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2016-01-15 23:33:29 +01:00
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<title>How you export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes</title>
<meta name="generator" content="Org-mode" />
<meta name="author" content="Fabrice Niessen" />
<meta name="description" content="Org-HTML export made simple."
<meta name="keywords" content="org-mode, export, html, theme, style, css, js, bigblow" />
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<div id="content">
<h1 class="title">How you export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes</h1>
<div id="table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href="#orgheadline3">1. Overview</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline1">1.1. Description</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline2">1.2. Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline6">2. Quotations</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline4">2.1. About Bigblow</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline5">2.2. About ReadTheOrg</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline9">3. Gallery</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline7">3.1. Bigblow</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline8">3.2. ReadTheOrg</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline10">4. Demo</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline14">5. Installing a theme</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline12">5.1. Bigblow</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline11">Local version</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline13">5.2. ReadTheOrg</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline19">6. Contributing</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline15">6.1. Issues</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline16">6.2. Patches</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline17">6.3. Donations</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline18">6.4. Follow me</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline20">7. License</a></li>
<a href="">
2016-01-16 00:03:54 +01:00
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2016-01-15 23:33:29 +01:00
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2016-01-16 00:03:54 +01:00
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2016-01-15 23:33:29 +01:00
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline3" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline3"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> Overview</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
</div><div id="outline-container-orgheadline1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline1"><span class="section-number-3">1.1</span> Description</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-1">
Though you can easily override CSS stylesheets and add your own HTML themes, we
can say (or write) that Org mode provides a <i>basic</i> HTML support.
<b>Org-HMTL themes</b> is an open source framework for providing you with a list of
very nice (cross-browser) themes for all your Org documents. Use them to <b>style
your docs</b>, and your colleagues will come up to tell you that you are a genius!
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Follow <a href="">f_niessen</a> on Twitter for updates on Org-HTML themes!
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline2"><span class="section-number-3">1.2</span> Requirements</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-2">
Org mode version 8 (or later) is required.
If such a version is not bundled with your Emacs, install one from ELPA.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline6" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline6"><span class="section-number-2">2</span> Quotations</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-2">
</div><div id="outline-container-orgheadline4" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline4"><span class="section-number-3">2.1</span> About Bigblow</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-1">
&ldquo;Very very nice, I enjoy it a lot.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Ista Zahn</i>
&ldquo;This is awesome. I love it!&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Rainer M Krug</i>
&ldquo;This is awesome!!&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Mehul Sanghvi</i>
&ldquo;This very nice html theme. [&#x2026;] I cannot use another emacs-theme than your
<a href="">emacs-leuven-theme</a>, and it is going to be probably the same with your html
theme!&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Joseph Vidal-Rosset</i>
&ldquo;Thanks a lot for sharing [&#x2026;] the wonderful Bigblow theme. I create lot of
specification for other team members to use. It has always been a trouble to
share and maintain such spec. Now, I can create a much neater spec which is
available for the team&rsquo;s reference as a webpage.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Shankar R.</i>
&ldquo;I like Bigblow the best. I&rsquo;ve exported most of my Org files using this theme
and published them within my company&rsquo;s intranet. Thanks for sharing this
wonderful package!&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Richard K.</i>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline5" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline5"><span class="section-number-3">2.2</span> About ReadTheOrg</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-2-2">
&ldquo;OMG. The ReadTheOrg theme for exported HTML from org mode files is eye
wateringly beautiful. Thank you!&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Rob Stewart</i>
&ldquo;It is fantastic, so beautiful. I will switch several of my pages over to
this theme.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Carsten D.</i>
&ldquo;That is incredibly impressive. Thanks for this.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Noah R.</i>
&ldquo;Thank you! I enjoy your themes. The best ones I&rsquo;ve ever found.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Kang T.</i>
&ldquo;Awesome theme. Wonderful job. You&rsquo;re doing a wonderful thing &#x2014; it will
enable people (at least those who use Emacs and Org mode) to put together
on-line reference works in a much-more usable fashion than is currently
available.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>D. C. Toedt</i>
&ldquo;Extremely useful.&rdquo; <br />
&#x2013; <i>Thomas S. Dye</i>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline9" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline9"><a id="ID-79e0ed21-c3b0-4f00-bdab-29fbff9dcad4"></a><span class="section-number-2">3</span> Gallery</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-3">
This is a list of available <b>HTML themes for Org mode</b>, which you can use right
now! Well, I hope to have more than one in a couple of weeks&#x2026;
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline7" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline7"><span class="section-number-3">3.1</span> Bigblow</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-3-1">
Bigblow is perfect for your work: it is a clean design aimed at optimal <b>Org
mode experience in your browser</b>. It looks just awesome!
<div class="figure">
<p><a href="" width="640"><img src="bigblow.png" alt="bigblow.png" width="640" /></a>
Click on the image for a quick demo of Bigblow (2:49 min, no audio).
Keyboard shortcuts to save time and boost your productivity:
<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
<col class="org-left" />
<col class="org-left" />
<th scope="col" class="org-left">Shortcut</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-left">What it does</th>
<td class="org-left"><code>?</code> or <code>h</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Access the <b>dashboard</b></td>
<td class="org-left"><code>n</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Move to the <b>next</b> main heading</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>p</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Move to the <b>previous</b> main heading</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>b</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Scroll up</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>&lt;</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Scroll to top</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>&gt;</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Scroll to bottom</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>-</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Collapse all</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>+</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Expand all</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>r</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Go to next task in list</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>R</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Go to previous task in list</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>q</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Stop reviewing the list of tasks</td>
<td class="org-left"><code>g</code></td>
<td class="org-left">Reload the page</td>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline8" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline8"><span class="section-number-3">3.2</span> ReadTheOrg</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-3-2">
ReadTheOrg is a clone of the official &#x2013; and great! &#x2013; theme (called <a href="">Sphinx</a>)
used in the <a href="">Read The Docs</a> site. It gives a beautiful and professional style to
all your Org docs.
