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;;; ob-tmux.el --- Babel Support for Interactive Terminal -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 2017 Allard Hendriksen
;; Author: Allard Hendriksen
;; Keywords: literate programming, interactive shell, tmux
;; URL: https://github.com/ahendriksen/ob-tmux
;; Version: 0.1.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (seq "2.3"))
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Org-Babel support for tmux.
;; Heavily inspired by 'eev' from Eduardo Ochs and ob-screen.el from
;; Benjamin Andresen.
;; Adding :terminal as header arguments
;; :terminal must support the -T (title) and -e (command) parameter
;; or allow for the command to be added after '--'
;; You can test the default setup. (gnome-terminal) with
;; M-x org-babel-tmux-test RET
;;; Code:
(require 'ob)
(require 'seq)
(defvar org-babel-tmux-location "tmux"
"The command location for tmux.
In case you want to use a different tmux than one selected by your $PATH")
(defvar org-babel-tmux-session-prefix "org-babel-session-"
"The string that will be prefixed to tmux sessions started by ob-tmux")
(defvar org-babel-tmux-default-window-name "ob1"
"The default tmux window name used for windows that are not
explicitly named in an org session.")
(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:tmux
'((:results . "silent")
(:session . "default")
(:socket . nil)
(:terminal . "gnome-terminal"))
"Default arguments to use when running tmux source blocks.")
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("tmux" . sh))
;; org-babel interface
(defun org-babel-execute:tmux (body params)
"Send a block of code via tmux to a terminal using Babel.
\"default\" session is used when none is specified."
(message "Sending source code block to interactive terminal session...")
(let* ((org-session (cdr (assq :session params)))
(terminal (cdr (assq :terminal params)))
(socket (cdr (assq :socket params)))
(socket (when socket (expand-file-name socket)))
(ob-session (ob-tmux--from-org-session org-session socket))
(session-alive (ob-tmux--session-alive-p ob-session))
(window-alive (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)))
;; Create tmux session and window if they do not yet exist
(unless session-alive (ob-tmux--create-session ob-session))
(unless window-alive (ob-tmux--create-window ob-session))
;; Start terminal window if the session does not yet exist
(unless session-alive
(ob-tmux--start-terminal-window ob-session terminal))
;; Wait until tmux window is available
(while (not (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)))
;; Disable window renaming from within tmux
(ob-tmux--disable-renaming ob-session)
ob-session (org-babel-expand-body:generic body params)))))
;; ob-tmux object
(cl-defstruct (ob-tmux- (:constructor ob-tmux--create)
(:copier ob-tmux--copy))
(defun ob-tmux--from-org-session (org-session &optional socket)
"Creates a new ob-tmux-session object from org-session specification."
(defun -tmux-session (org-session)
(let* ((session (car (split-string org-session ":"))))
(concat org-babel-tmux-session-prefix
(if (string-empty-p session) "default" session))))
(defun -tmux-window (org-session)
(let* ((window (cadr (split-string org-session ":"))))
(if (string-empty-p window) nil window)))
:session (-tmux-session org-session)
:window (-tmux-window org-session)
:socket socket))
(defun ob-tmux--window-default (ob-session)
"Extracts the tmux window from the ob-tmux- object.
Returns `org-babel-tmux-default-window-name' if no window specified."
(if (ob-tmux--window ob-session)
(ob-tmux--window ob-session)
(defun ob-tmux--target (ob-session)
"Constructs a tmux target from the `ob-tmux-' object.
If no window is specified, use first window."
(let* ((target-session (ob-tmux--session ob-session))
(window (ob-tmux--window ob-session))
(target-window (if window (concat "=" window) "^")))
(concat target-session ":" target-window)))
;; Process execution functions
(defun ob-tmux--execute (ob-session &rest args)
"Executes a tmux command with arguments as given."
(if (ob-tmux--socket ob-session)
(apply 'start-process "ob-tmux" "*Messages*"
"-S" (ob-tmux--socket ob-session)
(apply 'start-process
"ob-tmux" "*Messages*" org-babel-tmux-location args)))
(defun ob-tmux--execute-string (ob-session &rest args)
"Executes a tmux command with arguments as given.
Returns stdout as a string."
(let* ((socket (ob-tmux--socket ob-session))
(args (if socket (cons "-S" (cons socket args)) args)))
(concat org-babel-tmux-location " "
(s-join " " args)))))
(defun ob-tmux--start-terminal-window (ob-session terminal)
"Starts a terminal window with tmux attached to session."
(let* ((process-name (concat "org-babel: terminal")))
(unless (ob-tmux--socket ob-session)
(if (string-equal terminal "xterm")
(start-process process-name "*Messages*"
"-T" (ob-tmux--target ob-session)
"-e" org-babel-tmux-location "attach-session"
"-t" (ob-tmux--target ob-session))
(start-process process-name "*Messages*"
terminal "--"
org-babel-tmux-location "attach-session"
"-t" (ob-tmux--target ob-session))))))
;; Tmux interaction
(defun ob-tmux--create-session (ob-session)
"Creates a tmux session if it does not yet exist."
(unless (ob-tmux--session-alive-p ob-session)
(ob-tmux--execute ob-session
;; TODO: set socket
"-d" ;; just create the session, don't attach.
"-c" (expand-file-name "~") ;; start in home directory
"-s" (ob-tmux--session ob-session)
"-n" (ob-tmux--window-default ob-session))))
(defun ob-tmux--create-window (ob-session)
"Creates a tmux window in session if it does not yet exist."
(unless (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)
(ob-tmux--execute ob-session
;; TODO: set socket
"-c" (expand-file-name "~") ;; start in home directory
"-n" (ob-tmux--window-default ob-session)
"-t" (ob-tmux--session ob-session))))
(defun ob-tmux--set-window-option (ob-session option value)
"If window exists, set option for window."
(when (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)
(ob-tmux--execute ob-session
;; TODO set socket
"-t" (ob-tmux--target ob-session)
option value)))
(defun ob-tmux--disable-renaming (ob-session)
"Disable renaming features for tmux window.
Disabling renaming improves the chances that ob-tmux will be able
to find the window again later."
(ob-tmux--set-window-option ob-session "allow-rename" "off")
(ob-tmux--set-window-option ob-session "automatic-rename" "off")))
(defun ob-tmux--send-keys (ob-session line)
"If window exists, send a line of text to it."
(when (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)
(ob-tmux--execute ob-session
;; TODO set socket
"-t" (ob-tmux--target ob-session)
line "\n")))
(defun ob-tmux--send-body (ob-session body)
"If window exists, send body to it."
(let ((lines (split-string body "[\n\r]+")))
(when (ob-tmux--window-alive-p ob-session)
(mapc (lambda (l) (ob-tmux--send-keys ob-session l)) lines))))
;; Tmux interrogation
(defun ob-tmux--session-alive-p (ob-session)
"Check if SESSION exists by parsing output of \"tmux ls\"."
(let* ((tmux-ls (ob-tmux--execute-string ob-session "ls -F '#S'"))
(tmux-session (ob-tmux--session ob-session)))
(seq-filter (lambda (x) (string-equal tmux-session x))
(split-string tmux-ls "\n")))))
(defun ob-tmux--window-alive-p (ob-session)
"Check if WINDOW exists in tmux session.
If no window is specified in org-session, returns 't."
(let* ((window (ob-tmux--window ob-session))
(target (ob-tmux--target ob-session))
(output (ob-tmux--execute-string ob-session
"-F 'yes_exists'"
"-t" (concat "'" target "'"))))
(cond (window
(string-equal "yes_exists\n" output))
((null window)
;; Test functions
(defun ob-tmux--open-file (path)
(insert-file-contents-literally path)
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun ob-tmux--test ()
"Test if the default setup works. The terminal should shortly flicker."
(let* ((random-string (format "%s" (random 99999)))
(tmpfile (org-babel-temp-file "ob-tmux-test-"))
(body (concat "echo '" random-string "' > " tmpfile))
(org-babel-execute:tmux body org-babel-default-header-args:tmux)
;; XXX: need to find a better way to do the following
(while (or (not (file-readable-p tmpfile))
(= 0 (length (ob-tmux--open-file tmpfile))))
;; do something, otherwise this will be optimized away
(format "org-babel-tmux: File not readable yet."))
(setq tmp-string (ob-tmux--open-file tmpfile))
(delete-file tmpfile)
(message (concat "org-babel-tmux: Setup "
(if (string-match random-string tmp-string)
"DOESN'T work.")))))
(provide 'ob-tmux)
;;; ob-tmux.el ends here