/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2012 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "OSC/Endpoint.H" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FL/Fl_Packscroller.H" #include "FL/Fl_Scalepack.H" #include #include #include #include #define APP_NAME "Non-Session-Manager" #define APP_TITLE "Non Session Manager" // static lo_address nsm_addr = NULL; static time_t last_ping_response; static OSC::Endpoint *osc; struct Daemon { const char *url; lo_address addr; bool is_child; Daemon ( ) { url = NULL; addr = NULL; is_child = false; } }; static std::list daemon_list; /* list of all connected daemons */ #define foreach_daemon( _it ) for ( std::list::iterator _it = daemon_list.begin(); _it != daemon_list.end(); ++ _it ) static Fl_Image * get_program_icon ( const char *name ) { const char *tries[] = { "/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/%s.png", "/usr/local/share/pixmaps/%s.png", "/usr/local/share/pixmaps/%s.xpm", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/%s.png", "/usr/share/pixmaps/%s.png", "/usr/share/pixmaps/%s.xpm", }; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { char *icon_p; asprintf( &icon_p, tries[i], name ); Fl_Image *img = Fl_Shared_Image::get( icon_p ); free( icon_p ); if ( img ) return img; } return NULL; } class NSM_Client : public Fl_Group { char *_client_id; char *_client_label; char *_client_name; Fl_Box *client_name; Fl_Box *icon_box; Fl_Progress *_progress; Fl_Light_Button *_dirty; Fl_Light_Button *_gui; Fl_Button *_remove_button; Fl_Button *_restart_button; Fl_Button *_kill_button; void set_label ( void ) { char *l; if ( _client_label ) asprintf( &l, "%s (%s)", _client_name, _client_label ); else l = strdup( _client_name ); if ( ! icon_box->image() ) { Fl_Image *img = get_program_icon( _client_name ); if ( img ) { icon_box->image( img ); } } client_name->copy_label( l ); // _client_label = l; redraw(); } public: void name ( const char *v ) { if ( _client_name ) free( _client_name ); _client_name = strdup( v ); set_label(); } void client_label ( const char *s ) { if ( _client_label ) free( _client_label ); _client_label = strdup( s ); set_label(); } void client_id ( const char *v ) { if ( _client_id ) free( _client_id ); _client_id = strdup( v ); } void progress ( float f ) { _progress->value( f ); _progress->redraw(); } void dirty ( bool b ) { _dirty->value( b ); _dirty->redraw(); } void gui_visible ( bool b ) { _gui->value( b ); _gui->redraw(); } void has_optional_gui ( void ) { _gui->show(); _gui->redraw(); } void stopped ( bool b ) { if ( b ) { _remove_button->show(); _restart_button->show(); _kill_button->hide(); _gui->deactivate(); _dirty->deactivate(); color( fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_RED, 0.50 ) ); redraw(); } else { _gui->activate(); _dirty->activate(); _kill_button->show(); _restart_button->hide(); _remove_button->hide(); } /* _restart_button->redraw(); */ /* _remove_button->redraw(); */ } void pending_command ( const char *command ) { char *cmd = strdup( command ); free( (void*)_progress->label() ); _progress->label( cmd ); stopped( 0 ); if ( ! strcmp( command, "ready" ) ) { color( fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_GREEN, 0.50 ) ); _progress->value( 0.0f ); } else if ( ! strcmp( command, "quit" ) || ! strcmp( command, "kill" ) || ! strcmp( command, "error" ) ) { color( fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_RED, 0.50 ) ); } else if ( ! strcmp( command, "stopped" ) ) { stopped( 1 ); } else { color( fl_color_average( FL_BLACK, FL_YELLOW, 0.50 ) ); } redraw(); } static void cb_button ( Fl_Widget *o, void * v ) { ((NSM_Client*)v)->cb_button( o ); } void cb_button ( Fl_Widget *o ) { if ( o == _dirty ) { MESSAGE( "Sending save."); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/save", _client_id ); } } else if ( o == _gui ) { MESSAGE( "Sending hide/show GUI."); foreach_daemon ( d ) { if ( !