/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "const.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include #include "Control_Sequence.H" #include "Track.H" #include "Engine/Engine.H" // for lock() #include "Track_Header.H" #include using std::list; #include "Transport.H" #include "OSC/Endpoint.H" #include "string_util.h" #include "FL/event_name.H" #include "FL/test_press.H" #include #include "FL/menu_popup.H" #define DAMAGE_SEQUENCE FL_DAMAGE_USER1 #define DAMAGE_HEADER FL_DAMAGE_USER2 bool Control_Sequence::draw_with_grid = true; bool Control_Sequence::draw_with_polygon = true; Fl_Widget * Control_Sequence::_highlighted = 0; Control_Sequence::Control_Sequence ( ) : Sequence( 0 ) { init(); } Control_Sequence::Control_Sequence ( Track *track, const char *name ) : Sequence( 0 ) { init(); _track = track; this->name( name ); mode( OSC ); if ( track ) track->add( this ); log_create(); } Control_Sequence::~Control_Sequence ( ) { Loggable::block_start(); clear(); log_destroy(); track()->remove( this ); if ( _output ) { _output->shutdown(); delete _output; _output = NULL; } if ( _osc_output() ) { OSC::Signal *t = _osc_output(); _osc_output( NULL ); delete t; } for ( list::iterator i = _persistent_osc_connections.begin(); i != _persistent_osc_connections.end(); ++i ) { free( *i ); } _persistent_osc_connections.clear(); Loggable::block_end(); } const char * Control_Sequence::name ( void ) const { return Sequence::name(); } void Control_Sequence::name ( const char *s ) { char *n = track()->get_unique_control_name( s ); Sequence::name( n ); header()->name_input->value( n ); if ( mode() == CV ) update_port_name(); else update_osc_path(); redraw(); } void Control_Sequence::update_osc_path ( void ) { char *path; asprintf( &path, "/track/%s/%s", track()->name(), name() ); char *s = escape_url( path ); free( path ); path = s; if ( !_osc_output() ) { OSC::Signal *t = timeline->osc->add_signal( path, OSC::Signal::Output, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL ); _osc_output( t ); } else { _osc_output()->rename( path ); } free(path); } void Control_Sequence::update_port_name ( void ) { bool needs_activation = false; char s[512]; snprintf( s, sizeof(s), "%s-cv", name() ); if ( ! _output ) { _output = new JACK::Port( engine, track()->name(), s, JACK::Port::Output, JACK::Port::CV ); _output->terminal( true ); needs_activation = true; } if ( name() ) { _output->trackname( track()->name() ); _output->name( s ); _output->rename(); } if ( needs_activation ) { if ( ! _output->activate() ) { fl_alert( "Could not create JACK port for control output on track \"%s\"", track()->name() ); delete _output; _output = NULL; } } } void Control_Sequence::cb_button ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Control_Sequence*)v)->cb_button( w ); } void Control_Sequence::cb_button ( Fl_Widget *w ) { Logger log(this); if ( w == header()->name_input ) { name( header()->name_input->value() ); } else if ( w == header()->delete_button ) { Fl::delete_widget( this ); } else if ( w == header()->menu_button ) { menu_popup( &menu(), header()->menu_button->x(), header()->menu_button->y() ); } /* else if ( w == header()->promote_button ) */ /* { */ /* track()->sequence( this ); */ /* } */ } void Control_Sequence::init ( void ) { timeline->osc->peer_signal_notification_callback( &Control_Sequence::peer_callback, NULL ); labeltype( FL_NO_LABEL ); { Control_Sequence_Header *o = new Control_Sequence_Header( x(), y(), Track::width(), 52 ); o->name_input->callback( cb_button, this ); o->delete_button->callback( cb_button, this ); o->menu_button->callback( cb_button, this ); /* o->promote_button->callback( cb_button, this ); */ Fl_Group::add( o ); } resizable(0); box( FL_NO_BOX ); _track = NULL; _output = NULL; __osc_output = NULL; _mode = (Mode)-1; interpolation( Linear ); } void Control_Sequence::get ( Log_Entry &e ) const { e.add( ":track", _track ); e.add( ":name", name() ); e.add( ":color", color() ); } void Control_Sequence::get_unjournaled ( Log_Entry &e ) const { e.add( ":interpolation", _interpolation ); /* if ( _osc_output() && _osc_output()->connected() ) */ /* { */ /* DMESSAGE( "OSC Output connections: %i", _osc_output()->noutput_connections() ); */ /* for ( int i = 0; i < _osc_output()->noutput_connections(); ++i ) */ /* { */ /* char *s; */ /* s = _osc_output()->get_output_connection_peer_name_and_path(i); */ /* e.add( ":osc-output", s ); */ /* free( s ); */ /* } */ /* } */ e.add( ":mode", mode() ); } void Control_Sequence::set ( Log_Entry &e ) { for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); if ( ! strcmp( ":track", s ) ) { int i; sscanf( v, "%X", &i ); Track *t = (Track*)Loggable::find( i ); assert( t ); t->add( this ); } else if ( ! strcmp( ":name", s ) ) { name( v ); } else if ( ! strcmp( ":interpolation", s ) ) { interpolation( (Curve_Type)atoi( v ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( ":mode", s ) ) mode( (Mode)atoi( v ) ); else if ( ! strcmp( ":osc-output", s ) ) { _persistent_osc_connections.push_back( strdup( v ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( ":color", s ) ) { color( (Fl_Color)atol( v ) ); } } } void Control_Sequence::mode ( Mode m ) { if ( CV != m && mode() == CV ) { if ( _output ) { _output->shutdown(); JACK::Port *t = _output; _output = NULL; delete t; } } else if ( OSC != m && mode() == OSC ) { if ( _osc_output() ) { OSC::Signal *t = _osc_output(); _osc_output( NULL ); delete t; } } if ( CV == m && mode() != CV ) { update_port_name(); header()->outputs_indicator->label( "cv" ); } else if ( OSC == m && mode() != OSC ) { update_osc_path(); header()->outputs_indicator->label( "osc" ); } _mode = m; } void Control_Sequence::draw_curve ( bool filled ) { const int bx = drawable_x(); const int by = y() + Fl::box_dy( box() ); const int bw = drawable_w(); const int bh = h() - Fl::box_dh( box() ); /* make a copy of the list for drawing and sort it... */ list wl; std::copy( _widgets.begin(), _widgets.end(), std::back_inserter( wl ) ); //= new list (_widgets); wl.sort( Sequence_Widget::sort_func ); list ::const_iterator e = wl.end(); e--; if ( wl.size() ) for ( list ::const_iterator r = wl.begin(); ; r++ ) { const int ry = (*r)->y(); const long rx = (*r)->curve_x(); if ( r == wl.begin() ) { if ( filled ) fl_vertex( bx, bh + by ); fl_vertex( bx, ry ); } fl_vertex( rx, ry ); if ( r == e ) { fl_vertex( bx + bw, ry ); if ( filled ) fl_vertex( bx + bw, bh + by ); break; } } } void Control_Sequence::draw_box ( void ) { const int bx = drawable_x(); const int by = y(); const int bw = drawable_w(); const int bh = h(); int X, Y, W, H; fl_clip_box( bx, by, bw, bh, X, Y, W, H ); // fl_rectf( X, Y, W, H, fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0.3 ) ); // fl_rectf( X,Y,W,H, fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_WHITE, 0.90 ) ); fl_rectf( X,Y,W,H, FL_DARK1 ); if ( draw_with_grid ) { fl_color( FL_GRAY ); const int inc = bh / 10; if ( inc ) for ( int gy = 0; gy < bh; gy += inc ) fl_line( X, by + gy, X + W, by + gy ); } timeline->draw_measure_lines( X, Y, W, H ); } void Control_Sequence::draw ( void ) { fl_push_clip( drawable_x(), y(), drawable_w(), h() ); const int bx = x(); const int by = y() + Fl::box_dy( box() ); const int bw = w(); const int bh = h() - Fl::box_dh( box() ); int X, Y, W, H; fl_clip_box( bx, by, bw, bh, X, Y, W, H ); bool active = active_r(); const