/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Sequence.H" #include "Audio_Region.H" #include "Timeline.H" #include "Waveform.H" #include "Audio_Sequence.H" #include "Track.H" #include "Engine/Audio_File.H" #include "Transport.H" #include "const.h" #include "debug.h" #include using std::min; using std::max; /* defined in timeline.C */ extern void draw_full_arrow_symbol ( Fl_Color color ); extern Timeline *timeline; extern Transport *transport; bool Audio_Region::inherit_track_color = true; bool Audio_Region::show_box = true; Fl_Boxtype Audio_Region::_box = FL_FLAT_BOX; Fl_Color Audio_Region::_selection_color = FL_MAGENTA; static Fl_Color fl_invert_color ( Fl_Color c ) { unsigned char r, g, b; Fl::get_color( c, r, g, b ); return fl_rgb_color( 255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b ); } void Audio_Region::get ( Log_Entry &e ) const { e.add( ":source", _clip ? _clip->name() : "" ); e.add( ":gain", _scale ); e.add( ":fade-in-type", _fade_in.type ); e.add( ":fade-in-duration", _fade_in.length ); e.add( ":fade-out-type", _fade_out.type ); e.add( ":fade-out-duration", _fade_out.length ); Sequence_Region::get( e ); e.add( ":offset", _r->offset ); e.add( ":loop", _loop ); } void Audio_Region::set ( Log_Entry &e ) { for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); if ( ! strcmp( s, ":gain" ) ) _scale = atof( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-type" ) ) _fade_in.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-in-duration" ) ) _fade_in.length = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-type" ) ) _fade_out.type = (Fade::fade_type_e)atoi( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":fade-out-duration" ) ) _fade_out.length = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":offset" ) ) _r->offset = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":loop" ) ) _loop = atoll( v ); else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":source" ) ) { if ( ! ( _clip = Audio_File::from_file( v ) ) ) { printf( "Grave error: could not open source \"%s\"\n", v ); } } } Sequence_Region::set( e ); } void Audio_Region::init ( void ) { _adjusting_gain = 0; _loop = 0; _sequence = NULL; _scale = 1.0f; _clip = NULL; _color = FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR; _box_color = FL_GRAY; _fade_in.length = 256; _fade_in.type = Fade::Sigmoid; _fade_out = _fade_in; } /* copy constructor */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( const Audio_Region & rhs ) : Sequence_Region( rhs ) { // *((Sequence_Region*)this) = (Sequence_Region &)rhs; _clip = rhs._clip->duplicate(); _scale = rhs._scale; _fade_in = rhs._fade_in; _fade_out = rhs._fade_out; _loop = rhs._loop; _box_color = rhs._box_color; _color = rhs._color; _adjusting_gain = false; log_create(); } /* */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( Audio_File *c ) { init(); _clip = c; _r->length = _clip->length(); log_create(); } /* used when DND importing and when recording. must not invoke log_create() */ Audio_Region::Audio_Region ( Audio_File *c, Sequence *t, nframes_t o ) { init(); _clip = c; _r->offset = 0; _r->start = o; _r->length = _clip->length(); int sum = 0; const char *s = rindex( _clip->name(), '/' ); if ( ! s ) s = _clip->name(); for ( int i = strlen( s ); i--; ) sum += s[ i ]; while ( sum >> 8 ) sum = (sum & 0xFF) + (sum >> 8); _box_color = (Fl_Color)sum; t->add( this ); } Audio_Region::~Audio_Region ( ) { log_destroy(); _clip->release(); } void Audio_Region::menu_cb ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Audio_Region*)v)->menu_cb( (Fl_Menu_*) w ); } void Audio_Region::menu_cb ( const Fl_Menu_ *m ) { char picked[256]; m->item_pathname( picked, sizeof( picked ) ); Logger log( this ); if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/In/Linear" ) ) _fade_in.type = Fade::Linear; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/In/Sigmoid" ) ) _fade_in.type = Fade::Sigmoid; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/In/Logarithmic" ) ) _fade_in.type = Fade::Logarithmic; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/In/Parabolic" ) ) _fade_in.type = Fade::Parabolic; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/Out/Linear" ) ) _fade_out.type = Fade::Linear; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/Out/Sigmoid" ) ) _fade_out.type = Fade::Sigmoid; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/Out/Logarithmic" ) ) _fade_out.type = Fade::Logarithmic; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "Fade/Out/Parabolic" ) ) _fade_out.type = Fade::Parabolic; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Color" ) ) box_color( fl_show_colormap( box_color() ) ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Split at mouse" ) ) { Loggable::block_start(); split( timeline->x_to_offset( Fl::event_x() ) ); log_end(); Loggable::block_end(); log_start(); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Crop to range" ) ) { trim_left( timeline->range_start() ); trim_right( timeline->range_end() ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Fade in to mouse" ) ) { nframes_t offset = x_to_offset( Fl::event_x() ); if ( offset < length() ) _fade_in.length = offset; DMESSAGE( "set fade in duration" ); } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Fade out to mouse" ) ) { long offset = length() - x_to_offset( Fl::event_x() ); if ( offset > 0 ) _fade_out.length = offset; } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Gain with mouse vertical drag" ) ) { /* float g = h() / (y() - Fl::event_y() ); */ /* _scale = g; */ } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Loop point to mouse" ) ) { nframes_t offset = x_to_offset( Fl::event_x() ); if ( offset > 0 ) { nframes_t f = offset + _r->start; if ( timeline->nearest_line( &f, false ) ) _loop = f - _r->start; else _loop = offset; } } else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Clear loop point" ) ) _loop = 0; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Normalize" ) ) normalize(); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Denormalize" ) ) _scale = 1.0; else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Range from" ) ) timeline->range( start(), length() ); else if ( ! strcmp( picked, "/Remove" ) ) remove(); else FATAL( "Unknown menu choice \"%s\"", picked ); redraw(); } #include "FL/test_press.H" #include "FL/menu_popup.H" /** build the context menu for this region */ Fl_Menu_Button & Audio_Region::menu ( void ) { static Fl_Menu_Button m( 0, 0, 0, 0, "Region" ); Fade::fade_type_e it = _fade_in.type; Fade::fade_type_e ot = _fade_out.type; Fl_Menu_Item items[] = { { "Fade", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "In", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "Linear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Linear ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Sigmoid", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Sigmoid ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Logarithmic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Logarithmic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Parabolic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( it == Fade::Parabolic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { 0 }, { "Out", 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU }, { "Linear", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Linear ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Sigmoid", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Sigmoid ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Logarithmic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Logarithmic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { "Parabolic", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_RADIO | ( ot == Fade::Parabolic ? FL_MENU_VALUE : 0 ) }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { "Color", 0, 0, 0, inherit_track_color ? FL_MENU_INACTIVE : 0 }, { "Split at mouse", 's', 0, 0 }, { "Crop to range", 'c', 0, 0 }, { "Gain with mouse vertical drag", 'g', 0, 0 }, { "Fade in to mouse", FL_F + 3, 0, 0 }, { "Fade out to mouse", FL_F + 4, 0, 0 }, { "Loop point to mouse", 'l', 0, 0 }, { "Clear loop point", FL_SHIFT + 'l', 0, 0, 0 == _loop ? FL_MENU_INACTIVE : 0 }, { "Normalize", 'n', 0, 0 }, { "Denormalize", FL_SHIFT + 'n', 0, 0, 1.0 == _scale ? FL_MENU_INACTIVE : 0 }, { "Range from", FL_CTRL + 'r', 0, 0 }, { "Remove", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 }, }; menu_set_callback( items, &Audio_Region::menu_cb, (void*)this ); m.copy( items, (void*)this ); return m; } /** Draws the curve for a single fade. /X/ and /W/ repersent the portion of the region covered by this draw, which may or may not cover the fade in question. */ void Audio_Region::draw_fade ( const Fade &fade, Fade::fade_dir_e dir, bool line, int X, int W ) { const int dy = y() + Fl::box_dy( box() ); const int dh = h() - Fl::box_dh( box() ); const int height = dh; const int width = timeline->ts_to_x( fade.length ); if ( width < 4 ) /* too small to draw */ return; int fx; if ( dir == Fade::In ) { fx = line_x(); if ( fx + width < X || fx > X + W ) /* clipped */ return; } else { fx = line_x() + abs_w(); if ( fx - width > X + W || fx < X ) /* clipped */ return; } if ( line ) fl_begin_line(); else fl_begin_polygon(); fl_vertex( fx, dy ); fl_vertex( fx, dy + height ); { nframes_t tsx = timeline->x_to_ts( 1 ); if ( dir == Fade::In ) { nframes_t ts = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < width; ++i, ts += tsx ) fl_vertex( fx + i, dy + height - ( height * fade.gain( ts / (double)fade.length ) )); } else { nframes_t ts = tsx * width; for ( int i = 0; i < width; ++i, ts -= tsx ) fl_vertex( fx - i, dy + ( height * fade.gain( ts / (double)fade.length ) )); } } if ( dir == Fade::In ) fl_vertex( fx + width, dy ); else fl_vertex( fx - width, dy ); if ( line ) fl_end_line(); else fl_end_polygon(); } Fl_Color Audio_Region::actual_box_color ( void ) const { return Audio_Region::inherit_track_color ? sequence()->track()->color() : _box_color; } void Audio_Region::draw_box( void ) { fl_push_clip( x(), y(), w(), h() ); Fl_Color selection_color = _selection_color; Fl_Color color = actual_box_color(); color = fl_color_average( color, sequence()->color(), 0.75f ); if ( recording() ) { color = FL_RED; } else if ( ! active_r() ) { color = fl_inactive( color ); selection_color = fl_inactive( selection_color ); } Fl_Boxtype b; Fl_Color c = selected() ? selection_color : color; if ( Audio_Region::show_box ) { b = box(); } else { b = FL_DOWN_FRAME; } fl_draw_box( b, x(), y(), w(), h(), c ); fl_pop_clip(); } void Audio_Region::peaks_ready_callback ( void *v ) { /* this is called from the peak builder thread */ DMESSAGE("Damaging region from peaks ready callback"); Fl::lock(); ((Audio_Region*)v)->redraw(); Fl::unlock(); Fl::awake(); } bool Audio_Region::recording ( void ) const { return this == sequence()->track()->capture_region(); } /** Draw (part of) region. X, Y, W and H are the rectangle we're clipped to. */ void Audio_Region::draw ( void ) { /* intersect clip with region */ int X, Y, W, H; fl_clip_box( x(), y(), w(), h(), X, Y, W, H ); if ( ! ( W > 0 && H > 0 ) ) /* no coverage */ return; if ( start() > timeline->xoffset + timeline->x_to_ts( sequence()->drawable_w() ) || start() + length() < timeline->xoffset ) /* not in viewport */ return; fl_push_clip( X, Y, W, H ); /* overdraw a little to avoid artifacts when scrolling */ W += 2; // Fl_Color c = selected() ? fl_invert_color( _color ) : _color; if ( sequence()->damage() & FL_DAMAGE_USER1 && recording() ) { /* TODO: limit drawing. */ } /* calculate waveform offset due to scrolling */ /* offset is the number of frames into the waveform the value of X translates to */ nframes_t x_frame = timeline->xoffset + timeline->x_to_ts( X - _sequence->drawable_x() ); nframes_t offset = 0; if ( x_frame < start() ) /* sometimes X is one pixel too soon... */ offset = 0; else offset = x_frame - start(); nframes_t fo = 0; nframes_t ostart = 0, oend = 0; const int total_peaks_needed = W; nframes_t total_frames_needed = timeline->x_to_ts( total_peaks_needed ); { /* Fl_Color c = fl_color_average( FL_DARK1, */ /* Audio_Region::inherit_track_color ? sequence()->track()->color() : _box_color, */ /* 0.75f ); */ fl_color( fl_color_add_alpha( FL_DARK1, 127 ) ); draw_fade( _fade_in, Fade::In, false, X, W ); draw_fade( _fade_out, Fade::Out, false, X, W ); } int channels = 0; int peaks = 0; Peak *pbuf = NULL; do { nframes_t start = _r->offset; nframes_t loop_frames_needed = _loop ? _loop : total_frames_needed; int loop_peaks_needed = timeline->ts_to_x( loop_frames_needed ); Fl_Color c = Fl::get_color( _color ); if ( recording() ) { // loop_peaks_needed = timeline->ts_to_x( _range.length ); c = FL_BLACK; } c = fl_color_add_alpha( c, 220 ); if ( ! fo ) /* first loop... */ { if ( _loop ) start += offset % _loop; else start += offset; /* DMESSAGE( "offset = %lu", (unsigned long) offset ); */ /* DMESSAGE( "loop peaks needed = %d", loop_peaks_needed ); */ if ( _loop ) { loop_frames_needed -= offset % loop_frames_needed; loop_peaks_needed = timeline->ts_to_x( loop_frames_needed ); } /* DMESSAGE( "loop peaks needed = %d", loop_peaks_needed ); */ assert( loop_peaks_needed >= 0 ); } if ( fo + loop_frames_needed > total_frames_needed ) { loop_frames_needed -= ( fo + loop_frames_needed ) - total_frames_needed; loop_peaks_needed = timeline->ts_to_x( loop_frames_needed ); } if ( !loop_peaks_needed ) break; const nframes_t end = start + loop_frames_needed; if ( start != ostart || end != oend ) { _clip->peaks()->peakfile_ready(); if ( _clip->read_peaks( timeline->fpp(), start, end, &peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) ) { Waveform::scale( pbuf, peaks * channels, _scale ); ostart = start; oend = end; } if ( _clip->peaks()->needs_more_peaks() && ! transport->rolling ) { /* maybe create a thread to make the peaks */ /* this function will just return if there's nothing to do. */ _clip->peaks()->make_peaks_asynchronously( Audio_Region::peaks_ready_callback, this ); } } else { // DMESSAGE( "using cached peaks" ); } if ( peaks && pbuf ) { int ch = (h() - Fl::box_dh( box() )) / channels; int xo = timeline->ts_to_x( fo ); for ( int i = 0; i < channels; ++i ) { Waveform::draw( X + xo, (y() + Fl::box_dy( box() )) + (i * ch), loop_peaks_needed, ch, pbuf + i, peaks, channels, c ); } } else WARNING( "Pbuf == %p, peaks = %lu", pbuf, (unsigned long)peaks ); if ( peaks < loop_peaks_needed ) { DMESSAGE( "Peak read came up %lu peaks short", (unsigned long)loop_peaks_needed - peaks ); } fo += loop_frames_needed; } while ( _loop && fo < total_frames_needed ); if ( _loop && offset < _loop ) { const int lx = get_x( start() + _loop ); if ( lx < X + W ) { fl_color( FL_RED ); fl_line_style( FL_DASH, 0 ); fl_line( lx, y(), lx, y() + h() ); fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); } } if ( _adjusting_gain ) { fl_color( fl_color_add_alpha( FL_DARK1, 127 ) ); fl_rectf( X, ( y() + h() ) - ( h() * ( _scale * 0.25 ) ), X + W, y() + h() ); fl_line_style( FL_DASH, 1 ); fl_color( fl_color_add_alpha( FL_GREEN, 200 ) ); float j = 5; for ( int i = y() + h(); i > y(); i -= j, j *= 1.2 ) { fl_line( X, i, X + W, i ); } fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 ); } /* if ( current() ) */ /* { */ /* /\* draw length bubble *\/ */ /* char pat[40]; */ /* snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "%dm:%.1fs", (int)(length() / timeline->sample_rate()) / 60, (double)length() / timeline->sample_rate() ); */ /* draw_label( pat, (Fl_Align)(FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_CENTER), FL_GREEN ); */ /* } */ fl_pop_clip(); } void Audio_Region::draw_label ( void ) { if ( _clip->dummy() ) { char pat[256]; snprintf( pat, sizeof( pat ), "Missing Source!: %s", _clip->name() ); draw_label( pat, align() ); } else draw_label( _clip->name(), align() ); } /** split region at absolute frame /where/ */ void Audio_Region::split ( nframes_t where ) { nframes_t old_fade_in = _fade_in.length; _fade_in.length = 256; Audio_Region *copy = new Audio_Region( *this ); Logger _log( copy ); _fade_in.length = old_fade_in; _fade_out.length = 256; Sequence_Region::split( copy, where ); } int Audio_Region::handle ( int m ) { static int ox; static bool copied = false; static nframes_t os; int X = Fl::event_x(); int Y = Fl::event_y(); Logger _log( this ); switch ( m ) { case FL_FOCUS: case FL_UNFOCUS: return 1; case FL_KEYUP: if ( Fl::event_key() == 'g' ) { _adjusting_gain = false; redraw(); return 1; } break; case FL_KEYBOARD: if ( Fl::event_key() == 'g' ) { _adjusting_gain = true; redraw(); return 1; } return menu().test_shortcut() != 0; case FL_ENTER: return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); case FL_LEAVE: return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); case FL_PUSH: { if ( Fl::event_key() == 'g' ) return 1; /* splitting */ if ( test_press( FL_BUTTON2 | FL_SHIFT ) ) { /* split */ if ( ! copied ) { Loggable::block_start(); split( timeline->x_to_offset( X ) ); log_end(); Loggable::block_end(); log_start(); } return 0; } else { ox = x() - X; /* for panning */ os = _r->offset; if ( test_press( FL_BUTTON2 | FL_CTRL ) ) { normalize(); return 1; } else if ( test_press( FL_BUTTON3 ) ) { /* context menu */ menu_popup( &menu() ); return 1; } else return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); } break; } case FL_RELEASE: { Sequence_Region::handle( m ); copied = false; return 1; } case FL_DRAG: if ( ! _drag ) { begin_drag( Drag( x() - X, y() - Y, x_to_offset( X ) ) ); _log.hold(); } if ( Fl::event_key() == 'g' ) { float d = (float)h() / ( y() - Fl::event_y() ); _scale = -0.5f * d; redraw(); return 1; } if ( test_press( FL_BUTTON1 | FL_SHIFT | FL_CTRL ) ) { /* panning */ int d = (ox + X) - x(); if ( d < 0 ) _r->offset = os + timeline->x_to_ts( 0 - d ); else { if ( os < timeline->x_to_ts( d ) ) _r->offset = 0; else _r->offset = os - timeline->x_to_ts( d ); } redraw(); return 1; } return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); default: return Sequence_Region::handle( m ); break; } return 0; } /**********/ /* Public */ /**********/ /** return the name of the audio source this region represents */ const char * Audio_Region::source_name ( void ) const { return _clip->name(); } /** set the amplitude scaling for this region from the normalization * factor for the range of samples represented by this region */ void Audio_Region::normalize ( void ) { int peaks, channels; Peak *pbuf; const nframes_t npeaks = _loop ? _loop : length(); if ( _clip->read_peaks( npeaks, offset(), offset() + npeaks, &peaks, &pbuf, &channels ) && peaks ) _scale = pbuf->normalization_factor(); /* FIXME: wrong place for this? */ sequence()->handle_widget_change( start(), length() ); redraw(); }