_gui->value() ) osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/show_optional_gui", _client_id ); else osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/hide_optional_gui", _client_id ); } } else if ( o == _remove_button ) { MESSAGE( "Sending remove."); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/remove", _client_id ); } } else if ( o == _restart_button ) { MESSAGE( "Sending resume" ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/resume", _client_id ); } } else if ( o == _kill_button ) { MESSAGE( "Sending stop" ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/gui/client/stop", _client_id ); } } } const char * client_id ( void ) { return _client_id; } NSM_Client ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H, L ) { _client_id = NULL; _client_name = NULL; _client_label = NULL; align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); color( fl_darker( FL_RED ) ); box( FL_BORDER_BOX ); int yy = Y + H * 0.25; int hh = H * 0.50; int xx = X + W - ( 75 + Fl::box_dw( box() ) ); int ss = 2; /* /\* dummy group *\/ */ /* { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H ); */ /* o->end(); */ /* resizable( o ); */ /* } */ { Fl_Pack *o = new Fl_Pack( X + 15, Y, 300 - 5, H ); o->type( FL_HORIZONTAL ); o->spacing( 10 ); { icon_box = new Fl_Box( 0, 0, 32, 32 ); } { Fl_Box *o = client_name = new Fl_Box( 0, 0, 300, 48 ); /* o->color( FL_BLUE ); */ o->align( FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); o->labeltype( FL_NORMAL_LABEL ); } o->end(); } { Fl_Box *o = new Fl_Box( X + 300, Y, 100, h() ); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o); } { Fl_Progress *o = _progress = new Fl_Progress( xx, Y + H * 0.25, 75, H * 0.50, NULL ); o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); o->color( FL_BLACK ); o->label( strdup( "launch" ) ); o->labelsize( 12 ); o->minimum( 0.0f ); o->maximum( 1.0f ); } { Fl_Group *o = new Fl_Group( X + W - 400, Y, 400, H ); xx -= 50 + ss; { Fl_Light_Button *o = _dirty = new Fl_Light_Button( xx, yy, 50, hh, "SAVE" ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); o->labelsize( 9 ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->type(0); o->color(); o->selection_color( FL_YELLOW ); o->value( 0 ); o->callback( cb_button, this ); } xx -= 40 + ss; { Fl_Light_Button *o = _gui = new Fl_Light_Button( xx, yy, 40, hh, "GUI" ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); o->labelsize( 9 ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->type(0); o->color(); o->selection_color( FL_YELLOW ); o->value( 0 ); o->hide(); o->callback( cb_button, this ); } xx -= 25 + ss; { Fl_Button *o = _kill_button = new Fl_Button( xx, yy, 25, hh, "@square" ); o->labelsize( 9 ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->type(0); o->color( FL_RED ); o->value( 0 ); o->tooltip( "Stop" ); o->callback( cb_button, this ); } xx -= 25 + ss; { Fl_Button *o = _restart_button = new Fl_Button( xx, yy, 25, hh ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->type(0); o->color( FL_GREEN ); o->value( 0 ); o->label( "@>" ); o->tooltip( "Resume" ); o->hide(); o->callback( cb_button, this ); } xx -= 25 + ss; { Fl_Button *o = _remove_button = new Fl_Button( xx, yy, 25, hh ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->type(0); o->color( FL_RED ); o->value( 0 ); o->label( "X" ); o->tooltip( "Remove" ); o->hide(); o->callback( cb_button, this ); } o->end(); } end(); } ~NSM_Client ( ) { if ( _client_name ) { free( _client_name ); _client_name = NULL; } if ( _client_label ) { free( _client_label ); _client_label = NULL; } if ( label() ) { free( (char*)label() ); label( NULL ); } } }; static void fl_awake_alert( void *v ) { if ( v ) { fl_alert( (char*)v); free( v ); } } void browser_callback ( Fl_Widget *w, void * ) { w->window()->hide(); } class NSM_Controller : public Fl_Group { public: Fl_Pack *clients_pack; Fl_Pack *buttons_pack; Fl_Button *close_button; Fl_Button *abort_button; Fl_Button *save_button; Fl_Button *open_button; Fl_Button *new_button; Fl_Button *add_button; Fl_Button *duplicate_button; Fl_Button *refresh_button; Fl_Box *session_name_box; Fl_Tree *session_browser; Fl_Text_Display *status_display; static void cb_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((NSM_Controller*)v)->cb_handle( w ); } void cb_handle ( Fl_Widget *w ) { if ( w == abort_button ) { if ( 0 == fl_choice( "Are you sure you want to abort this session? Unsaved changes will be lost.", "Abort", "Cancel", NULL ) ) { MESSAGE( "Sending abort." ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/abort" ); } } } if ( w == close_button ) { MESSAGE( "Sending close." ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/close" ); } } else if ( w == save_button ) { MESSAGE( "Sending save." ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/save" ); } } else if ( w == open_button ) { const char *name = fl_input( "Open Session", NULL ); if ( ! name ) return; Fl_Tree_Item *item = session_browser->find_item( name ); if ( item ) session_browser->select_only( item, 1 ); } else if ( w == duplicate_button ) { const char *name = fl_input( "New Session", NULL ); if ( ! name ) return; MESSAGE( "Sending duplicate for: %s", name ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/duplicate", name ); } } else if ( w == refresh_button ) { session_browser->clear(); MESSAGE( "Refreshing session list." ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/list" ); } } else if ( w == session_browser ) { if ( session_browser->callback_reason() != FL_TREE_REASON_SELECTED ) return; Fl_Tree_Item *item = session_browser->callback_item(); // session_browser->deselect( item, 0 ); if ( item->children() ) return; char name[1024]; session_browser->item_pathname( name, sizeof(name), item ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/open", name ); } } else if ( w == new_button ) { const char *name = fl_input( "New Session", NULL ); if ( !name ) return; MESSAGE( "Sending new for: %s", name ); foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/new", name ); } } else if ( w == add_button ) { Fl_Select_Browser *browser; if ( daemon_list.size() > 1 ) { Fl_Window* win = new Fl_Window( window()->x(), window()->y(), 300, 400, "Choose Server" ); { { Fl_Box *o = new Fl_Box( 0,0, 300, 100 ); o->label( "Connected to multiple NSM servers, please select which one to add a client to." ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_WRAP ); } { Fl_Select_Browser *o = browser = new Fl_Select_Browser( 0, 100, 300, 300 ); o->box( FL_ROUNDED_BOX ); o->color( FL_BLACK ); o->callback( browser_callback, win ); foreach_daemon( d ) { o->add( (*d)->url ); } } } win->end(); win->show(); while ( win->visible() ) { Fl::wait(); } if ( ! browser->value() ) return; const char *n = fl_input( "Enter executable name" ); if ( !n ) return; char *name = strdup( n ); if ( index( name, ' ' ) ) { free( name ); name = strdup( "nsm-proxy" ); } lo_address nsm_addr = lo_address_new_from_url( browser->text( browser->value() ) ); osc->send( nsm_addr, "/nsm/server/add", name ); free( name ); delete win; } else { const char *n = fl_input( "Enter executable name" ); if ( !n ) return; char *name = strdup( n ); if ( index( name, ' ' ) ) { free( name ); name = strdup( "nsm-proxy" ); } MESSAGE( "Sending add for: %s", name ); /* FIXME: user should get to choose which system to do the add on */ foreach_daemon ( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/add", name ); } free( name ); } } } NSM_Client * client_by_id ( const char *id ) { for ( int i = clients_pack->children(); i--; ) { NSM_Client *c = (NSM_Client*)clients_pack->child( i ); if ( ! strcmp( c->client_id(), id ) ) { return c; } } return NULL; } const char *session_name ( void ) const { return session_name_box->label(); } void session_name ( const char *name ) { session_name_box->copy_label( name ); if ( strlen( name ) ) { save_button->activate(); add_button->activate(); duplicate_button->activate(); abort_button->activate(); close_button->activate(); } else { save_button->deactivate(); add_button->deactivate(); duplicate_button->deactivate(); abort_button->deactivate(); close_button->deactivate(); } redraw(); } void client_stopped ( const char *client_id ) { NSM_Client *c = client_by_id( client_id ); if ( c ) { c->stopped( 1 ); } } void client_quit ( const char *client_id ) { NSM_Client *c = client_by_id( client_id ); if ( c ) { clients_pack->remove( c ); delete c; } if ( clients_pack->children() == 0 ) { ((Fl_Packscroller*)clients_pack->parent())->yposition( 0 ); } parent()->redraw(); } void client_new ( const char *client_id, const char *client_name ) { NSM_Client *c; c = client_by_id( client_id ); if ( c ) { c->name( client_name ); return; } c = new NSM_Client( 0, 0, w(), 40, NULL ); c->name( client_name ); c->client_id( client_id ); c->stopped( 0 ); clients_pack->add( c ); redraw(); } void client_pending_command ( NSM_Client *c, const char *command ) { if ( c ) { if ( ! strcmp( command, "removed" ) ) { clients_pack->remove( c ); delete c; parent()->redraw(); } else c->pending_command( command ); } } void add_session_to_list ( const char *name ) { session_browser->add( name ); session_browser->redraw(); } NSM_Controller ( int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L ) : Fl_Group( X, Y, W, H, L ) { align( FL_ALIGN_RIGHT | FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); { Fl_Pack *o = buttons_pack = new Fl_Pack( X, Y, W, 30 ); o->type( Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL ); o->box( FL_NO_BOX ); { Fl_Button *o = refresh_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "&Refresh" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 'r' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = open_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "&Open" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 'o' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = close_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "Close" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 'q' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = abort_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "Abort" ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->color( FL_RED ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = save_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "&Save" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 's' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = new_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 80, 50, "&New" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 'n' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Button *o = duplicate_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 100, 50, "Duplicate" ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } o->end(); } { Fl_Tile *o = new Fl_Tile( X, Y + 30, W, H - 30 ); { Fl_Scalepack *o = new Fl_Scalepack( X, Y + 30, 300, H - 105 ); o->type( FL_VERTICAL ); o->spacing( 2 ); { Fl_Box *o = new Fl_Box( 0,0,100, 24, "Sessions" ); } { Fl_Tree *o = session_browser = new Fl_Tree( X, Y + 50, W / 3, H - 125 ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void *)this ); o->color( FL_DARK1 ); o->item_labelbgcolor( o->color() ); o->item_labelfgcolor( FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR ); o->sortorder( FL_TREE_SORT_ASCENDING ); o->showroot( 0 ); o->selection_color( fl_darker( FL_GREEN ) ); o->box( FL_FLAT_BOX ); /* o->label( "Sessions" ); */ o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } // Fl_Tree o->end(); } Fl_Scalepack *scalepack; { Fl_Scalepack *o = scalepack = new Fl_Scalepack( X + 300, Y + 30, W - 300, H - 105 ); o->type( FL_VERTICAL ); o->spacing( 2 ); { session_name_box = new Fl_Box( 0, 0, 100, 25, "" ); } { Fl_Button *o = add_button = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 100, 25, "&Add Client to Session" ); o->shortcut( FL_CTRL | 'a' ); o->box( FL_UP_BOX ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ); o->callback( cb_handle, (void*)this ); } { Fl_Packscroller *o = new Fl_Packscroller( 0, 0, 100, H - 105 ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_TOP ); o->labeltype( FL_SHADOW_LABEL ); { Fl_Pack *o = clients_pack = new Fl_Pack( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); o->align( FL_ALIGN_TOP ); o->spacing( 2 ); o->type( Fl_Pack::VERTICAL ); o->end(); } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); } // Fl_Packscroller o->end(); /* Fl_Group::current()->resizable( o ); */ } // Fl_Scalepack { Fl_Box *o = new Fl_Box( X + 300, Y + 30, 100, H - 105 ); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o); } { Fl_Text_Display *o = status_display = new Fl_Text_Display( X, Y + H - 75, W, 75 ); o->color( FL_DARK1 ); o->textcolor( FL_GREEN ); o->textfont( FL_COURIER ); o->textsize( 10 ); Fl_Text_Buffer *b = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); o->buffer(b); } o->end(); resizable( o ); } // Fl_tile end(); deactivate(); } int min_h ( void ) { return 500; } void ping ( void ) { if ( daemon_list.size() ) { foreach_daemon( d ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/osc/ping" ); } } if ( last_ping_response ) { if ( time(NULL) - last_ping_response > 10 ) { if ( active() ) { deactivate(); fl_alert( "Server is not