
309 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Moore Liles */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it */
/* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for */
/* more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along */
/* with This program; see the file COPYING. If not,write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include "Disk_Stream.H"
#include "Track_Header.H"
#include "Audio_Track.H"
#include "Port.H"
#include "Engine.H" // for locking.
/* Engine */
/* A Disk_Stream uses a separate I/O thread to stream a track's
regions from disk into a ringbuffer, to be processed by the RT
thread (or vice-versa). The I/O thread syncronizes access with the
user thread via the Timeline mutex. The size of the buffer (in
seconds) must be set before any Disk_Stream objects are created;
that is, at startup time. The default is 5 seconds, which may or
may not be excessive depending on various external factors. */
/* FIXME: handle termination of IO thread in destructor */
/* FIXME: deal with (jack) buffer size changes */
/* FIXME: needs error handling everywhere! */
/* TODO: handle capture too */
float Disk_Stream::seconds_to_buffer = 1.0f;
// size_t Disk_Stream::disk_block_frames = 2048;
Disk_Stream::Disk_Stream ( Track_Header *th, float frame_rate, nframes_t nframes, int channels ) : _th( th )
_frame = 0;
_thread = 0;
_terminate = false;
_pending_seek = -1;
printf( "nframes %lu\n", nframes );
_total_blocks = frame_rate * seconds_to_buffer / nframes;
_nframes = nframes;
size_t bufsize = _total_blocks * nframes * sizeof( sample_t );
/* const int blocks = 64; */
/* const size_t bufsize = (blocks * (nframes * sizeof( sample_t ))) + sizeof( sample_t ); */
for ( int i = channels; i--; )
_rb.push_back( jack_ringbuffer_create( bufsize ) );
sem_init( &_blocks, 0, _total_blocks );
Disk_Stream::~Disk_Stream ( )
/* stop the IO thread */
_terminate = true;
pthread_join( _thread, NULL );
/* it isn't safe to do all this with the RT thread running */
_th = NULL;
sem_destroy( &_blocks );
for ( int i = channels(); i--; )
jack_ringbuffer_free( _rb[ i ] );
Audio_Track *
Disk_Stream::track ( void )
return (Audio_Track*)_th->track();
/** start Disk_Stream thread */
Disk_Stream::run ( void )
if ( pthread_create( &_thread, NULL, &Disk_Stream::io_thread, this ) != 0 )
/* error */;
/* to be called when the JACK buffer size changes. */
Disk_Stream::resize ( nframes_t nframes )
if ( nframes != _nframes )
/* FIXME: to something here! */;
Disk_Stream::seek_pending ( void )
return _pending_seek != (nframes_t)-1;
/* THREAD: RT */
/** request that the IO thread perform a seek and rebuffer. This is
called for each Disk_Stream whenever the RT thread determines that
the transport has jumped to a new position. This is called *before*
process. */
Disk_Stream::seek ( nframes_t frame )
printf( "requesting seek\n" );
if ( seek_pending() )
printf( "seek error, attempt to seek while seek is pending\n" );
_pending_seek = frame;
/* flush buffers */
for ( int i = channels(); i--; )
jack_ringbuffer_read_advance( _rb[ i ], jack_ringbuffer_read_space( _rb[ i ] ) );
/* dirty hack... reset the semaphore. Should we just call sem_init
* again instead? */
/* sem_init( &_blocks, 0, _total_blocks ); */
int n;
sem_getvalue( &_blocks, &n );
n = _total_blocks - n;
while ( n-- )
sem_post( &_blocks );
/* void */
/* DIsk_Stream::shutdown ( void ) */
/* { */
/* pthread_join( &_thread, NULL ); */
/* } */
/* static wrapper */
void *
Disk_Stream::io_thread ( void *arg )
return NULL;
/* THREAD: IO */
/** read /nframes/ from the attached track into /buf/ */
Disk_Stream::read_block ( sample_t *buf, nframes_t nframes )
memset( buf, 0, nframes * sizeof( sample_t ) * channels() );
/* stupid chicken/egg */
if ( ! timeline )
// printf( "IO: attempting to read block @ %lu\n", _frame );
if ( ! track() )
// _frame += _nframes;
if ( track()->play( buf, _frame, nframes, channels() ) )
_frame += nframes;
/* error */;
Disk_Stream::output_buffer_percent ( void )
int n;
sem_getvalue( &_blocks, &n );
return 100 - (n * 100 / _total_blocks);
/* THREAD: IO */
Disk_Stream::io_thread ( void )
printf( "IO thread running...\n" );
/* buffer to hold the interleaved data returned by the track reader */
sample_t *buf = new sample_t[ _nframes * channels() ];
/* buffer for a single channel */
sample_t *cbuf = new sample_t[ _nframes ];
const size_t block_size = _nframes * sizeof( sample_t );
while ( wait_for_block() )
// printf( "IO: RT thread is ready for more data...\n" );
// printf( "IO: disk buffer is %3d%% full\r", output_buffer_percent() );
// lock(); // for seeking
if ( seek_pending() )
printf( "performing seek\n" );
_frame = _pending_seek;
_pending_seek = -1;
/* finish flushing the buffer */
/* for ( int i = channels(); i-- ) */
/* jack_ringbuffer_write_advance( _rb[ i ], jack_ringbuffer_write_space( _rb[ i ] ) ); */
/* FIXME: should we not read from disk in larger-than-JACK-buffer blocks? */
read_block( buf, _nframes );
// unlock(); // for seeking
/* deinterleave the buffer and stuff it into the per-channel ringbuffers */
for ( int i = channels(); i--; )
int k = 0;
for ( unsigned int j = i; k < _nframes; j += channels() )
cbuf[ k++ ] = buf[ j ];
while ( jack_ringbuffer_write_space( _rb[ i ] ) < block_size )
printf( "IO: disk buffer overrun!\n" );
/* FIXME: is this *really* the right thing to do? */
usleep( 2000 );
jack_ringbuffer_write( _rb[ i ], (char*)cbuf, block_size );
printf( "IO thread terminating.\n" );
delete[] buf;
delete[] cbuf;
/* THREAD: RT */
/** take a single block from the ringbuffers and send it out the
* attached track's ports */
Disk_Stream::process ( nframes_t nframes )
const size_t block_size = nframes * sizeof( sample_t );
// printf( "process: %lu %lu %lu\n", _frame, _frame + nframes, nframes );
for ( int i = channels(); i--; )
void *buf = _th->output[ i ].buffer( nframes );
if ( jack_ringbuffer_read( _rb[ i ], (char*)buf, block_size ) < block_size )
printf( "RT: buffer underrun (disk can't keep up).\n" );
memset( buf, 0, block_size );
/* FIXME: we need to resync somehow */
/* /\* testing. *\/ */
/* FILE *fp = fopen( "", "a" ); */
/* fwrite( buf, block_size, 1, fp ); */
/* fclose( fp ); */
/* FIXME: bogus */
return nframes;