) { int sh = 0; int actual_rows = 1; /* calculate how many rows will actually fit */ int can_fit = scroll->h() / ( Mixer_Strip::min_h() ); actual_rows = can_fit > 0 ? can_fit : 1; if ( actual_rows > ideal_rows ) actual_rows = ideal_rows; /* calculate strip height */ if ( actual_rows > 1 ) { sh = ( scroll->h() / (float)actual_rows ) - ( mixer_strips->vspacing() * ( actual_rows - 2 )); mixer_strips->flow(true); } else actual_rows = 1; if ( 1 == actual_rows ) { sh = (scroll->h() - 18); mixer_strips->flow( false ); actual_rows = 1; } int tw = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < mixer_strips->children(); ++i ) { Mixer_Strip *t = (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ); t->size( t->w(), sh ); tw += t->w() + mixer_strips->hspacing(); } if ( actual_rows > 1 ) mixer_strips->size( scroll->w() - 18, mixer_strips->h() ); else mixer_strips->size( tw, mixer_strips->h() ); _rows = ideal_rows; if ( _strip_height != sh ); { scroll->redraw(); _strip_height = sh; } } int Mixer::nstrips ( void ) const { return mixer_strips->children(); } /** retrun a pointer to the track named /name/, or NULL if no track is named /name/ */ Mixer_Strip * Mixer::track_by_name ( const char *name ) { for ( int i = mixer_strips->children(); i-- ; ) { Mixer_Strip *t = (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ); if ( ! strcmp( name, t->name() ) ) return t; } return NULL; } /** retrun a pointer to the track named /name/, or NULL if no track is named /name/ */ Mixer_Strip * Mixer::track_by_number ( int n ) { if ( n < 0 || n >= mixer_strips->children() ) return NULL; return (Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(n); } /** return a malloc'd string representing a unique name for a new track */ char * Mixer::get_unique_track_name ( const char *name ) { char pat[256]; strcpy( pat, name ); for ( int i = 1; track_by_name( pat ); ++i ) snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%s.%d", name, i ); return strdup( pat ); } Group * Mixer::group_by_name ( const char *name ) { for ( std::list::iterator i = groups.begin(); i != groups.end(); i++ ) if ( !strcmp( (*i)->name(), name )) return *i; return NULL; } char * Mixer::get_unique_group_name ( const char *name ) { char pat[256]; strcpy( pat, name ); for ( int i = 1; group_by_name( pat ); ++i ) snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%s.%d", name, i ); return strdup( pat ); } void Mixer::handle_dirty ( int d, void *v ) { //Mixer *m = (Mixer*)v; if ( !nsm ) return; if ( d == 1 ) nsm->is_dirty(); else if ( d == 0 ) nsm->is_clean(); } void Mixer::snapshot ( void ) { if ( spatialization_console ) spatialization_console->log_create(); for ( std::list::iterator i = groups.begin(); i != groups.end(); ++i ) (*i)->log_create(); for ( int i = 0; i < mixer_strips->children(); ++i ) ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child( i ))->log_children(); } void Mixer::new_strip ( void ) { add( new Mixer_Strip( get_unique_track_name( "Unnamed" ) ) ); } bool Mixer::save ( void ) { MESSAGE( "Saving state" ); Loggable::snapshot_callback( &Mixer::snapshot, this ); Loggable::snapshot( "snapshot" ); save_translations(); return true; } static const char options_filename[] = "options"; void Mixer::load_options ( void ) { // save options /* char *path; */ /* asprintf( &path, "%s/options", user_config_dir ); */ /* ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->load( menubar->find_item( "&Options" ), path ); */ /* free( path ); */ } void Mixer::save_options ( void ) { /* char *path; */ /* asprintf( &path, "%s/%s", user_config_dir, options_filename ); */ /* ((Fl_Menu_Settings*)menubar)->dump( menubar->find_item( "&Options" ), path ); */ /* free( path ); */ } void Mixer::update_menu ( void ) { project_name->label( Project::name() ); const_cast(menubar->find_item( "&Mixer/&Spatialization Console" )) ->flags = FL_MENU_TOGGLE | ( ( spatialization_console && spatialization_console->shown() ) ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ); } void Mixer::send_feedback_cb ( void *v ) { Mixer *m = (Mixer*)v; m->send_feedback(); Fl::repeat_timeout( FEEDBACK_UPDATE_FREQ, send_feedback_cb, v ); } /** unconditionally send feedback to all mapped controls. This is * useful for updating the state of an external controller. */ void Mixer::send_feedback ( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < mixer_strips->children(); i++ ) { ((Mixer_Strip*)mixer_strips->child(i))->send_feedback(); } } int Mixer::handle ( int m ) { if ( Fl_Group::handle( m ) ) return 1; switch ( m ) { case FL_PASTE: { if ( ! Fl::event_inside( this ) ) return 0; const char *text = Fl::event_text(); char *file; if ( ! sscanf( text, "file://%a[^\r\n]\n", &file ) ) { WARNING( "invalid drop \"%s\"\n", text ); return 0; } unescape_url( file ); printf( "pasted file \"%s\"\n", file ); if (! Mixer_Strip::import_strip( file ) ) fl_alert( "%s", "Failed to import strip!" ); return 1; } } return 0; } /************/ /* Commands */ /************/ void Mixer::command_clear_mappings ( void ) { osc_endpoint->clear_translations(); } bool Mixer::command_save ( void ) { if ( ! Project::open() ) { command_new(); update_menu(); } save_project_settings(); return Project::save(); } bool Mixer::command_load ( const char *path, const char *display_name ) { mixer->deactivate(); chdir( path ); load_project_settings(); Project::close(); if ( Project::open( path ) ) { // fl_alert( "Error opening project specified on commandline: %s", Project::errstr( err ) ); return false; } if ( display_name ) Project::name( display_name ); load_translations(); update_menu(); mixer->activate(); return true; } bool Mixer::command_new ( const char *path, const char *display_name ) { if ( ! Project::create( path, "" ) ) return false; if ( display_name ) Project::name( display_name ); load_project_settings(); update_menu(); return true; // fl_alert( "Error creating project!" ); } void Mixer::command_quit ( void ) { if ( Loggable::dirty() ) { int i = fl_choice( "There have been changes since the last save. Quitting now will discard them", "Discard", "Cancel", NULL ); if ( i != 0 ) return; } quit(); } /* */ void Mixer::command_add_strip ( void ) { new_strip(); }