
406 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */
/* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */
/* more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */
/* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "Panner.H"
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
/* 2D Panner widget. Supports various multichannel configurations. */
Panner::Point *Panner::drag;
/* multichannel layouts, in degrees */
int Panner::_configs[][12] =
/* none, error condition? */
{ NONE },
/* mono, panner disabled */
{ NONE },
/* stereo */
{ L, R },
/* stereo + mono */
{ L, R, C },
/* quad */
{ FL, FR, RL, RR },
/* 5.1 */
{ FL, FR, RL, RR, C },
/* no such config */
{ NONE },
/* 7.1 */
{ FL, FR, RL, RR, C, L, R },
/* speaker symbol */
#define BP fl_begin_polygon()
#define EP fl_end_polygon()
#define BCP fl_begin_complex_polygon()
#define ECP fl_end_complex_polygon()
#define BL fl_begin_line()
#define EL fl_end_line()
#define BC fl_begin_loop()
#define EC fl_end_loop()
#define vv(x,y) fl_vertex(x,y)
static void draw_speaker ( Fl_Color col )
BP; vv(0.2,0.4); vv(0.6,0.4); vv(0.6,-0.4); vv(0.2,-0.4); EP;
BP; vv(-0.6,0.8); vv(0.2,0.0); vv(-0.6,-0.8); EP;
fl_color( fl_darker( col ) );
BC; vv(0.2,0.4); vv(0.6,0.4); vv(0.6,-0.4); vv(0.2,-0.4); EC;
BC; vv(-0.6,0.8); vv(0.2,0.0); vv(-0.6,-0.8); EC;
/** set X, Y, W, and H to the bounding box of point /p/ in screen coords */
Panner::point_bbox ( const Point *p, int *X, int *Y, int *W, int *H ) const
int tx, ty, tw, th;
bbox( tx, ty, tw, th );
const float PW = pw();
const float PH = ph();
tw -= PW;
th -= PH;
float px, py;
p->axes( &px, &py );
*X = tx + ((tw / 2) * px + (tw / 2));
*Y = ty + ((th / 2) * py + (th / 2));
*W = PW;
*H = PH;
Panner::Point *
Panner::event_point ( void )
for ( int i = _ins; i--; )
int px, py, pw, ph;
Point *p = &_points[ i ];
point_bbox( p, &px, &py, &pw, &ph );
// printf( "%d, %d -- %d %d %d %d\n", Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), px, py, pw, ph );
if ( Fl::event_inside( px, py, pw, ph ) )
return p;
return NULL;
Panner::draw_the_box ( int tx, int ty, int tw, int th )
fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 2 );
/* draw perimeter */
Fl_Color c1, c2;
int iter;
if ( Fl::belowmouse() == this )
iter = 12;
c1 = fl_darker( fl_darker( FL_RED ) );
c2 = FL_BLACK;
iter = 6;
c1 = FL_GRAY;
c2 = FL_BLACK;
Fl_Color c = c1;
for ( int i = iter; i--; )
fl_color( c );
fl_arc( tx + (i * (tw / iter)) / 2, ty + (i * (th / iter)) / 2, tw - (i * (tw / iter)), th - (i * ( th / iter )), 0, 360 );
/* fl_arc( cr, */
/* tx + tw / 2, */
/* ty + th / 2, */
/* ((float)tw / iter) / 2, */
/* 0, 360 ); */
c = fl_color_average( c1, c2, (float)i / iter);
fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 );
Panner::draw ( void )
int tw, th, tx, ty;
bbox( tx, ty, tw, th );
fl_push_clip( tx, ty, tw, th );
const int b = 10;
// draw_box();
if ( _bypassed )
fl_color( 0 );
fl_font( FL_HELVETICA, 12 );
fl_draw( "(bypass)", x(), y(), w(), h(), FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
goto done;
tx += b;
ty += b;
tw -= b * 2;
th -= b * 2;
if ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_ALL )
