/*******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Jonathan Moore Liles */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */ /* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */ /* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */ /* more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */ /* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /*******************************************************************************/ #include "Controller_Module.H" #include #include "FL/Fl_Value_SliderX.H" #include #include #include "FL/Fl_Arc_Dial.H" #include "FL/Fl_Light_Button.H" #include "FL/Boxtypes.H" #include #include "FL/Fl_Labelpad_Group.H" #include #include "Engine/Engine.H" #include "Chain.H" const float CONTROL_UPDATE_FREQ = 0.1f; void Controller_Module::get ( Log_Entry &e ) const { Port *p = control_output[0].connected_port(); Module *m = p->module(); e.add( ":module", m ); e.add( ":port", m->control_input_port_index( p ) ); Module::get( e ); } void Controller_Module::set ( Log_Entry &e ) { Module::set( e ); int port = -1; Module *module = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < e.size(); ++i ) { const char *s, *v; e.get( i, &s, &v ); if ( ! strcmp( s, ":port" ) ) { port = atoi( v ); } else if ( ! strcmp( s, ":module" ) ) { int i; sscanf( v, "%X", &i ); Module *t = (Module*)Loggable::find( i ); assert( t ); module = t; } } if ( port >= 0 && module ) control_output[0].connect_to( &module->control_input[port] ); } Controller_Module::Controller_Module ( bool is_default ) : Module( is_default, 50, 100, name() ) { // label( "" ); box( FL_NO_BOX ); _pad = true; control = 0; control_value =0.0f; add_port( Port( this, Port::OUTPUT, Port::CONTROL ) ); mode( GUI ); // mode( CV ); // configure_inputs( 1 ); end(); Fl::add_timeout( CONTROL_UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, this ); log_create(); } Controller_Module::~Controller_Module ( ) { Fl::remove_timeout( update_cb, this ); log_destroy(); } void Controller_Module::update_cb ( void *v ) { ((Controller_Module*)v)->update_cb(); } void Controller_Module::update_cb ( void ) { Fl::repeat_timeout( CONTROL_UPDATE_FREQ, update_cb, this ); if ( control && control_output[0].connected() ) control->value(control_value); } void Controller_Module::cb_handle ( Fl_Widget *w, void *v ) { ((Controller_Module*)v)->cb_handle( w ); } void Controller_Module::cb_handle ( Fl_Widget *w ) { control_value = ((Fl_Valuator*)w)->value(); if ( control_output[0].connected() ) { control_output[0].control_value( control_value ); Port *p = control_output[0].connected_port(); Module *m = p->module(); m->handle_control_changed( p ); } } void Controller_Module::connect_to ( Port *p ) { control_output[0].connect_to( p ); if( mode() == CV ) { engine->lock(); { char name[256]; snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s-CV", p->name() ); JACK::Port po( engine->client(), JACK::Port::Input, chain()->name(), 0, name ); if ( po.valid() ) { jack_input.push_back( po ); } } engine->unlock(); } Fl_Widget *w; if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::BOOLEAN ) { Fl_Light_Button *o = new Fl_Light_Button( 0, 0, 40, 40, p->name() ); w = o; o->value( p->control_value() ); } else if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::INTEGER ) { Fl_Counter *o = new Fl_Counter(0, 0, 58, 24, p->name() ); control = o; w = o; o->type(1); o->step(1); if ( p->hints.ranged ) { o->minimum( p->hints.minimum ); o->maximum( p->hints.maximum ); } o->value( p->control_value() ); } else if ( p->hints.type == Module::Port::Hints::LOGARITHMIC ) { Fl_Value_SliderX *o = new Fl_Value_SliderX(0, 0, 30, 250, p->name() ); control = o; w = o; o->type(4); o->color(FL_GRAY0); o->selection_color((Fl_Color)1); o->minimum(1.5); o->maximum(0); o->value(1); o->textsize(14); // o->type( FL_VERTICAL ); // o->type(1); if ( p->hints.ranged ) { o->minimum( p->hints.maximum ); o->maximum( p->hints.minimum ); } o->value( p->control_value() ); } else { { Fl_Arc_Dial *o = new Fl_Arc_Dial( 0, 0, 40, 40, p->name() ); w = o; control = o; if ( p->hints.ranged ) { o->minimum( p->hints.minimum ); o->maximum( p->hints.maximum ); } o->box( FL_BURNISHED_OVAL_BOX ); // o->box( FL_OVAL_BOX ); // o->type( FL_FILL_DIAL ); o->color( fl_darker( fl_darker( FL_GRAY ) ) ); o->selection_color( FL_WHITE ); o->value( p->control_value() ); } } control_value = p->control_value(); w->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); w->labelsize( 10 ); w->callback( cb_handle, this ); if ( _pad ) { Fl_Labelpad_Group *flg = new Fl_Labelpad_Group( w ); size( flg->w(), flg->h() ); add( flg ); } else { w->resize( x(), y(), this->w(), h() ); add( w ); resizable( w ); } } int Controller_Module::handle ( int m ) { return Fl_Group::handle( m ); } void Controller_Module::process ( void ) { if ( control_output[0].connected() ) { float f = control_value; if ( mode() == CV ) { f = *((float*)jack_input[0].buffer( engine->nframes() )); const Port *p = control_output[0].connected_port(); if (p->hints.ranged ) { // scale value to range. // we assume that CV values are between 0 and 1 float scale = p->hints.maximum - p->hints.minimum; float offset = p->hints.minimum; f = ( f * scale ) + offset; } } // else // f = *((float*)control_output[0].buffer()); *((float*)control_output[0].buffer()) = f; control_value = f; } }