/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "sequence.H" #include "phrase.H" #include "pattern.H" #include "smf.H" #include "non.H" /* #include */ /* using std::string; */ sequence::sequence ( void ) { _rd = new data; _name = _notes = NULL; _index = 0; _playing = 0; } void sequence::lock ( void ) { // create a copy of the lock-free data. _rw = new data; data *d = const_cast< data *> (_rd); _rw->phrases = d->phrases; _rw->num = d->num; } void sequence::unlock ( void ) { _history.push_back( const_cast( _rd ) ); if ( _history.size() > MAX_UNDO + 1 ) { data *d = _history.front(); if ( d == _rw || d == _rd ) ASSERTION( "something bad has happend." ); delete d; _history.pop_front(); } // swap the copy back in (atomically). _rd = _rw; _rw = NULL; song.set_dirty(); } void sequence::insert ( unsigned int n, int pn ) { lock(); /* if ( n > _rw->phrases.size() ) */ /* _rw->phrases.resize( n + 10 ); */ // MESSAGE( "inserting %d at %d", pn, n ); _rw->phrases.insert( _find( n ), pn ); _rw->num++; unlock(); } vector ::iterator sequence::_find ( int n ) { // boy I hate C++/STL.. So lame. int i = 0; for ( vector ::iterator e = _rw->phrases.begin(); e != _rw->phrases.end(); e++ ) { if ( i == n ) return e; i++; } return _rw->phrases.end(); } void sequence::remove ( int n ) { lock(); _rw->phrases.erase( _find( n ) ); _rw->num--; unlock(); } /** return the number of phrases in this sequence */ int sequence::phrases ( void ) const { return _rd->num; } void sequence::_swap ( int n1, int n2 ) { int x = _rw->phrases[ n1 ]; _rw->phrases[ n1 ] = _rw->phrases[ n2 ]; _rw->phrases[ n2 ] = x; } void sequence::move ( int n, int dir ) { lock(); switch ( dir ) { case UP: { if ( n - 1 >= 0 ) _swap( n - 1, n ); break; } case DOWN: { if ( n + 1 < _rw->num ) _swap( n + 1, n ); break; } } unlock(); } /* Render sequence to a string.. suitable for display in the UI */ char * sequence::dump ( void ) { char *s = (char *)malloc( 256 ); s[0] = '\0'; size_t siz = 256; int start = 1; for ( int i = 0; i < _rd->num; i++ ) { const int len = 256; char line[len]; int x = _rd->phrases[ i ]; phrase *p = phrase::phrase_by_number( x ); if ( ! p ) return NULL; snprintf( line, len, "%d\t%d\t%s\n", start, p->number(), p->name() ); start += p->bars(); s = (char *)realloc( s, siz += strlen( line ) + 1 ); strcat( s, line ); } return s; } void sequence::play ( tick_t start, tick_t end ) const { // keep our own copy. data *d = _rd; tick_t offset = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < d->num; i++ ) { phrase *p = phrase::phrase_by_number( d->phrases[ i ] ); if ( p ) { tick_t pstart = offset; tick_t pend = offset + p->length(); // this phrase seems to be current. if ( pend > start ) { // FIXME: don't really need to trigger more than once! _playing = p->number(); _index = start; p->trigger( pstart, pend ); p->play( start, end ); break; } offset = pend; } else WARNING( "programming error: no such phrase." ); } } /** return the number of the currently playing phrase, or 0 if none. */ int sequence::playing ( void ) const { return _playing; } /** return the location of the playhead for this sequence */ tick_t sequence::index ( void ) const { return _index; } /** return the total length of the sequence in ticks */ tick_t sequence::length ( void ) const { tick_t l = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < _rd->num; i++ ) { phrase *p = phrase::phrase_by_number( _rd->phrases[ i ] ); if ( ! p ) break; l += p->length(); } return l; } /** return to a blank slate */ void sequence::reset ( void ) { // MESSAGE( "reseting" ); lock(); _rw->num = 0; phrase::reset(); pattern::reset(); unlock(); } /** load entire sequence from file, replacing everything */ bool sequence::load ( const char *name ) { smf f; f.open( name, smf::READ ); f.read_header(); if ( f.format() != 2 ) { WARNING( "not a Non song file" ); return false; } f.next_track(); MESSAGE( "reading song info" ); /* read song info */ int mode, phrases, patterns; char *sname, *notes; if ( ! f.read_song_info( &mode, &phrases, &patterns, &sname, ¬es ) ) { WARNING( "not a Non song file" ); return false; } song.play_mode = (play_mode_e)mode; if ( sname ) this->name( sname ); if ( notes ) this->notes( notes ); /* tear it down */ reset(); MESSAGE( "reading playlist" ); // f.read_playlist( this ); lock(); char *s; while ( (s = f.read_cue_point() ) ) { int n; sscanf( s, "%d:", &n ); _rw->phrases.insert( _find( _rw->num++ ), n ); } /* read playlist */ MESSAGE( "reading phrases" ); while ( phrases-- && f.next_track() ) { phrase *p = new phrase; p->load( &f ); } MESSAGE( "reading patterns" ); while ( patterns-- && f.next_track() ) { pattern *p = new pattern; p->load( &f ); } unlock(); signal_new_song(); return true; } /** save entire sequence to file */ void sequence::save ( const char *name ) const { smf f; /* open for writing */ f.open( name, smf::WRITE ); f.write_header( 2 ); MESSAGE( "saving playlist" ); f.open_track( NULL, -1 ); MESSAGE( "saving song info" ); f.write_song_info( song.play_mode, phrase::phrases(), pattern::patterns(), this->name(), notes() ); for ( int i = 0; i < _rd->num; ++i ) { char pat[256]; phrase *p = phrase::phrase_by_number( _rd->phrases[ i ] ); snprintf( pat, 256, "%d: %s", p->number(), p->name() ); f.write_meta_event( smf::CUEPOINT, pat ); } f.close_track( 0 ); MESSAGE( "saving phrases" ); for ( int i = 0; i < phrase::phrases(); i++ ) { phrase *p = phrase::phrase_by_number( i + 1 ); p->dump( &f ); } MESSAGE( "saving patterns" ); for ( int i = 0; i < pattern::patterns(); i++ ) { pattern *p = pattern::pattern_by_number( i + 1 ); p->dump( &f ); } } /*************/ /* Accessors */ /*************/ char * sequence::name ( void ) const { return _name; } void sequence::name ( const char *s ) { if ( _name ) free( _name ); _name = strdup( s ); song.set_dirty(); } char * sequence::notes ( void ) const { return _notes; } void sequence::notes ( const char *s ) { if ( _notes ) free( _notes ); _notes = strdup( s ); song.set_dirty(); }