draw_the_box( tx, ty, tw, th );
fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 2 );
// fl_color( FL_RED );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
/* fl_arc( tx, ty, tw, th, 0, 360 ); */
if ( _configs[ _outs ][0] >= 0 )
for ( int i = _outs; i--; )
int a = _configs[ _outs ][ i ];
Point p( 1.2f, (float)a );
float px, py;
p.axes( &px, &py );
const int bx = tx + ((tw / 2) * px + (tw / 2));
const int by = ty + ((th / 2) * py + (th / 2));
fl_translate( bx, by );
fl_scale( 5, 5 );
a = 90 - a;
fl_rotate( a );
draw_speaker( FL_WHITE );
fl_rotate( -a );
/* ensure that points are drawn *inside* the circle */
for ( int i = _ins; i--; )
Point *p = &_points[ i ];
Fl_Color c = (Fl_Color)(10 + i);
int px, py, pw, ph;
point_bbox( p, &px, &py, &pw, &ph );
const float S = ( 0.5 + ( 1.0f - p->d ) );
float po = 5 * S;
fl_push_clip( px - ( po * 12 ),
py - ( po * 12 ),
pw + ( po * 24 ), ph + (po * 24 ));
if ( damage() & FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE )
draw_the_box( tx, ty, tw, th );
fl_color( FL_WHITE );
/* draw point */
if ( p != drag )
fl_color( c );
fl_pie( px, py, pw, ph, 0, 360 );
/* draw echo */
fl_color( c = fl_darker( c ) );
// fl_color_alpha( c = fl_darker( c ), 0.5 );
// fl_arc( cr, px, py, pw + po * 1, 0, 360 );
fl_arc( px - po, py - po, pw + ( po * 2 ), ph + ( po * 2 ), 0, 360 );
if ( Fl::belowmouse() == this )
fl_color( c = fl_darker( c ) );
// fl_color_alpha( c = fl_darker( c ), 0.5 );
fl_arc( px - ( po * 2 ), py - ( po * 2 ), pw + ( po * 4 ), ph + ( po * 4 ), 0, 360 );
/* fl_arc( cr, px, py, pw + po * 1, 0, 360 ); */
fl_color( c = fl_darker( c ) );
// fl_color_alpha( c = fl_darker( c ), 0.5 );
fl_arc( px - ( po * 4 ), py - ( po * 4 ), pw + ( po * 8 ), ph + (po * 8 ), 0, 360 );
/* fl_arc( cr, px, py, pw + po * 1, 0, 360 ); */
/* draw number */
char pat[4];
snprintf( pat, 4, "%d", i + 1 );
fl_color( FL_BLACK );
fl_font( FL_HELVETICA, ph + 2 );
fl_draw( pat, px + 1, py + 1, pw - 1, ph - 1, FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
/* draw line */
/* fl_color( FL_WHITE ); */
/* fl_line( bx + pw() / 2, by + ph() / 2, tx + (tw / 2), ty + (th / 2) ); */
fl_line_style( FL_SOLID, 0 );
/* return the current gain setting for the path in/out */
Panner::Point *
Panner::point( int i )
return &_points[ i ];
Panner::handle ( int m )
int r = Fl_Widget::handle( m );
switch ( m )
case FL_ENTER:
case FL_LEAVE:
return 1;
case FL_PUSH:
if ( Fl::event_button2() )
_bypassed = ! _bypassed;
return 1;
if ( Fl::event_button1() )
drag = event_point();
return 1;
if ( Fl::event_button1() && drag )
drag = NULL;
return 1;
return 0;
/* TODO: place point on opposite face of sphere */
case FL_DRAG:
if ( ! drag )
return 0;
/* else if ( Fl::event_button1() && ( drag = event_point() ) ) */
/* return 1; */
/* else */
float X = Fl::event_x() - x();
float Y = Fl::event_y() - y();
int tx, ty, tw, th;
bbox( tx, ty, tw, th );
/* if ( _outs < 3 ) */
/* drag->angle( (float)(X / (tw / 2)) - 1.0f, 0.0f ); */
/* else */
drag->angle( (float)(X / (tw / 2)) - 1.0f, (float)(Y / (th / 2)) - 1.0f );
if ( when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED )
return 1;
return r;
// return 0;