<b>Thanks to the creator(s) of Sphinx!</b>
<div class="figure">
<p><img src="readtheorg.png" alt="readtheorg.png" width="640" />
<div class="note">
While the original theme shines on mobile devices as well, ReadTheOrg does not
stay completely functional.
I don&rsquo;t have a lot of time to maintain this project due to other
responsibilities. Help is welcome to work on that (and eventually improve the
default structure of the HTML export)!
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline10" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline10"><span class="section-number-2">4</span> Demo</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
I&rsquo;ve written a demo page for the themes that provides a maximal working support
of Org mode syntax.
Please see the <a href="">Org mode refcard</a> page for full examples of headings, code,
admonitions, footnotes, tables and other details.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline14" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline14"><span class="section-number-2">5</span> Installing a theme</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-5">
Using a theme from the <a href="#orgheadline9">theme gallery</a> for your own Org documents is very easy:
you just need to clone the Org-HTML themes project, add a <code>#+SETUPFILE:</code> directive
in the preamble to include the CSS and JavaScript files, then export your Org
mode file to HTML.
You can either:
<ul class="org-ul">
copy the &ldquo;setup file&rdquo; of the chosen theme to the directory of your Org files,
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-meta-line">#+SETUPFILE: THEME-NAME.setup</span>
use the (relative or absolute) path to the &ldquo;setup file&rdquo; (in your Git local
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-meta-line">#+SETUPFILE: path/to/Git/repo/setup/THEME-NAME.setup</span>
Then export your Org mode file to HTML with <code>org-html-export-to-html</code> or with <code>C-c
C-e h h</code>.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline12" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline12"><span class="section-number-3">5.1</span> Bigblow</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-5-1">
In order to use the Bigblow style, just copy the <a href="setup/theme-bigblow.setup">theme-bigblow.setup</a> file to
your project and link to it this way:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-meta-line">#+SETUPFILE: theme-bigblow.setup</span>
If you prefer, you can add the content of the setup file at the beginning of
your Org file instead:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-comment"># -*- mode: org; -*-</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<a href=";/">"/</a>&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<a href=";/">"/</a>&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<a href=";/">"/</a>&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline11" class="outline-4">
<h4 id="orgheadline11">Local version</h4>
<div class="outline-text-4" id="text-orgheadline11">
Here a local version (using relative paths):
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-comment"># -*- mode: org; -*-</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/bigblow/css/htmlize.css"/&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/bigblow/css/bigblow.css"/&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/bigblow/css/hideshow.css"/&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/jquery-ui-1.10.2.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/jquery.localscroll-min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/jquery.scrollTo-"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/jquery.zclip.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/bigblow.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/bigblow/js/hideshow.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="styles/lib/js/jquery.stickytableheaders.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline13" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline13"><span class="section-number-3">5.2</span> ReadTheOrg</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-5-2">
In order to use the ReadTheOrg style, just copy the <a href="setup/theme-readtheorg.setup">theme-readtheorg.setup</a> file
to your project and link to it this way:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-org-meta-line">#+SETUPFILE: theme-readtheorg.setup</span>
If you prefer, you can add the content of the setup file at the beginning of
your Org file instead:
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-org"><span class="org-comment"># -*- mode: org; -*-</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<a href=";/">"/</a>&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<a href=";/">"/</a>&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<span class="org-org-meta-line">#+HTML_HEAD: &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="<a href=""></a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</span>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline19" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline19"><span class="section-number-2">6</span> Contributing</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-6">
</div><div id="outline-container-orgheadline15" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline15"><span class="section-number-3">6.1</span> Issues</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-6-1">
Report issues and suggest features and improvements on the <a href="">GitHub issue tracker</a>.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline16" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline16"><span class="section-number-3">6.2</span> Patches</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-6-2">
I love contributions! Patches under any form are always welcome!
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline17" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline17"><span class="section-number-3">6.3</span> Donations</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-6-3">
If you like the org-html-themes project (or any of <a href="">my other projects</a>), you can
show your appreciation and help support future development by making today
a <a href=";business=VCVAS6KPDQ4JC&amp;lc=BE&amp;item_number=org-html-themes&amp;currency_code=EUR&amp;bn=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donate_LG.gif:NonHosted">donation</a> through PayPal.
Regardless of the donations, org-html-themes will always be free both as in
beer and as in speech.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline18" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline18"><span class="section-number-3">6.4</span> Follow me</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-6-4">
I have an <a href="">f_niessen</a> account on Twitter. You should follow it.
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline20" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline20"><span class="section-number-2">7</span> License</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-7">
Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Fabrice Niessen.
Author: Fabrice Niessen <br />
Keywords: org-mode html themes
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <a href=""></a>.
<a href="">
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2016-01-16 00:03:54 +01:00
<img src="" alt="btn_donate_LG.gif" />
2016-01-15 23:33:29 +01:00
<div id="postamble" class="status">
<p class="author">Author: Fabrice Niessen</p>
<p class="validation"><a href="">Validate</a></p>