Fl_Color color = active ? this->color() : fl_inactive( this->color() ); // const Fl_Color selection_color = active ? this->selection_color() : fl_inactive( this->selection_color() ); if ( box() != FL_NO_BOX ) draw_box(); if ( interpolation() != None ) { if ( draw_with_polygon ) { fl_color( fl_color_add_alpha( color, 60 ) ); fl_begin_complex_polygon(); draw_curve( true ); fl_end_complex_polygon(); } fl_color( fl_color_average( FL_WHITE, color, 0.5 ) ); fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 2 ); fl_begin_line(); draw_curve( false ); fl_end_line(); fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); } if ( interpolation() == None || _highlighted == this || Fl::focus() == this ) for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) if ( (*r)->x() + (*r)->w() >= bx && (*r)->x() <= bw + bw ) (*r)->draw_box(); else for ( list ::const_iterator r = _widgets.begin(); r != _widgets.end(); r++ ) if ( (*r)->selected() ) if ( (*r)->x() + (*r)->w() >= bx && (*r)->x() <= bw + bw ) (*r)->draw_box(); fl_pop_clip(); if ( damage() & ~DAMAGE_SEQUENCE ) { Fl_Group::draw_children(); } } void Control_Sequence::menu_cb ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Control_Sequence*)v)->menu_cb( (const Fl_Menu_*)w ); } void Control_Sequence::menu_cb ( const Fl_Menu_ *m ) { char picked[1024]; DMESSAGE( "Control_Sequence: menu_cb" ); if ( ! m->mvalue() || m->mvalue()->flags & ( FL_SUBMENU_POINTER | FL_SUBMENU )) return; m->item_pathname( picked, sizeof( picked ), m->mvalue() ); if ( ! strncmp( picked, "Connect To/", strlen( "Connect To/" ) ) ) { char *peer_name = index( picked, '/' ) + 1; *index( peer_name, '/' ) = 0; const char *path = ((OSC::Signal*)m->mvalue()->user_data())->path(); /* if ( ! _osc_output()->is_connected_to( ((OSC::Signal*)m->mvalue()->user_data()) ) ) */ { _persistent_osc_connections.push_back( strdup(path) ); connect_osc(); } /* else */ /* { */ /* timeline->osc->disconnect_signal( _osc_output(), path ); */ /* for ( std::list::iterator i = _persistent_osc_connections.begin(); */ /* i != _persistent_osc_connections.end(); */ /* ++i ) */ /* { */ /* if ( !strcmp( *i, path ) ) */ /* { */ /* free( *i ); */ /* i = _persistent_osc_connections.erase( i ); */ /* break; */ /* } */ /* } */ /* //free( path ); */ /* } */ } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Interpolation/Linear" ) ) interpolation( Linear ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Interpolation/None" ) ) interpolation( None ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Mode/Control Signal (OSC)" )) mode( OSC ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Mode/Control Voltage (JACK)" ) ) mode( CV ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Rename" ) ) { ((Fl_Sometimes_Input*)header()->name_input)->take_focus(); } else if ( !strcmp( picked, "/Remove" ) ) { Fl::delete_widget( this ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Color" ) ) { unsigned char r, g, b; Fl::get_color( color(), r, g, b ); if ( fl_color_chooser( "Track Color", r, g, b ) ) { color( fl_rgb_color( r, g, b ) ); } redraw(); } } void Control_Sequence::connect_osc ( void ) { timeline->osc_thread->lock(); if ( _persistent_osc_connections.size() ) { for ( std::list::iterator i = _persistent_osc_connections.begin(); i != _persistent_osc_connections.end(); ++i ) { if ( ! timeline->osc->connect_signal( _osc_output(), *i ) ) { /* WARNING( "Failed to connect output %s to %s", _osc_output()->path(), *i ); */ } else { MESSAGE( "Connected output %s to %s", _osc_output()->path(), *i ); // tooltip( _osc_connected_path ); } } } /* header()->outputs_indicator->value( _osc_output() && _osc_output()->connected() ); */ timeline->osc_thread->unlock(); } void Control_Sequence::process_osc ( void ) { if ( mode() != OSC ) return; if ( _osc_output() ) { sample_t buf[1]; play( buf, (nframes_t)transport->frame, (nframes_t) 1 ); _osc_output()->value( (float)buf[0] ); } } static Fl_Menu_Button *peer_menu; static const char *peer_prefix; void Control_Sequence::update_osc_connection_state ( void ) { /* header()->outputs_indicator->value( _osc_output() && _osc_output()->connected() ); */ } void Control_Sequence::peer_callback( OSC::Signal *sig, OSC::Signal::State state, void *v ) { char *s; /* only show inputs */ if ( sig->direction() != OSC::Signal::Input ) return; // DMESSAGE( "Paramter limits: %f %f", sig->parameter_limits().min, sig->parameter_limits().max ); /* only list CV signals for now */ if ( ! ( sig->parameter_limits().min == 0.0 && sig->parameter_limits().max == 1.0 ) ) return; if ( ! v ) { if( state == OSC::Signal::Created ) timeline->connect_osc(); else timeline->update_osc_connection_state(); } else { /* building menu */ // const char *name = sig->peer_name(); assert( sig->path() ); char *path = strdup( sig->path() ); unescape_url( path ); asprintf( &s, "%s/%s", peer_prefix, path ); peer_menu->add( s, 0, NULL, (void*)( sig ), 0 ); /* FL_MENU_TOGGLE | */ /* ( ((Control_Sequence*)v)->_osc_output()->is_connected_to( sig ) ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); */ free( path ); free( s ); } } void Control_Sequence::add_osc_peers_to_menu ( Fl_Menu_Button *m, const char *prefix ) { peer_menu = m; peer_prefix = prefix; timeline->osc->list_peer_signals( this ); } Fl_Menu_Button & Control_Sequence::menu ( void ) { static Fl_Menu_Button _menu( 0, 0, 0, 0, "Control Sequence" ); _menu.clear(); if ( mode() == OSC ) { add_osc_peers_to_menu( &_menu, "Connect To" ); } _menu.add( "Interpolation/None", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( interpolation() == None ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); _menu.add( "Interpolation/Linear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( interpolation() == Linear ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); _menu.add( "Mode/Control Voltage (JACK)", 0, 0, 0 ,FL_MENU_RADIO | ( mode() == CV ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); _menu.add( "Mode/Control Signal (OSC)", 0, 0, 0 , FL_MENU_RADIO | ( mode() == OSC ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) ); _menu.add( "Rename", 0, 0, 0 ); _menu.add( "Color", 0, 0, 0 ); _menu.add( "Remove", 0, 0, 0 ); _menu.callback( &Control_Sequence::menu_cb, (void*)this); return _menu; } int Control_Sequence::handle ( int m ) { switch ( m ) { case FL_ENTER: break; case FL_LEAVE: _highlighted = 0; damage( DAMAGE_SEQUENCE ); fl_cursor( FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT ); break; case FL_MOVE: if ( Fl::event_x() > drawable_x() ) { if ( _highlighted != this ) { _highlighted = this; damage( DAMAGE_SEQUENCE ); fl_cursor( FL_CURSOR_CROSS ); } } else { if ( _highlighted == this ) { _highlighted = 0; damage( DAMAGE_SEQUENCE ); fl_cursor( FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT ); } } default: break; } Logger log(this); int r = Sequence::handle( m ); if ( r ) return r; switch ( m ) { case FL_PUSH: { if ( Fl::event_x() >= drawable_x() && test_press( FL_BUTTON1 ) ) { /* insert new control point */ timeline->sequence_lock.wrlock(); new Control_Point( this, timeline->xoffset + timeline->x_to_ts( Fl::event_x() - drawable_x() ), (float)(Fl::event_y() - y()) / h() ); timeline->sequence_lock.unlock(); return 1; } else if ( Fl::event_x() < drawable_x() && test_press( FL_BUTTON3 ) ) { menu_popup( &menu() ); return 1; } return Fl_Group::handle( m ); } default: return 0; } }