responding..." ); } } else { if ( !active() ) activate(); } } } int init_osc ( void ) { osc = new OSC::Endpoint(); if ( int r = osc->init( LO_UDP ) ) return r; osc->owner = this; osc->url(); osc->add_method( "/error", "sis", osc_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/reply", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/reply", "s", osc_handler, osc, "" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/server/broadcast", NULL, osc_broadcast_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/server_announce", "s", osc_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/server/message", "s", osc_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/gui_announce", "s", osc_handler, osc, "msg" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/session/session", "s", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/session/name", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/new", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/status", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/switch", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/progress", "sf", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/dirty", "si", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/has_optional_gui", "s", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/gui_visible", "si", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->add_method( "/nsm/gui/client/label", "ss", osc_handler, osc, "path,display_name" ); osc->start(); return 0; } void announce ( const char *nsm_url ) { /* Daemon *d = new Daemon; */ /* d->url = nsm_url; */ lo_address nsm_addr = lo_address_new_from_url( nsm_url ); // d->is_child = true; /* daemon_list.push_back( d ); */ osc->send( nsm_addr, "/nsm/gui/gui_announce" ); } private: static int osc_broadcast_handler ( const char *path, const char *, lo_arg **, int argc, lo_message msg, void * ) { if ( ! argc ) /* need at least one argument... */ return 0; DMESSAGE( "Relaying broadcast" ); foreach_daemon( d ) { char *u1 = lo_address_get_url( (*d)->addr ); char *u2 = lo_address_get_url( lo_message_get_source( msg ) ); if ( strcmp( u1, u2 ) ) { osc->send( (*d)->addr, path, msg ); } free( u1 ); free( u2 ); } return 0; } static int osc_handler ( const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg, void *user_data ) { // OSC_DMSG(); NSM_Controller *controller = (NSM_Controller*)((OSC::Endpoint*)user_data)->owner; Fl::lock(); if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/server/message" ) && !strcmp( types, "s" ) ) { controller->status_display->insert( &argv[0]->s ); controller->status_display->show_insert_position(); controller->status_display->insert( "\n" ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/session/session" ) && ! strcmp( types, "s" ) ) { controller->add_session_to_list( &argv[0]->s ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/gui_announce" ) ) { /* pre-existing server is replying to our announce message */ controller->activate(); lo_address nsm_addr = lo_message_get_source( msg ); osc->send( nsm_addr, "/nsm/server/list" ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/server_announce" ) ) { /* must be a server we launched */ controller->activate(); Daemon *d = new Daemon; d->url = lo_address_get_url( lo_message_get_source( msg ) ); d->addr = lo_address_new_from_url( d->url ); d->is_child = true; daemon_list.push_back( d ); osc->send( d->addr, "/nsm/server/list" ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/session/name" ) && !strcmp( types, "ss" )) { controller->session_name( &argv[0]->s ); if ( !strcmp( &argv[0]->s, "" ) ) { controller->session_browser->deselect_all(); } else { Fl_Tree_Item *o = controller->session_browser->find_item( &argv[1]->s ); if ( o ) { controller->session_browser->select_only( o, 0 ); controller->session_browser->show_item( o, 0 ); } } } else if (!strcmp( path, "/error" ) && !strcmp( types, "sis" ) ) { int err = argv[1]->i; if ( err != 0 ) { char *s; asprintf( &s, "Command %s failed with:\n\n%s", &argv[0]->s, &argv[2]->s ); Fl::awake(fl_awake_alert, s); } } else if (!strcmp( path, "/reply" ) && argc && 's' == *types ) { if ( !strcmp( &argv[0]->s, "/nsm/server/list" ) ) { controller->add_session_to_list( &argv[1]->s ); } else if ( !strcmp( &argv[0]->s, "/osc/ping" ) ) { last_ping_response = time( NULL ); } else if ( ! strcmp( types, "ss" ) ) { MESSAGE( "%s says %s", &argv[0]->s, &argv[1]->s); controller->status_display->insert( &argv[1]->s ); controller->status_display->insert( "\n" ); } } if ( !strncmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/", strlen( "/nsm/gui/client/" ) ) ) { if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/new" ) && !strcmp( types, "ss" ) ) { controller->client_new( &argv[0]->s, &argv[1]->s ); } else { NSM_Client *c = controller->client_by_id( &argv[0]->s ); if ( c ) { if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/status" ) && !strcmp( types, "ss" )) { controller->client_pending_command( c, &argv[1]->s ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/progress" ) && !strcmp( types, "sf" )) { c->progress( argv[1]->f ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/dirty" ) && !strcmp( types, "si" )) { c->dirty( argv[1]->i ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/gui_visible" ) && !strcmp( types, "si" )) { c->gui_visible( argv[1]->i ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/label" ) && !strcmp( types, "ss" )) { c->client_label( &argv[1]->s ); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/has_optional_gui" ) && !strcmp( types, "s" )) { c->has_optional_gui(); } else if ( !strcmp( path, "/nsm/gui/client/switch" ) && !strcmp( types, "ss" )) { c->client_id( &argv[1]->s ); } } else MESSAGE( "Got message %s from unknown client", path ); } } Fl::unlock(); Fl::awake(); return 0; } }; static NSM_Controller *controller; void ping ( void * ) { controller->ping(); Fl::repeat_timeout( 1.0, ping, NULL ); } void cb_main ( Fl_Widget *, void * ) { if ( Fl::event_key() != FL_Escape ) { int children = 0; foreach_daemon ( d ) { if ( (*d)->is_child ) ++children; } if ( children ) { if ( strlen( controller->session_name() ) ) { fl_message( "%s", "You have to close the session before you can quit." ); return; } } while ( Fl::first_window() ) Fl::first_window()->hide(); } } int main (int argc, char **argv ) { fl_register_images(); Fl::lock(); Fl_Double_Window *main_window; { Fl_Double_Window *o = main_window = new Fl_Double_Window( 800, 600, APP_TITLE ); { main_window->xclass( APP_NAME ); Fl_Widget *o = controller = new NSM_Controller( 0, 0, main_window->w(), main_window->h(), NULL ); controller->session_name( "" ); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o); } o->end(); o->size_range( main_window->w(), controller->min_h(), 0, 0 ); o->callback( (Fl_Callback*)cb_main, main_window ); o->show( 0, NULL ); } static struct option long_options[] = { { "nsm-url", required_argument, 0, 'n' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int option_index = 0; int c = 0; while ( ( c = getopt_long_only( argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index ) ) != -1 ) { switch ( c ) { case 'n': { DMESSAGE( "Adding %s to daemon list", optarg ); Daemon *d = new Daemon; d->url = optarg; d->addr = lo_address_new_from_url( optarg ); daemon_list.push_back( d ); break; } case 'h': printf( "Usage: %s [--nsmd-url...] [-- server options ]\n\n", argv[0] ); exit(0); break; } } const char *nsm_url = getenv( "NSM_URL" ); if ( nsm_url ) { MESSAGE( "Found NSM URL of \"%s\" in environment, attempting to connect.", nsm_url ); Daemon *d = new Daemon; d->url = nsm_url; d->addr = lo_address_new_from_url( nsm_url ); daemon_list.push_back( d ); } if ( controller->init_osc() ) FATAL( "Could not create OSC server" ); if ( daemon_list.size() ) { foreach_daemon ( d ) { controller->announce( (*d)->url ); } } else { /* start a new daemon... */ MESSAGE( "Starting daemon..." ); char *url = osc->url(); if ( ! fork() ) { /* pass non-option arguments on to daemon */ char **args = (char **)malloc( 4 + argc - optind ); int i = 0; args[i++] = (char*)"nsmd"; args[i++] = (char*)"--gui-url"; args[i++] = url; for ( ; optind < argc; i++, optind++ ) { DMESSAGE( "Passing argument: %s", argv[optind] ); args[i] = argv[optind]; } args[i] = 0; if ( -1 == execvp( "nsmd", args ) ) { FATAL( "Error starting process: %s", strerror( errno ) ); } } } Fl::add_timeout( 1.0, ping, NULL ); Fl::run(); foreach_daemon ( d ) { if ( (*d)->is_child ) { MESSAGE( "Telling server to quit" ); osc->send( (*d)->addr, "/nsm/server/quit" ); } } return 0; }