#+TITLE: How you export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes #+AUTHOR: Fabrice Niessen #+EMAIL: (concat "fniessen" at-sign "pirilampo.org") #+DESCRIPTION: Org-HTML export made simple. #+KEYWORDS: org-mode, export, html, theme, style, css, js, bigblow #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:4 toc:t num:2 #+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no #+SETUPFILE: setup/theme-readtheorg.setup #+html: #+html: :license-gpl-blue.svg #+html: #+html: #+html: btn_donate_LG.gif #+html: * Overview ** Description Though you can easily override CSS stylesheets and add your own HTML themes, we can say (or write) that Org mode provides a /basic/ HTML support. *Org-HMTL themes* is an open source framework for providing you with a list of very nice (cross-browser) themes for all your Org documents. Use them to *style your docs*, and your colleagues will come up to tell you that you are a genius! Share this content by tweeting this page: #+html: #+html: Tweet Follow [[https://twitter.com/f_niessen][f_niessen]] on Twitter for updates on Org-HTML themes! ** Requirements Org mode version 8 (or later) is required. If such a version is not bundled with your Emacs, install one from ELPA. * Quotations ** About Bigblow "Very very nice, I enjoy it a lot." \\ -- /Ista Zahn/ "This is awesome. I love it!" \\ -- /Rainer M Krug/ "This is awesome!!" \\ -- /Mehul Sanghvi/ "This very nice html theme. [...] I cannot use another emacs-theme than your [[https://github.com/fniessen/emacs-leuven-theme][emacs-leuven-theme]], and it is going to be probably the same with your html theme!" \\ -- /Joseph Vidal-Rosset/ "Thanks a lot for sharing [...] the wonderful Bigblow theme. I create lot of specification for other team members to use. It has always been a trouble to share and maintain such spec. Now, I can create a much neater spec which is available for the team's reference as a webpage." \\ -- /Shankar R./ "I like Bigblow the best. I've exported most of my Org files using this theme and published them within my company's intranet. Thanks for sharing this wonderful package!" \\ -- /Richard K./ ** About ReadTheOrg "OMG. The ReadTheOrg theme for exported HTML from org mode files is eye wateringly beautiful. Thank you!" \\ -- /Rob Stewart/ "It is fantastic, so beautiful. I will switch several of my pages over to this theme." \\ -- /Carsten D./ "That is incredibly impressive. Thanks for this." \\ -- /Noah R./ "Thank you! I enjoy your themes. The best ones I've ever found." \\ -- /Kang T./ "Awesome theme. Wonderful job. You're doing a wonderful thing --- it will enable people (at least those who use Emacs and Org mode) to put together on-line reference works in a much-more usable fashion than is currently available." \\ -- /D. C. Toedt/ "Extremely useful." \\ -- /Thomas S. Dye/ * Gallery :PROPERTIES: :ID: 79e0ed21-c3b0-4f00-bdab-29fbff9dcad4 :END: This is a list of available *HTML themes for Org mode*, which you can use right now! Well, I hope to have more than one in a couple of weeks... ** Bigblow Bigblow is perfect for your work: it is a clean design aimed at optimal *Org mode experience in your browser*. It looks just awesome! #+ATTR_HTML: :width 640 [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnSGSiXYuOk][file:bigblow.png]] Click on the image for a quick demo of Bigblow (2:49 min, no audio). Keyboard shortcuts to save time and boost your productivity: | Shortcut | What it does | |----------+-----------------------------------| | =?= or =h= | Access the *dashboard* | | =n= | Move to the *next* main heading | | =p= | Move to the *previous* main heading | | =b= | Scroll up | | =<= | Scroll to top | | =>= | Scroll to bottom | | =-= | Collapse all | | =+= | Expand all | | =r= | Go to next task in list | | =R= | Go to previous task in list | | =q= | Stop reviewing the list of tasks | | =g= | Reload the page | ** ReadTheOrg ReadTheOrg is a clone of the official -- and great! -- theme (called [[https://github.com/snide/sphinx_rtd_theme][Sphinx]]) used in the [[http://docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/][Read The Docs]] site. It gives a beautiful and professional style to all your Org docs. *Thanks to the creator(s) of Sphinx!* #+ATTR_HTML: :width 640 [[file:readtheorg.png]] #+begin_note While the original theme shines on mobile devices as well, ReadTheOrg does not stay completely functional. I don't have a lot of time to maintain this project due to other responsibilities. Help is welcome to work on that (and eventually improve the default structure of the HTML export)! #+end_note * Demo I've written a demo page for the themes that provides a maximal working support of Org mode syntax. Please see the [[https://github.com/fniessen/refcard-org-mode][Org mode refcard]] page for full examples of headings, code, admonitions, footnotes, tables and other details. * Installing a theme Using a theme from the [[id:79e0ed21-c3b0-4f00-bdab-29fbff9dcad4][theme gallery]] for your own Org documents is very easy: you just need to clone the Org-HTML themes project, add a =#+SETUPFILE:= directive in the preamble to include the CSS and JavaScript files, then export your Org mode file to HTML. You can either: - copy the "setup file" of the chosen theme to the directory of your Org files, #+begin_src org :exports code ,#+SETUPFILE: THEME-NAME.setup #+end_src or - use the (relative or absolute) path to the "setup file" (in your Git local repository) #+begin_src org :exports code ,#+SETUPFILE: path/to/Git/repo/setup/THEME-NAME.setup #+end_src Then export your Org mode file to HTML with =org-html-export-to-html= or with =C-c C-e h h=. ** Bigblow In order to use the Bigblow style, just copy the [[file:setup/theme-bigblow.setup][theme-bigblow.setup]] file to your project and link to it this way: #+begin_src org :exports code ,#+SETUPFILE: theme-bigblow.setup #+end_src If you prefer, you can add the content of the setup file at the beginning of your Org file instead: #+begin_src org :exports code :tangle setup/theme-bigblow.setup # -*- mode: org; -*- ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: #+end_src *** Local version Here a local version (using relative paths): #+begin_src org :exports code :tangle setup/theme-bigblow-local.setup # -*- mode: org; -*- ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: #+end_src ** ReadTheOrg In order to use the ReadTheOrg style, just copy the [[file:setup/theme-readtheorg.setup][theme-readtheorg.setup]] file to your project and link to it this way: #+begin_src org :exports code ,#+SETUPFILE: theme-readtheorg.setup #+end_src If you prefer, you can add the content of the setup file at the beginning of your Org file instead: #+begin_src org :exports code :tangle setup/theme-readtheorg.setup # -*- mode: org; -*- ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: ,#+HTML_HEAD: #+end_src * Contributing ** Issues Report issues and suggest features and improvements on the [[https://github.com/fniessen/org-html-themes/issues/new][GitHub issue tracker]]. ** Patches I love contributions! Patches under any form are always welcome! ** Donations Do you like the org-html-themes project (or any of [[https://github.com/fniessen/][my other projects]])? If so, you can consider showing your appreciation and help support future development by making today a [[https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=VCVAS6KPDQ4JC&lc=BE&item_number=org%2dhtml%2dthemes¤cy_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted][donation]] through PayPal. Thanks! Regardless of the donations, org-html-themes will always be free both as in beer and as in speech. ** Follow me I have an [[https://twitter.com/f_niessen][f_niessen]] account on Twitter. You should follow it. * License Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Fabrice Niessen. Author: Fabrice Niessen \\ Keywords: org-mode html themes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. #+html: #+html: :license-gpl-blue.svg #+html: #+html: #+html: btn_donate_LG.gif #+html: