lifelinestyle ::solid participantspacing 10 participant :0 " " as p0 lifelinestyle p0 #white actor "Alice" as A participant :0 " " as p1 lifelinestyle p1 #white actor "Bob" as B participant :0 " " as p2 lifelinestyle p2 #white parallel box over A: ""//R[0]//"" = ""HKDF(0, //S//)"" box over B: ""//R[0]//"" = ""HKDF(0, //S//)"" parallel off box over A: generate new ratchet keypair ""//T[0]//"" A->B: ""//R[0]//(//msg0//)"", ""//T[0]//"" A->B: ""//R[0]//(//msg1//)"", ""//T[0]//"" A->B: ""//R[0]//(//msg2//)"", ""//T[0]//"" box over B: generate new ratchet keypair ""//T[1]//"" box over B: ""//R[1]//"" = ""HKDF(//R[0]//, DH(//T[1]//, //T[0]//))"" B->A: ""//R[1]//(//msg3//)"", ""//T[1]//"" box over A: ""//R[1]//"" = ""HKDF(//R[0]//, DH(//T[0]//, //T[1]//))"" B->A: ""//R[1]//(//msg4//)"", ""//T[1]//"" B->(13)A: ""//R[1]//(//msg5//)"", ""//T[1]//"" space -14 box over A: generate new ratchet keypair ""//T[2]//"" box over A: ""//R[2]//"" = ""HKDF(//R[1]//, DH(//T[2]//, //T[1]//))"" A->(3)B: ""//R[2]//(//msg6//)"", ""//T[2]//"" box over B: ""//R[2]//"" = ""HKDF(//R[1]//, DH(//T[1]//, //T[2]//))"" box over p0,p2 #EDF2AE:where:\n ""//S//"" is the shared secret derived from the 3ECDH exchange\n ""//R[n]//"" is a root key\n ""//T[n]//"" is a ratchet keypair\n ""HKDF(//salt//, //key//)"" means performing an HMAC-based key derivation with a salt value of ""//salt//"" and input key material of ""//key//""\n ""DH(//k1//, //k2//)"" means performing Diffie-Hellman with the private half of ""//k1//"" and the public half of ""//k2//""\n ""//R[n]//(//msg//)"" means a message encrypted with a key derived from root key ""//R[n]//""